Chapter 310 Meeting the Love Rival (2)
"I will bring your thanks to my mother, and she must be very happy to know that you like these camellias." Yan Yun said with a smile.

"Yu Yun, where is your home?" After knowing each other for so long, Lin Qingxi seems to have never asked about Yan Yun's life experience. He thought it was unnecessary before, but now he asks it naturally.

"My home is on an island in the south, where the seasons are like spring, the scenery is beautiful, there is no war or killing, and the islanders live a very peaceful and prosperous life. I have no brothers or sisters, only my parents and some servants at home."

Regarding his life experience, Yan Yun confessed frankly that he even hoped that Lin Qingxi would ask more about him, which meant that she was trying to understand him, and he also hoped that she would have more desire to find out about him.

"Why did you come out to such a desirable place?" Listening to Yunyun's description of his hometown, Linqingxi couldn't help but be full of yearning. How wonderful it would be without war and killing.

"I was kicked out by my father. He said that I would take up my mother's time with him on the island. Let me not be an eyesore, and I can go anywhere." Thinking of his father's domineering behavior, Yan Yun also Helpless smile.

"Ah!" Lin Qingxi looked at Yan Yun in surprise, and then laughed, "It seems that your father loves your mother very much, and treats your son like a super big light bulb."

"Light bulb? What's that?" Yan Yun asked curiously.

He found that sometimes, some new words would come out of Lin Qingxi's mouth, and he could guess some of them, but he couldn't guess the meaning of some of them.

Accidentally popping up modern vocabulary again, Lin Qingxi smiled and said: "It doesn't have any special meaning, you can interpret it as an eyesore."

"I'm really an eyesore in my father's eyes, ha ha!" All the islanders on the island knew that his father was a man who spoiled his wife too much.

"I'll say it first!"

"I'll say it first!"

At this moment, there was a small quarrel between Firefinch and Blue Luo outside the door.

"What's the matter?" Lin Qingxi asked outside the door.

Huoque and Lan Luo walked into the Accord together, the two of them refused to give in to each other, and they still made small movements with their hands.

"Lan Luo, Huoque, what's the matter with you two?" Lin Qingxi looked at the strange two people and asked again.

"Master, there are your guests over there in the rice field, and they are looking for you in a hurry!" Lan Luo said before Huoque.

"What guest?" Lin Qingxi asked.

"Yes—Wei Wang Chuxuan and Prince Xin." Lan Luo said.

When Lan Luo said this to Lin Qingxi, Huo Que also glanced at her master, but found that Yan Yun didn't respond at all, as if he knew that those two people would appear in the rice field.At this moment, she suddenly understood that the fire dragon must have given the news to the master long ago.

"Yuan Yun, I have to leave beforehand!" Lin Qingxi hurriedly led Lan Luo out.

After Linqingxi's master and servant left, Huoque looked at Yan Yun and asked, "Master, won't you follow?"

"No hurry, I'll go later!" Yan Yun said with a smile looking at the pots of camellias.

The flying snow covered the road ahead of Linqingxi. She rode a fast horse towards Lishui Bay. The thick fox fur danced with the wind and snow, and she rode directly to the rice field with eager anticipation. inside.

Turning over and dismounting, she saw Chu Xuan and Xin Moyang standing in the heavy snow, and at almost the same moment, the two also saw Lin Qingxi.

Snowflakes captivated the eyes, the three of them stood quietly in the snow without speaking, as they approached them slowly, the smiles on Linqingxi's face were like flowers blooming in spring.

"Brother Wei Xuan, Xin Moyang!"


"Lin Qingxi!"

The three of them got closer and closer, Chu Xuan took a quick step and hugged Lin Qingxi tightly, the embrace was not empty, and the heart that had been looking forward to all the way finally came to fruition.

Xin Moyang was stunned for a moment, he also wanted to hug Lin Qingxi tightly, but he hesitated, another woman suddenly appeared in his mind.No, he shook his head vigorously. For him, Lin Qingxi was the woman who occupied his life.

"Xi'er, Xi'er, is it really you? Is it really you?" Chu Xuan hugged him tighter and tighter, wishing to embed Linqingxi into his body and integrate with his life.

Lin Qingxi struggled a little, Chu Xuan's embrace was as warm as when he held her in the Yunzhou Inn back then, mixed with the coldness of severe winter.

"Brother Wei Xuan, it's really me. I'm not dead, but I might be strangled to death by you soon, ha ha!" Lin Qingxi said mischievously.

Chu Xuan gently let her go, then held her face in both hands, and stroked it more carefully. This is his Xi'er, and she is really still alive.

About the arrival of Chu Xuan and Xin Moyang to the rice garden, Jasmine who was in charge of the rice garden did not tell anyone else, nor did the people in the old Lin's family and the villagers know about it. On the battlefield is the enemy.

Lin Qingxi took Chu Xuan and Xin Moyang's hands and walked into the warm room together. They haven't seen each other for four years. Compared with those passing years, she feels that the relationship between the three has not become strange.

After sitting down in the room, Lin Qingxi briefly told the two people what happened after she fell off the cliff, and also asked them about what happened in the past few years.

In fact, even if she didn't ask, she knew what kind of life the two lived. It's just that there are some things that can't be found, so the person concerned can only tell him.

"Brother Wei Xuan, I didn't expect you to be the emperor's son, and now you are the famous cold-faced God of War in Chu, but your hair..." This is the first time Lin Qingxi has seen Chu Xuan's silver hair. It made him even more weird and charming.

"Does Xi'er think it's ugly?" Chu Xuan forced a smile and asked.

Lin Qingxi quickly shook her head, and said with a smile, "It's not ugly, it's still pretty. Brother Wei Xuan is a real man now."

"Lin Qingxi, why didn't you tell me the news that you are alive?" Xin Moyang looked at Lin Qingxi who was smiling like a flower, and always felt that the smile was half true and half false.

"Xin Moyang, I haven't asked you yet, where are Aunt Xiangxu and Tongsheng?" Lin Qingxi asked back.

"I don't know!" Disappointment flashed across Xin Moyang's face.

Back then, after Xiangxu and Tongsheng were captured by the mysterious man, he and Motian chased after them, but since then, his biological parents and younger sister were still alive and dead, and he searched for many years but couldn't find them.

He felt that he was incompetent, not only failed to protect his family, but also failed to protect his beloved woman. Over the past few years, he has been secretly looking for news about several people.

Half a month ago, he and Chu Xuan learned that Linqingxi was still alive almost at the same time, and then left the frontier affairs behind and came here secretly on horseback.

(End of this chapter)

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