Chapter 332 A thief is a servant (4)
At this time, two men with martial arts skills appeared, and they said that either all the bandits and the vicious dogs' subordinates would be poisoned to death, or all of them would sign contracts and sell their lives to become Linqingxi servant.

There are two roads between life and death. Everyone naturally chooses the road of life. Originally, many people wanted to sign these contract documents first, and then find an opportunity to escape secretly. Who knew that Lin Qingxi's subordinates were all supernatural, and they hadn't waited for them to take two steps Just got caught.

Those caught will be the medicine man of Lanluo and Huoque for a day. Many people who tried it once swore that they would never try it a second time. So after returning to Lishui Bay, many people were honest.

The most important thing is that in the past few days, someone has come to speak to these bandits, telling them whether it is more promising to be a bandit or a rice farm servant.

As a result, in just a few days, almost all the bandits thought that being the servants of the rice garden would be their best choice.It was him, obviously thinking not to be influenced by what those people said, but he couldn't help but start imagining the bright future those people painted for him.

Perhaps, the people in Linqingxi are right. Being an upright servant and working hard for your own happiness is more promising than being a bandit who is looked down upon by others.

These days, they ate and drank in the rice field. Although they had to help with farming, the servants in the rice field did not cast strange glances at them, nor did they despise them.

Before, there were a few restless ones who wanted to escape with the black snake and the comatose mountain leopard, but the black snake didn't leave.

He already knew very well that these thieves were no match for Lin Qingxi, the owner of the rice garden, and that Lin Qingxi crushed them to death as easily as crushing an ant. Most importantly, many brothers had left their hearts behind. In the rice field.

These thieves are also well-established people, and I don't know how Linqingxi investigated them, even their family members were found, and they even secretly gave their family members the money they sold themselves.

The people in Linqingxi also told them that no one in Lishui Bay knew that they had been bandits. Here, all of them have a new identity and a new name. As long as they are rice garden servants, she will Guaranteed to let them live a life without worrying about eating and drinking, and appear in front of the world dignifiedly.

Mountain Leopard was also moved by what Black Snake said. If it wasn't for revenge for his wife and children, he would not become a bandit, let alone occupy the mountain as king, leading his brothers in the mountain village to kill corrupt officials and rob profiteers. To make life easier for everyone, he is not an ambitious person.

Ever since the hundreds of bandits from Sanlong Mountain settled in the rice field, the villagers of Linjia Village and the female workers of Nayuan felt a little uneasy. They all seem fierce and rude, but they intuitively think that these people are not kind.

"Girl Xi, who are the people in your garden? From what they say, they must be from Yunzhou, right?" Mrs. Ye helped plow and weed the fields, and Linqingxi also helped.

"Grandmother, they are all servants I hired to guard the rice garden. There are people from anywhere. In two days, I will let the mountain wolf train them to get rid of their roughness." Lin Qingxi smiled Said.

She didn't tell her family about the identities of Shan Bao and others, because they were so worried. Besides, the bandits were Shan Bao's past identities, and now they were all her servants.

"They are all men, and Nayuan are all female workers, don't let anything happen!" Gossip can kill people, and Mrs. Ye is mainly afraid that the reputation of Nayuan female workers will be damaged.

"Grandma, don't worry, these servants will only be in the rice garden, and I asked Jasmine to send more guards over the Nayuan, and won't let men go in casually." Lin Qingxi said with a smile.

Lin Qingxi was thinking that if there were female workers in Nayuan who really cared about these servants, she would consider letting them take the work of shoe soles back to their own homes, and they would not necessarily have to work in Nayuan in the future.

"That's good. A girl's reputation should always be cherished. By the way, girl Xi, how are you and Yan Yun doing? You're not young anymore, it's time to think about your own affairs."

After Lin Qinghe left home, Mrs. Ye was more worried about the marriages of her grandchildren than Mrs. Mu. Even Lin Qingxi, she also began to worry.

"Grandmother, why did it come to me, Yan Yun and I are just friends, what are you thinking about?" Lin Qingxi looked at Ye Shi with a smile.

"Hey, you are 17 years old this year. If it weren't for the accident and Grandma wanted to keep you for two years, you should have gotten married long ago. Girl Xi, are you still thinking about your senior brother? Or that child Jingxiu?" Mrs. Ye could tell back then that Wei Xuan, Jing Xiu, and Xin Moyang all liked their granddaughters a little bit, but these three people, one is the prince of Chu, the other is the prince of Wu, and the other's whereabouts are unknown. Neither is a good match.

At the same time, Mrs. Ye also felt that among these three people, Lin Qingxi and Wei Wang Chuxuan had the best relationship. It's all good, nothing to say, but it's always inappropriate for a peasant girl to marry a prince.

"Grandma, brother Wei Xuan is my senior brother, and Jing Xiu is my friend. I have nothing to do with them. Besides, the third brother, the fifth brother, and the sixth brother are not married yet, and neither are Xiaoyu and Cuihua. I'm not in a hurry to get married!" Lin Qingxi has lived for so many years, and it has been almost ten years since she came here, she really has never thought about the man she will spend her life with in the future.

She once thought that she would spend her whole life guarding her family like this, without getting married or having children. In fact, this was nothing to her, a woman who had experienced modern life.

"Don't be in a hurry, Grandma is in a hurry! Whatever you say this year, your third brother and sixth brother will arrange the marriage. As for your fifth brother, alas... I just don't have him as a grandson." That's what Ye said , but I have been worrying about Lin Qinghe in my heart.

"Grandma, there are some things that can't be rushed. Didn't you say that God has already determined the fate? Maybe the third brother and the others didn't get married because the fate has not yet arrived. When the fate comes, you can block it even if you want." Don't stop." Lin Qingxi comforted Ye Shi.

"You child, can this be a matter of no hurry! You are not a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. Your brothers are all in their 20s, and other people's families are like them. How old are the children. You are your grandson , Aunt Mei and the others are not in a hurry, I think there will be a lot of daughter-in-laws and daughters in our village this year!" Mrs. Ye has already begun to assert.

"Master, there is something going on in the rice garden, I would like to invite you to go there!" At this time, Qiangwei came to the field and temporarily relieved Linqingxi.

"Xi girl, you have to go to work first, there is grandma here!" Ye Shi urged Lin Qingxi to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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