Chapter 300 The list of monsters ends
Hundreds of sword lights flew out, and Jiang Bai's dharma body was composed of heaven and earth energy, and its power was naturally comparable to that of an ordinary sword.

Jiang Bai jumped out, tapped the sea surface with his toes, and there was a layer of faint ripples, and his figure rose high into the sky.After being promoted to the Grandmaster Realm, he can already use the power between heaven and earth to fly in the air.


The monster dragon screamed in pain, and the sword lights easily broke through the barrier between the dragon scales and the monster energy. There is nothing better than ten thousand swords piercing through the heart.

The pitch-black dragon blood swayed down, turning into a scene of dragon blood all over the sky.The dragon's blood was terribly corrosive, and when it dripped onto the sea, it made a 'chi chi' sound, and the smoke filled it immediately.

"Damn human beings." The demon king cried out in pain, his figure fell from a high altitude, and he had no time to control his flight.


The bright sword light split and reunited, condensed in the direction of Jiang Bai, and kept pouring into the Dragon Burial Sword.Jiang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, caught up with the demon dragon, the body of the Dragon Burying Sword trembled slightly, and cut it directly in the air!

"In the final analysis, it's just Jiao..." Jiang Bai's indifferent voice echoed in the sky, and his figure fell on the sea surface, and stood with his sword drawn.

"I am the dragon, the lord of all demons, you lowly human, dare to defy me! You all must die!" The demon king's desperate roar resounded through the sky, and a silver scar pierced through his body, showing little by little.


The demon dragon was cut in half, and fell into the deep sea with two thuds. A generation of demon masters fell like this.

"If it weren't for the serious injury, you are [-]% sure that you can block the old man's sword." Jiang Bai smiled and shook his head. If it wasn't for the Dragon King's help this time, he really couldn't handle it.

He slowly raised his palm and caught the demon king's inner alchemy that was slowly falling. This is a nearly ten thousand year old demon alchemy. If he can refine it, his cultivation will definitely increase.

"Thank you fellow daoist this time." The figure of Dragon King rose from the sea, bowed to Jiang Bai, and thanked him sincerely.The injury he suffered has already recovered a little bit, and there is nothing serious about it.

"If it wasn't for the Dragon King, the Demon King wouldn't be able to fall." Jiang Bai returned a salute, and what he said was the truth.

"I didn't expect to see such a shocking sword one day. You can be a sword fairy." The Dragon King sighed. Jiang Bai's sword even made his heart tremble. Even if he blocked it, he would definitely be seriously injured.

"If you want to compliment me, I won't say much, Dragon King, I have something to ask." Jiang Bai stood on the surface of the sea, looking at the sea polluted by dragon blood, "Yangyan is too tempting for Wan Yao. , the old man can protect Sanfeng for a while, but not for a lifetime, after all, his life is not like ordinary human beings who only have a hundred years."

"You want to take Sanyuan, Sanfeng and others to practice?" Dragon King sighed, already guessing what Jiang Bai wanted to say.

"Well." Jiang Bai nodded, and didn't say anything more. He wanted to bring a few people back to Jianfeng to practice. After all, no matter whether it was cultivation resources or safety considerations, the plane of "Monster List" did not have Canglan Continental fit.

"My lord, do you still have a chance to see Sanyuan again?" Dragon King was suddenly a little sad, and asked reluctantly, but in his words, he had already acquiesced to Jiang Bai's suggestion.

Today they can kill the demon king and frighten all demons in the world, what if another demon master pops up tomorrow?The world is so big, there are countless powerful monsters who live in seclusion in the mountains and cultivate, and there are a few who are not tempted by Yangyan.

Yangyan is a peerless medicine for monsters.

"Hehe, the Dragon King is worrying too much, I will let Sanfeng come back to see you with Sanyuan. But if you want to communicate with peace of mind, I am afraid you can only wait until this world, after monsters and humans can live in peace." Jiang Bai chuckled With a sound, he opened his mouth and said.

"Live in peace? Is there really that day?" Dragon King frowned. Monsters and humans have been at war for some time. People want to destroy monsters, and monsters want to eat people. Can they really live in peace?

"Of course, there will always be such a day." Jiang Bai nodded affirmatively, remembered the scene of later generations, patted the Dragon King on the shoulder, and said, "Let Sanfeng and the others come out, the old man has to take them away."

After this battle, Jiang Bai and Dragon King have become close friends.

"I don't know if I'm free, can I go to Daoyou's house to play chess again?" Dragon King nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked.

"Naturally." Jiang Bai stretched out his hand a little, leaving a sword intent in the palm of the Dragon King, "If you want to come to Hanxia as a guest, just push this sword intent, and the old man will naturally sense it."

"Thank you very much." The Dragon King put away the sword intent, raised his hand, and a vortex rolled up in the sea.Several figures rose from it, naturally they were Su Jiuer, Sanyuan, Sanfeng and others.

"Daddy!" Sanyuan's eyes became wet, and he threw himself into the arms of the Dragon King.Although the little princess was a bit mischievous by nature, she still loved her father very much. Seeing her father seriously injured, she couldn't help but feel worried.

"Daddy, are you okay? Master... what's wrong with my daddy? Why is he covered in injuries." Sanyuan burst into tears, and tears of dragons fell into the sea.Sanyuan held up his little hand, caught a tear of the dragon, and quickly handed it to the Dragon King.

"Daddy, eat quickly, you'll be fine after eating." Sanyuan sobbed and said cutely.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat right now." The Dragon King smiled gratifiedly, this was the cutest time for his little princess.Although the injuries he suffered were all caused by the monster aura of the demon king, even he himself couldn't recover in a short time, and the tears of the dragon were useless.

The Dragon King swallowed the dragon's tears, straightened up quickly, and patted his chest, "Look, my little princess, my injuries are all healed."

"That's great, Daddy." Sanyuan smiled through tears.

Only Jiang Bai squinted his eyes, Jiu'er's cultivation was too weak, Sanyuan was too naive, and Sanfeng hadn't practiced yet.Only he could see that the Dragon King's appearance was forced, and the effect of the Dragon's Tears could not force the demon king's demonic energy out of his body.

"Sanfeng, Sanyuan, Jiu'er." Jiang Bai said slowly.

"Master." Jiu'er and Sanfeng both cupped their fists respectfully and looked at Jiang Bai.Sanyuan also raised his head from the Dragon King's arms, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"As a teacher, I plan to take you to another place to practice. Where is it far from here? If you say it is close, you may not have many chances to come back in the future." Jiang Bai made it clear directly, hoping that the three of them will have a good relationship Mental preparation.

"Is it because of me?" Although Sanfeng was young, he was not a fool. He could understand the reasons for so many things and asked.

"Well." Jiang Bai nodded, and did not choose to hide it, anyway, he will know sooner or later.


 Recommend my good friend Onion's new book, Great Chaos in the Lord God Dimension, introduction: Ling Yu was pulled into the Lord God Dimension, where the most worthless thing is human life.

  As long as you have the strength, you can kill anything, including gods.

  Ling Yu summoned heroic spirits to fight with other players in fate.

  Join the earth camp in the Super Seminary to defend against foreign enemies.

  Break through a hundred floors with other players in the sword.

  Crush sentient beings with supreme resources in Dou Po.

  In the Wu Geng period, he led the human race to slaughter the gods.


(End of this chapter)

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