Chapter 309 Meeting the Love Rival (1)
It is a good thing for everyone to live together, but it is difficult for Qin Zhener and the others when eating. In the end, Lin Qingxi simply asked everyone to come to the big courtyard of Daoyuan when eating, and she sent a special cook to the family. Cooking also saves each family from cooking separately, and eating with so many people is also lively.

That night, Lin Qingxi also invited Yan Yun, but she hadn't introduced him to her family for so long.

When Linyuan Mountain and the others knew that Yan Yun was a friend of Linqingxi's savior and had helped Linqingxi many times, they gradually became more friendly to him from being polite.

Yan Yun originally had the boldness of a knight-errant, and soon chatted with Linyuan Shan and Wu Zhensong. Even the old Lin family six brothers who were very wary of him did not show him a cold face.

"Xi girl, what are you doing, it smells so good!" Under the treatment of the jade fan, Mu's eyes could already see some light, but her sensitive nose was not dull , and soon smelled the sweet smell in the kitchen.

"Mother, these are the sweet potato pancakes made by the four of Ruo Xin and the others. Today I asked them to make some sweet potatoes for you to eat." Lin Qingxi said with a smile while hugging Lin Nian'an.

She still felt that Lin Nian'an's name sounded better, so she asked Lin Yuanshan to change the name of Lin Qinghao's son, Nian'an, Nian'an, she hoped that her little nephew would have a safe and successful life.

"Little aunt, I want to eat roasted sweet potatoes!" Lin Nianshui recently regained his "snack foodie" nature.

"Okay, later you go to the kitchen and ask sister Ruoxin to bake sweet potatoes for you!" Seeing the innocent smile on Lin Nianshui's face again, Lin Qingxi is changing up patterns to give him what he wants to eat every day, She is willing.

"Great, I'll go right away! Sister Ruoxin, Sister Ruoxin!" Lin Nianshui yelled and ran towards the kitchen.

"Nianyu, don't you want to eat?" Lin Qingxi sighed slightly as he looked at Lin Nianyu who was getting smaller and smaller.

Although she has come back to life, Lin Nianyu has not yet come out of the shadows of the past. She practiced martial arts at a young age, and she is desperate. Too obsessed.

"Little aunt, I don't want to eat! I'll just wait until I eat!" Lin Nianyu said while still thinking about the footwork that the white wolf taught him, he simply forgot to sleep and eat.

"Then little aunt will make you fried sweet potato balls later, okay? I remember that you used to like eating sweet things like Nian Shui?" Lin Qingxi hoped that even if Lin Nianyu couldn't return to the way it was before He should be as simple as a child of his age at least, and not have so many worries.

"Little aunt, I don't like eating sweets anymore, I've grown up. But I will definitely eat the things my little aunt makes." Lin Nianyu said very sensiblely.

"Can't you eat sweets when you grow up?" Lin Qingxi looked at Lin Nianyu strangely and asked.

"Well, Master said that when a man grows up, he must learn to drink. The first sip is bitter and spicy, but after another taste, there will be another taste. I want to learn to drink!" Lin Nianyu said seriously, The "master" in his mouth is the white wolf who never leaves the gourd.

"I think I need to change your master!" The most stable white wolf is teaching Lin Nianyu, Lin Qingxi decided to find someone else to teach him.

"Why don't you change me, my martial arts are not bad!" Yan Yun turned to look at Lin Qingxi and said with a smile.

His martial arts are not only not bad, they are simply at the peak, but if Yan Yun is to teach Lin Nianyu, Lin Nianyu will really become a martial idiot at a young age, Lin Qingxi thinks about it or forget it.

"No need, children just learn to play, it's enough for the white wolf to teach him!" Lin Qingxi refused.

"Is your martial arts higher than my master?" Lin Nianyu asked directly.

"Well, your master can't beat me!" Yan Yun said while looking at Lin Nianyu with a smile. In Lin Qingxi's eyes, he really looked like a big bad wolf who seduced Little Red Riding Hood.

"Master, can you beat him?" Lin Nianyu asked when he saw the white wolf who happened to appear.

The white wolf had just walked into the yard from the door, and before he knew what happened, Lin Nianyu asked him if he couldn't beat Yun Yun, and he replied almost without thinking, "Can't beat!"

He couldn't even beat Lin Qingxi, and Lin Qingxi said that Yan Yun's martial arts were better than hers, so naturally he couldn't beat Yan Yun.

Lin Nianyu looked at Bai Lang with disappointment, but soon there was light in his eyes again, he walked in front of Lin Qingxi, pulled her sleeve and said: "Little aunt, I want to learn martial arts from him. "

Seeing Lin Nianyu pointing at Yan Yun who was smiling at them, Lin Qingxi really wanted to give Yan Yun a hard look, but she held back.She said that as long as it is what Lin Nianyu wants, she will work hard to achieve it.

Since Yan Yun wants to be "overqualified", then she will satisfy him.

"Do you really want to teach Nianyu martial arts?" Lin Qingxi looked at Yun Yun and asked.

"I'll teach you if you agree!" Yan Yun said that he would not force her to do anything.

"Okay, I agree! However, I hope you not only teach Nianyu, but also Nianshui, as well as other children in Linjia Village, you don't have to agree!" Linqingxi didn't like to force him either.

"I agree!"

He has no reason not to agree to stay here and by her side in an open and honest manner!

"'Ling Han is more beautiful than Song Yun, spewing beauty and space to surprise the years. Ice and snow are different and true, and the roots and plants are rare in the old public garden.' This camellia is so beautiful, where did you get it?" Lin Qingxi looked at Xuan Yun in surprise and asked road.

At this time, there was heavy winter snow outside the window, and the dripping ice between the sky and the earth was pure white. However, in the warm accord with the wind and lotus in the Quyuan of Mandala Villa, there were several pots of graceful, fragrant and gorgeous camellias.

Red, white, purple, golden, and even a camellia with colorful stripes, all of which are extremely rare varieties of camellias.

"Camellia? This is a good new name, haha!" Seeing that Lin Qingxi liked these sea pomegranates very much, Yan Yun was also very happy, "These are called sea pomegranates, and they were planted by my mother. She likes this kind of flower very much." , knowing that I have been bothering you here, so I sent someone to send a few pots, she said, I hope you will like it."

It turned out that Yan Yun's mother planted it herself, and the camellia likes a warm and humid environment, so it can keep such a blooming and colorful appearance when sent to her, which shows that a lot of thought must have been spent on the road.

"I like it very much, thank you mother!"

In modern farmhouses, Linqingxi also planted camellias on a warm and sunny hillside. Unfortunately, those camellias were of ordinary varieties, and they were nothing compared to the camellias in front of us.

(End of this chapter)

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