Chapter 323 Welfare Awards (5)
Immediately afterwards, the patriarch of the Lin clan, two clan elders, Lin Yuanshan, Ye Shi, Lao Mutou, Yang Shi, Lin Zhongguo, and Mu Shi all came to the stage. They were all specially invited by Linqingxi " Winner of the prize draw."

Compared with just now, the crowd was completely boiling at this time. The original joy was because of those benefits and bonuses, but now it was for the prizes placed aside. Their notes were held tightly in their hands.

Lin Zhongguo and Mu Shi were the drawers for the third prize. They walked up to the two wooden boxes respectively, then put their hands into the wooden box under the eyes of everyone, and then took out one piece of paper after another. Qiangwei and Hibiscus began to read out numbers one after another.

"Number three!" Qiangwei read out the number of the first winner, but after waiting for a while, no one agreed, and the crowd in the audience also looked at each other in dismay.

At this time, a man closest to the stage said embarrassedly to Qiangwei: "Girl, we are illiterate, and we don't know what is written on these papers!"

Lin Qingxi, who had been watching in the dark, was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing, how could she have forgotten about this matter, so she hurriedly asked someone to cut out a few oversized pieces of white paper, and then she swiped a pen to write on the white paper Call out ten numbers, and ask the tallest men around you to stand on the stage and hold these black and white words.

"Everyone, look carefully at the numbers in your hands. If they are the same as those held up by the people on the stage, it means that you have won the prize. You can go to the side to receive the prize." Jasmine said loudly.

After the white paper with "three" was lifted up, the people in the last row of the venue could also see it, and the children who entered the venue also got papers with numbers on them. Take their papers in their hands, and then see if they have won a prize.

Suddenly, an extremely loud voice erupted from the crowd: "I, it's me, I'm number three!"

Everyone looked over in unison. It was a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old. His mother was a female worker in Nayuan. This time he came to Nayuan with his father and two younger sisters.

"No. [-], please go to the side to receive the award!" Mountain Wolf said with internal strength.

"Okay, okay!" The boy agreed very loudly, almost unable to walk with joy.

"No. 310 No. [-]!" Mu Jin shouted again from the stage.

Because the people in the audience had to give enough time to compare the winning numbers, the lottery draw was carried out very slowly, but it was precisely because of this that the atmosphere of the lottery draw became more and more enthusiastic and tense. Zhong Guo and Mu's family were also concerned, they also wanted to know who the lucky one they had drawn was.

After the [-] third prizes were drawn, [-] families rejoiced, and the others who were not drawn were not discouraged, because the grand prize was at the back, and they still had a chance.

Linyuanshan, Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Mutou and Mrs. Yang were in charge of drawing the second prize. Each of them drew ten "lucky ones". This time, the crowd was even more noisy, and all the winners were welcomed by everyone. Congratulations and envy.

"Next, ten first prizes will be drawn, and two elders of the Lin clan will be invited!" At this time, Lin Renhe and another elder walked to the wooden box, and everyone in the audience stared at their hands .

Lin Renhe's right hand slowly reached into the lottery box, and then took out a piece of paper and handed it to Qiangwei beside him, Qiangwei took it out and read: "The winner of the first prize is No. 210."

"Who is it, who is 210 No. [-]?"

At this time, the man standing on the stage had already taken out the written numbers and put them in the figure pattern of 210, but no one under the stage agreed.

"Father, how much is it? I can't see it?" He Nan was a little short, so he didn't see the numbers on the stage.

"Number 210 No. [-]? Who is this? Why haven't you come out yet?" He Changbao also became anxious. Although he didn't win the prize, every time he heard that someone had won a prize, he was as happy as if he had won a prize himself.

"Father, how did you write it?" He Nan raised his head and jumped up to look at it, but he didn't look too carefully.

"It's just..." At this moment, He Changbao turned his head and glanced at the paper in his son's hand, "It's just the same as the one in your hand."

He Changbao snatched the paper from his son, looked at the stage again nervously, and then shouted angrily, "210 No. [-]! My son!"

He Changbao's shout shocked Xin and He Zhu'er, and He Nan was even more frightened by his father, but when he heard that he had won the first prize, he immediately shouted wildly: "I! It's me, it's me, it's me!"

He Xueer, who was standing with Lin Xiaoyu and the others, did not expect that her younger brother would be so lucky. It turned out to be the first prize. It was fifty catties of rice, fifty catties of soybean noodles, two catties of kapok, and one foot of cloth. There are ten taels of silver, and now my natal family is really going to have a prosperous year.

"No. 560!" The lottery draw is still going on, and the time for claiming prizes has also begun to be extended, because the winners don't believe that they are so lucky, and they didn't dare to shout out until they compared the numbers on the stage several times.

"Ah! It's me! I won the lottery!" This time it was a middle-aged man in shabby clothes who looked sickly, and his wife and children were also excited.

After the first prize was drawn, the final grand prize was the special prize. This time Lin Renyi, the patriarch of the Lin clan, was the drawer. At this time, Jasmine also had all the lottery papers dumped into a big basket.

Lin Renyi walked to the front of the big basket, calmly took out three pieces of paper from the middle, and handed them to Jasmine, the final drawer.

"The winner of the grand prize is No. 320 No. [-]!" Jasmine used the internal force she had just cultivated this time.

The crowd in the audience was suddenly silent, and then an old man who was not sure, said tremblingly: "It may be me!"

Because his voice was too low, Jasmine on the stage couldn't hear him at all, but a young man next to the old man heard his voice, saw the paper in his hand, and then shouted loudly to the stage: "It's this The old man won the lottery!"

"Grandfather, is it really you?"

At this time, a 13-year-old girl next to the old man asked in disbelief, she was just a little girl who helped in the back kitchen, not a real female worker in Nayuan, but the girl said that as long as she worked in Nayuan Life is the female worker of Nayuan.

Yesterday, she went home and told her family about Na Yuan's year-end banquet. Her father was sick and couldn't come, and mother had to take care of her sick father and younger siblings at home, so grandpa accompanied her here .

"That's right, it's your grandpa!" The young man next to him said with certainty.

"It's really me, that's great!" The old man couldn't help crying, now he not only has food, but also money for his son's medical treatment, everything.

(End of this chapter)

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