Chapter 327 Witch Emissary (4)
"That's really great. However, there are not many beautiful scenery to see in the winter of Chu State. When the flowers bloom next year, we can go boating on the lake and enjoy the flowers in the spring. At that time, Miss Wu must show her face." Wei Zizhen said in an interface.

"En!" Wu Ling'er replied a little domineeringly.

In the evening, Wei Zizhen asked Wei Zidie and the fourth prince out at the same time, and then put drugs in the wine they drank. Last time when the witch clan envoy sealed the memories of the two, she was by the side, but this time the witch Ling'er asked her to stun the two of them, and then sent her to a cave.

However, after Wei Zizhen sent the two of them, Wu Ling'er asked another messenger to send her back first.

In the early morning of the next day, the fourth prince was lying in the guest room of a restaurant, while Wei Zidie was lying on his own bed. They didn't remember anything about what happened last night.

In the courtyard Wei Zizhen prepared for Wu Linger, Wu Linger sat in the ornately decorated room with a meaningful smile on her face. She finally understood why Wei Zizhen sealed up the memories of her sister and the four princes of Chu. It was more fun than she imagined.

"Miss Wu, these are the jewelry and rouge gouache that I specially picked out for you at Xiangyunxuan early in the morning. I hope you don't dislike them." Wei Zizhen walked into the yard with two maids, and then personally bought the jewelry that cost a lot of money. Jewelry and rouge powder were delivered to Wu Ling'er.

Wu Ling'er has been in the deep valley for a long time, she has never seen such gorgeous jewelry and rouge, and she couldn't put it down immediately, but she also knew that Wei Zizhen was trying to curry favor with her, and now she has a handle on her, but she should still I don't know, it seems that this woman can make good use of it in the future.

"Leave it alone! Don't worry about your sister and the fourth prince. I have completely sealed their memories. In the future, people who are not superior to me in illusion will not be able to help them solve it." Wu Linger looked at Wei Zizhen Some said deliberately.

Wu Linger picked up the heart that had been put down at first, Wei Zizhen looked at her and asked, "I don't know who among the witch clan can have higher illusion skills than the witch girl?"

"There's only one person, but I can't tell you who this person is, haha!" Wu Ling'er said with a somewhat pretentious smile.

Even if Wu Ling'er didn't say anything, Wei Zizhen had already guessed that that person was Wu Feng'er, and she was chosen as the saint of the witch clan because of the highest witchcraft.

Although she, Wei Zizhen, is just a frail woman who doesn't know martial arts, let alone witchcraft, but it is not so easy to control her.It is not certain who is whose chess piece!

Time flies to the seventh day of the first lunar month. This day is the first day of construction of Nayuan, and it is also the first day that Qixuan Kingdom, Wu Kingdom, and Youta Kingdom all started fighting against Chu Kingdom.

In the eyes of other large and small countries, Chu State, which has experienced three years of severe drought and emphasizes culture over military affairs, is the best piece of "fat meat" to import. Therefore, these countries formed a "covenant" tacitly under the open and secret struggle That is to annex and carve up Chu State first, and then they will decide who is the "boss".

The frontiers of the state of Chu were in a state of emergency. From the civil and military officials down to the common people, everyone was in a state of panic all day long. The conscription order was changed again and again.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, Dad, I've already decided, I'm going to be a soldier!" On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the old Lin's family finally got together for a reunion dinner, but Lin Qinghe suddenly proposed to go Soldiers fight on the frontier.

"Wulang, what did you say, I didn't hear clearly, Grandpa!" Lin Qinghe's voice was loud, and Linyuan Shan naturally heard what he said, but he didn't want to believe it.

"Grandpa, I'm going to be a soldier!" Lin Qinghe said loudly again.

"No!" Most of the people in the room objected, while the other half remained silent.

"I'm going to be a soldier!" Lin Qinghe repeated almost stubbornly.

"Wu Lang, others can't hide even if they want to. Why are you so stupid to go to war? Swords have no eyes. Aren't you looking for death!" Ye looked at him angrily and reprimanded.

"I know! Grandma, I didn't come on a whim. I've thought about it for a long time. Going into battle and killing the enemy is what I want to do most now." Lin Qinghe said firmly.

"No! Do you think this is still the time when you ran away from home and went to sea! Yes, you have grown up and your wings are hardened, but you can't do whatever you want. I am still the master of this family, you can't Go!" Linyuan Shan's temper also came up.

"Grandfather, I must go!" Just like the determination when he went to sea, Lin Qinghe's determination is even greater this time.

Yunzhou may be safe now, but what about later?When the iron hooves of the enemy country step in mercilessly, there will be no safe place in the Chu country. Maybe the Mandala Villa near Qingxi is as solid as gold, but when all the swords are pointing here, how long can she persist? .

He doesn't want to dwell in his own shell like a turtle, and wait until someone else tramples him to pieces. Even if everyone calls him stupid and naive, he still has to fight bravely. don't care.

Lin Qinghe seemed to be in a daze, no matter who persuaded him, he was unmoved, and packed his bags that night, even though Ye Shi and Mu Shi were threatening to die, he resisted not looking back.

Such a resolute Lin Qinghe reminded Lin Qingxi of the time when he and Lin Qingfei went to sea together, but this time, Lin Qinghe didn't invite anyone to go with him.

Alone, with a horse and a long sword, he abandoned all his family members and galloped alone to the place he was eagerly looking forward to.

"Girl Xi, you have to chase your fifth brother back to me no matter what, and you must chase him back!" After Lin Qinghe left, Mu Shi cried and said while pulling Lin Qingxi.

"Mother, even if I chase Fifth Brother back a hundred times, he will still leave in the end. Fifth Brother...he is not the same as before." Until now, Lin Qingxi didn't know that he was on Lin Qinghe's body He never said what happened, even Lin Qingfei kept his mouth shut.

"Even if I tie him up at home, I can't watch him go to die!" Just now, Mu felt that life had become full of hope, but Lin Qinghe cast a thick cloud over her heart.

"Mother, I..." Lin Qingxi couldn't make a promise to Mrs. Mu.

Just two days before Lin Qinghe decided to leave home, he found Lin Qingxi alone. Although the two siblings didn't talk much, Lin Qingxi understood what Lin Qinghe meant at that time.

He said: "Sister, you and I are not children, everyone has his own reason for everything, no matter whether the reason is right or wrong, whether the process is difficult or smooth, and no matter what the final result is, No one else has the right to interfere. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

(End of this chapter)

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