Chapter 326 Witch Emissary (3)
Now, Wu Feng'er not only controls his own queen mother, but also many ministers of the Xuanyuan clan in the court are also controlled by the witchcraft of the Wu clan. There is no one around him who can be trusted. Over the past three years, he has a deep feeling Feeling powerless, I also began to doubt whether my resistance and running away at the beginning were really meaningful.

Perhaps fate cannot be violated, no matter how hard he works, he will eventually take on the responsibility of Xuanyuan's direct lineage, just like now, no matter how much he hates and hates Wu Fenger in his heart, he must come back to deal with her, because he wants to save his parents and people .

The master told him that since ancient times, those who have achieved great things must not be dragged by their children's private affairs.He is no longer a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, with too many expectations and responsibilities on him.

The dragon jade was once something he tried to get rid of, but now he has to wear it by himself. Enduring humiliation is a reality that he was so proud of before and had to compromise.

Jing Xiu knew very well that the moment he decided to step into the Prince's Mansion today, there were cracks and distances in the bond between him and Linqingxi, but his love for her never changed, no matter what would happen next to him in the future. No matter how many women, she is always the one he loves the most and the only one he loves.

There was the sound of light footsteps behind him, Jing Xiu knew Wu Fenger was coming, a hint of sarcasm appeared on his stern face, but it disappeared quickly, then turned around, he saw Wu Fenger standing there with a smile on his face.

"Brother Jingxiu, you're back!" Wu Feng'er didn't dare to get too close to Xuanyuan Jingxiu, the relationship between the two was still at a stalemate.

"The queen mother said that she wants to see you!" Jing Xiu said expressionlessly.

Wu Feng'er didn't mind his attitude, instead she approached him more affectionately and said: "The queen mother wants to see me, just send someone to inform me directly, why do you let brother Jingxiu tell you personally! Wait for me, I'll go back and change A piece of clothing, it will be ready soon!"

"No need, just wear this!" Jing Xiu glanced at her indifferently, then continued to turn and look out the window.

"Feng'er listened to Brother Jing Xiu!" Wu Feng'er knew that Jing Xiu's ability to return to the Prince's Mansion must be due to the Queen's efforts.

"Feng'er, tell me, if the queen mother knew that you had cast a curse on her, would she still treat you as well as she does now?" Jing Xiu asked Wu Feng'er with his back turned.

Although she couldn't figure out the expression on Jing Xiu's face at this time, Wu Feng'er still smiled and said: "Brother Jing Xiu, I believe the queen mother will understand, because Feng'er did all this for Brother Jing Xiu and for the Qixuan Kingdom. It doesn't matter even if everyone in the world misunderstands Feng'er, as long as Brother Jingxiu understands Feng'er's painstaking efforts is enough!"

"Really? Then Feng'er, you really have good intentions!" Jing Xiu smiled sarcastically.

"I'll take it as Brother Jing Xiu's compliment, let's go to the palace quickly, don't make the queen mother wait." Wu Feng'er moved closer to Jing Xiu.

She understands that Jing Xiu has a lot of hatred and complaints towards her now, but she believes that Jing Xiu's heart will be with her soon.

Today, he came back, and he no longer called her "Wu Feng'er" with such hatred, but became the previous "Feng'er".

Although, there are still many misunderstandings and gaps between the two, but these are minor problems. She, Wu Fenger, has the appearance and body that can drive men all over the world crazy, and she knows how to control a man's heart, so sooner or later, Jing Xiu will be willing. Leave everything to her.

A month later, Wu Linger met Wei Zizhen and Wei Zidie, two brothers and sisters. She didn't understand why Wu Fenger asked her to help such a woman. She seemed nothing special.

"You are the emissary of the witch clan?" Wei Zidie was busy embroidering her wedding dress at home. Although the matter between her and the fourth prince was not what you wanted, but her innocence was ruined by him, then she must to marry him.

"I'm not an ordinary envoy of the Wu Clan, don't think anyone can please me!" Wu Ling'er said with a look of contempt at Wei Zizhen and Wei Zidie.

Ever since she walked out of the deep valley, she felt that the outside world was really wonderful, and she didn't intend to leave after finishing this task.

"I don't know what to call this girl?" Wei Zizhen could see that Wu Ling'er was indeed not the ordinary Wu Clan envoy who came here last time. Her arrogance was innate. The status and status are not ordinary.

Seeing that Wei Zizhen's attitude towards Wu Ling'er is very humble, Wei Zidie is puzzled and at the same time disgusted with Wu Ling'er. Although the Wu family is very mysterious, they have always been ridiculed and tabooed in the positive continent. They only live in the dark in the corner, like those nasty rats.

The completely different attitudes of the two sisters of the Wei family towards her have already made Wu Linger compare them in her heart. It seems that Wei Zizhen is indeed a smart person, while Wei Zidie is just an idiot.

"My name is Wu Ling'er, and I'm the daughter of the head of the Wu Clan." Wu Ling'er said arrogantly.

Wu Feng'er is also the daughter of the head of the Wu clan, so the Wu Ling'er in front of her is her younger sister.Therefore, Wei Zizhen's attitude became more friendly, and she said with a smile: "It turns out that she is the younger sister of the saint of the witch clan. No wonder she has an extraordinary appearance. It's Zizhen's poor eyesight."

"What is the sister of the saint of the witch tribe! I am me, she is her, don't compare us casually, my mother gave birth to a daughter of mine!" When Wei Zizhen mentioned Wu Feng'er, Wu Ling'er's eyes became angry. I mean, the words are even more impolite.

Wei Zizhen's mind turned quickly, it turned out that Wu Ling'er and Wu Feng'er were not on the same page, and it sounded like she hated Wu Feng'er very much.Suddenly, she remembered the woman in black she met that night. Could that person be Wu Ling'er in front of her?
"I'm sorry, Zizhen didn't mean to make you angry! Has Miss Wu been to Chu State before?" Wei Zizhen asked tentatively.

Wu Ling'er noticed that Wei Zizhen's eyes and attitude towards her were different from before, and she was not an idiot like Wei Zidie, so she also snorted and asked, "Is this related to what we are going to do today? ?”

Wu Ling'er's deliberate concealment made Wei Zizhen somewhat sure that she might be the man in black who appeared with a knife that night, but her voice was a little different, maybe it was because she changed her voice, it seemed that she wanted to keep this An envoy from the Witch Clan stayed in Chu State for a few days, so that she could find out the answer she wanted.

"It's okay, I just think that Miss Wu speaks frankly and straightforwardly. Zizhen likes a straightforward person like you. I don't know if Miss Wu would mind being a friend. Stay in the house for a few more days and let Zizhen do her best as a landlord." Friendship." Wei Zizhen said with a smile very sincerely.

Wu Ling'er was worried that she couldn't find a good excuse to stay in Chu State. Since Wei Zizhen had "thought it out for her", she would stay for a few more days and have fun outside.

"Okay, I also want to see what interesting places there are in Chu!" Wu Ling'er looked at Wei Zizhen and said.

(End of this chapter)

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