Chapter 301 Chaos Dragon Returns to Ancestor

"It's time to go." Jiang Bai patted Mitutoyo's head. Sometimes knowing his own pressure is a good thing.

"System, end the crossing of the monster name unit. It will cost [-] points. I want to bring Sanfeng, Sanyuan, and Su Jiuer back." Jiang Bai sighed and put an end to this matter. Weiwei closed her eyes, and then told the system in her heart.

"Ding, consume [-] points to open the plane channel."


A colorful brilliance descended from the sky, covering the figures of Jiang Bai and others.The Dragon King on the side squinted slightly, he felt an inviolable force, he still underestimated Jiang Bai's strength, at least he couldn't do this step.

"With a human body, I can achieve such an achievement. If you are a real immortal, I will give you Sanyuan, and I am relieved." The Dragon King murmured, and slowly sank into the sea. Manage a huge sea area and can't leave.

"This is the sect of the master, Jianfeng, you will practice here in the future." Jiang Bai's figure appeared on the top of Jianfeng, Jiu'er and the others were still looking at the surrounding environment in astonishment, but did not respond come over.

"Is this still our original world?" Su Jiuer frowned, feeling the energy of the air, and asked strangely.

"It shouldn't be counted. This is called Canglan Continent, which is more dangerous than your original world. You all practice in Jianfeng, and the teacher will arrange someone to take care of you." Jiang Bai shook his head, urging With a hint of sword intent, he called Han Sheng to see him.

"Canglan Continent?" Sanfeng raised his head, looked around, and murmured.

"Well, above the sword peak, there is a large array of sword intents, and there are many places not to be messed around. As a teacher, I will give each of you a sword intent, which can block the influence of other sword intents on the sword peak." As he spoke, Ang Bai flicked his fingers, Three points of silver light fell on the eyebrows of the three of them.

"Jiu'er, Sanfeng is not worried as a teacher, and I hope you will take good care of Sanyuan."

"Understood. Master." Regarding this 'little rival in love', Su Jiu'er herself couldn't raise her defenses. Although she didn't want to, she couldn't bear it.Sighing helplessly, he nodded in agreement.

"Sovereign, what are you calling me for?" At this time, Han Sheng had already arrived at the peak, and just after receiving Jiang Bai's call, he interrupted his practice and rushed over without stopping.

"Han Sheng, these three are my new disciples. Sanfeng arranges to practice in the camp of direct disciples, and it is good to be with Ye Tian and the others. Sanyuan and Jiu'er, let Geraint and Argenta take care of them more Take care of them." Jiang Bai nodded, he was quite satisfied with Han Sheng's performance, and Jianfeng was well-organized without any mistakes.

"Yes." Han Sheng clasped his fists in agreement, looked at Jiu'er and the others out of the corner of his eye, and prepared to lead the way back.

"Slow down, Han Sheng, the old man will teach you another method, another technique." Jiang Bai shouted to Han Sheng, a silver glow lit up on his fingertips, and it fell into Han Sheng's mind between his fingers, "The method of refining, for In the future, the disciples of Jianfeng’s inner sect will practice the Taoist method. As for the book on alchemy, please tidy it up, and there will be an alchemy shop in the sect, and disciples who are suitable for alchemy can join it by themselves.”

"The old man remembers that the skill you have learned is of the fire attribute, which is suitable for alchemy. If you can refine the Huiyuan pill within three days, the old man will allow you to be the elder of the alchemy room." Jiang Bai's voice came out flatly, which can be regarded as It gave Han Sheng a way out.

Although Han Sheng is in charge of Jianfeng, he has no real power, and his cultivation is not high. If he can make progress in alchemy, he will have a bright future.

"Thank you, Sovereign." Han Sheng knelt down gratefully, and he naturally understood Jiang Bai's intentions. Since following Jiang Bai, his life has changed drastically, and he has long been satisfied.

"By the way, Jiu'er, you can ask your senior brother Geraint to help you refine that black dragon gem. He has the highest cultivation level among all the senior brothers, and he is a dragon himself, so he can help you." Jiang Baiduo reminded, waved his hand, and let a few people retreat.

Watching Jiu'er and others go down the peak, Jiang Baicai slowly lifted off on tiptoe, and added another item to the treasure list that can be exchanged for resources.Dragon's Tears, [-] points per piece, can instantly heal injuries.

"Our little princess has the potential to become a local tyrant wherever she goes." Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, the tears of the dragon are indeed magical, this is what he has personally experienced.If the Tears of the Dragon were spread to the outside world, it is estimated that there will be countless strong masters who will go bankrupt and want to exchange for it. This is an unsolvable way to save their lives.

As long as there is still a breath of life, taking the Dragon's Tears will heal the injury.Unless it is the case of the demon king, who can penetrate the evil spirit into the five internal organs and cannot clean it up, it is not an exaggeration to say that the tear of the dragon is the elixir of the living dead.

"Huh?" Jiang Bai was just about to go back to the peak to rest for a while, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he shifted his sight to the waterfall halfway up the mountain, which is the forbidden area of ​​Jianfeng.The Chaos Dragon, the guardian beast, lived there.

The Chaos Dragon has completely calmed down, and he only practiced the Nine Transformation Dragon Art with peace of mind all day long.

At this moment, a tyrannical coercion spread on the mountainside, and it continued to grow.A mighty dragon chant resounded through the sword peak, and the silhouette of the chaotic dragon was looming, which was obviously a harbinger of the third-level ferocious beast breaking through the fourth level.

The Chaos Dragon practiced the skills of a dragon in the Canglan Continent, so it is naturally considered a beast.He was originally at the third level of strength, so he directly entered the first two turns of the Nine Transformation Dragon Art.

Ferocious beasts are different from humans. Humans need to condense their dharma bodies to advance to the Grandmaster realm.And the ferocious beast is promoted to the fourth level, which is returning to the ancestors.

Ignite the blood in the body, seeking a breath of ancestors.Success is a great increase in strength, turning into a beast.If it fails, it will fall on the spot. After all, there is only one chance for a beast to return to its ancestors.

In fact, Geraint's cultivation has also reached the peak of the third level, but he has not dared to try to break through the fourth level. After all, he is also worried about his sister, and the danger of returning to his ancestors is still quite high.

"It's a bit reckless, no matter, after all, it is also the guardian beast of my sword peak now, so I can't just sit idly by." Jiang Bai sighed, the true energy in his body started to circulate, and the terrifying momentum lingered out, overwhelming the dragon's might of the chaotic dragon. offset.

After all, there are still many ordinary disciples in the peak, and they simply cannot bear the might of the Chaos Dragon.

"This is the guardian beast of Jianfeng. It is chaotic and advanced. All ordinary disciples are staying overnight and are not allowed to go out." Jiang Bai's majestic voice resounded up and down the entire Jianfeng, and his toes were a little empty, and he flew out directly.

As far as the eye can see, the scene directly next to the waterfall has become like a volcano. The Chaos Dragon rolled in pain on the spot, destroying a piece of rock with every move, and an invisible fire burned all over his body.


(End of this chapter)

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