Chapter 322 Welfare Awards (4)
"Thank you girl, thank you girl!" Voices of thanking Lin Qingxi began to appear from the audience.

After hearing what Jasmine said, many female workers and their family members laughed happily, some cried happily, and some thought that they had heard wrong, and they were stunned.

Jasmine saw that the crowd in the audience was getting a little excited, so she gave White Wolf and the others another look. It was another voice from above Nayuan: "Everyone, please keep quiet!"

The uproar gradually subsided, and Jasmine started talking again: "Everyone, please don't get too excited, I still have something to say!"

The female workers and their family members in the audience held their breaths and listened attentively to what Jasmine was about to say next.

"In addition to wages and year-end bonuses, every female worker in Nayuan has benefits this year. The girl said that this year, the benefits for each female worker in Nayuan are ten catties of rice, twenty catties of soybean noodles, one catty of kapok and six feet of cloth. .” Jasmine said in a very calm tone.

But almost at the moment when she finished speaking, the quiet crowd almost overturned the sky above Nayuan this time. Crying, laughing, shouting... All kinds of sounds mixed together and became a kind of The happiest voice.

"Father, did I hear wrong?" Lu Laojiu's wife, Zheng Shi, looked at her husband and asked.

Lu Laojiu was a little dumbfounded, he was overwhelmed by the sudden ecstasy, and didn't hear his wife's question at all.

At this time, even the female workers of Nayuan were stunned in the audience, no matter whether it was the year-end bonus or these benefits, they hadn't heard a little bit of news.

Not to mention them, even Lin Xiaoyu, He Xueer, and He Huaihua who stood behind Jasmine on the stage were all at a loss. When did Lin Qingxi prepare these things?

At this moment, a carriage began to drive into Nayuan, and grain, kapok and cloth were piled up on the carriage.

After the carriage stopped in a large open space outside the venue, Jasmine turned around and said to Lin Xiaoyu and the others: "Young lady said, let you go and pay these female workers wages and benefits."

A little maid had already led Lin Xiaoyu and the others to the front of the carriages, and then someone used a long table to separate the carriages from the people in the venue, and the eight team leaders Lin Xiaoyu and He Xueer walked into the line respectively.

"Now, all the female workers line up to receive wages and benefits from your team leader. If you feel that you can't finish it, you can ask one of your family members to follow you." A clear and pleasant voice came to mind again at the meeting.

"Father, follow me!" He Zhu'er said to He Changbao with a smile, there was only one expression on her face now, and that was a smile.

"Father, follow me too!" Lu Chunhua looked at Lu Laojiu excitedly and said.

"Okay!" He Changbao and Lu Laojiu hadn't regained their composure when their daughter asked them to follow, and they followed.

Lin Xiaoyu, He Xueer, and Lin Cuihua formed a long line in front of the eight of them, and at the end of the line were happy and excited smiles on the venue.

When He Changbao and Lu Laojiu returned to the original place carrying the rice and soybean noodles, the two of them really came to their senses. It turned out that it was not a dream, and the heavy strength on their shoulders was painful.

"Mother, here's the kapok and cloth for you!" Lu Chunhua stuffed the cloth and kapok into Zheng's arms. The moment she received the wages, bonuses and benefits, she was already crying like many female workers , Now the eyes have become a little red and swollen.

However, these were tears of joy, tears of excitement and happiness, and she still wanted to cry happily.

Every female worker who received benefits cried, and even their family members couldn't help the red eyes. This is really a good thing that can't be dreamed of.

"Silly girl, don't cry!" Xin also cried and wiped away her second daughter He Zhuer's tears.

Jasmine has been standing on the stage, seeing that all the benefits have been distributed, and the female workers and their family members have returned to their original positions, she spoke again on the stage: "Now the conference will carry out the second item, to commend advanced female workers. My daughter Having said that, in the past two months, among the [-] female workers in Nayuan, many of them have performed exceptionally well, not only in their workmanship, but also in other aspects, and they are also recognized by all female workers. Advanced female workers. Now, please invite ten advanced female workers selected from each group to come to the stage."

Soon, some female workers came to the stage blushing. They felt a little ashamed, but also very proud, and they were indescribably excited, excited and nervous. Corners feel more fulfilling than ever.

But their family members in the audience immediately felt that their faces were infinitely radiant, and whispered proudly to the people around them: "Look, the person standing on the stage is me...".

"The girl said, you eighty people have performed very well in the past two months. In addition to calling on other female workers to follow your example, I will give you ten catties of rice, thirty catties of soybean noodles and two rabbits as rewards. Your team leader will personally distribute these things to you, go and get them from the stage." Jasmine said to several people with a smile.

"Thank you Miss Jasmine, thank you Miss Master!" The female workers burst into tears again.

The people in the audience saw eighty female workers coming down one by one, and then they were led to Lin Xiaoyu and the others, and then they saw that each of them received ten catties of rice, thirty catties of soybean noodles, and a pack of two Rabbit cage for big fat rabbits.

This time, the female workers did not call their family members to help, but walked slowly to their family members carrying and holding these things with an eager heart.

"Sister, I'll carry the rabbit for you!" He Nan couldn't help running up to He Zhuer, and took the rabbit cage from her.

"Take it!" He Zhu'er said with some sobs.

The other female workers and their families looked at the eighty female workers enviously, which strengthened the determination of all the female workers to work hard next year, and they couldn't wait.

After the venue became quiet again, Jasmine asked people to bring in a large wooden box from both sides, and the wooden box was covered with a piece of red cloth.

"Now, the last item of the conference is the lottery. When you entered the garden today, did you give each of you a piece of paper with a number on it? Now, please take out that piece of paper and look carefully at it. What is the number above, if it is the same as the number drawn, then you have won the prize." Jasmine looked at the audience and said loudly.

Then, she told everyone that the third prize of 20 winners will be drawn first, and the rewards will be ten catties of rice, ten catties of soybean noodles and a rabbit, plus one tael of silver; the second prize is forty winners, and the reward will be twenty Ten catties of rice, twenty catties of soybean noodles, two catties of kapok, one zhang of cloth, and three taels of silver; the third prize is ten. Ten taels of silver; three special prizes, one hundred catties of rice, one hundred catties of soybean noodles, five catties of kapok, half a piece of cloth, and [-] taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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