Chapter 333 A thief is a servant (5)
"Grandma, don't worry too much about weeding. I don't have enough manpower. I'll send people from the rice garden over." Lin Qingxi stood up and said.

"Got it, go get busy!"

So, Linqingxi and Qiangwei went back to the rice field together, only to find out when they arrived that it was Mountain Leopard and Black Snake who wanted to see her.

Lin Qingxi asked two people to wait for her in the living room, and then she went to wash up briefly. Just now, there was mud on her body and hands in the field.

When they first saw Linqingxi in the rice field, both Shanbao and Black Snake were a little surprised. They thought that Linqingxi, whom the man in black asked them to kill, would be a shrewd and formidable character, but the person who appeared in front of them Just a pretty peasant girl, looking so harmless and innocent.

When Lin Qingxi walked into the living room, Mountain Leopard and Black Snake still sized her up brazenly. Being stared at by two big men, Lin Qingxi didn't feel embarrassed, but let them look and look, but looked aside. Qiangwei coughed in displeasure.

"You are Linqingxi, the owner of Lishui Bay Nayuan? The apprentice of Lu Zhiming, the county magistrate of Fu'an County?" Shan Bao still asked in disbelief.

"That's right, I am the Linqingxi you want to kill, and I am the one who set fire to your cottage, making the world think that you are all dead." After the mountain leopards decided to stay in the rice field, Linqingxi let the mountain wolf He and Bai Lang set fire to the bandit den in Sanlong Mountain, and when the officers and soldiers went to check, they found many charred corpses there.

"Why didn't you kill us?" This was where the mountain leopard was most puzzled.

"I did think so, but after thinking about it, it's useless to kill you. If you are dead, someone will come to kill me." Lin Qingxi smiled lightly.

"Who did you offend? Why did those people have to kill you?" It seems that the person Lin Qingxi offended has a lot of background, and she seems to know it already.

"I didn't offend anyone, but the person who asked you to kill me is my enemy. You are just doing things for money. In this case, who is doing things for you? I happen to have no servants in my garden." Although since the beginning of the conversation, Shan Bao was not very polite, but Lin Qingxi didn't mind, she didn't sign Shan Bao's contract of sale.

"Aren't you afraid that we will kill you again if you keep us by your side? We are all vicious bandits, and we can do nothing but murder and robbery." Mountain Leopard continued to look at Lin Qingxi and said.

"Hehe, with your little ability, you can't hurt me. Besides, since I dare to keep you, I'm not afraid that you will take knives at me. You said you can't do anything, I don't think so, at least protect the family You are all good at guarding the courtyard and pulling the plow to plow the land.” These days, the rice fields can be plowed so quickly, thanks to these bandit servants.

"That's the work of dogs and cows. We are all human beings. Being a bandit is free. I don't want to be humble to others, and I don't want to be anyone's slave." Mountain Leopard said deliberately.

Asking him to be a nursing home for a little girl made him feel a little psychologically uncomfortable for a while.Of course, the most important thing for him is to see if the person in front of him is capable of being the master of his mountain leopard.

If Shan Bao was such an easy-to-persuade person, Lin Qingxi felt that he was nothing special, but with his attitude now, Lin Qingxi began to appreciate him.

"In my eyes, the real livestock are not the chickens, ducks, rabbits, pigs, cattle and sheep I raise in the rice field, but people who lack humanity and have bad views like vicious dogs. I think you are human, but you just want to see I am a dog and a cow, this is not my problem, but your problem." Lin Qingxi also looked at the mountain leopard and said.

"Three views are not correct, what is that?" Black Snake asked with a smile.

"It's more complicated, I can tell you later!" Lin Qingxi said with a gentle smile at the black snake.

Shanbao didn't expect that Linqingxi would mention Vigou. He didn't tell anyone what happened that night, and the only person who heard Vigou's words was the one hiding in the dark except himself.

"Are you the one who spoke in the room that night?" Shanbao grabbed the armrest of the chair with both hands.

"That's right, if it wasn't for me, the dagger should have been stuck in your left chest." Lin Qingxi didn't deny it.

"But if it weren't for you, the vicious dog and I wouldn't kill each other, and I wouldn't be hurt." The mountain leopard spoke with a slightly resentful voice.

"For those who want to kill me, I have already shown mercy. Besides, even without my presence, you may die in the hands of vicious dogs sooner or later. What's more, I also helped you figure out who is your enemy." You blamed me without being grateful, I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't have saved you at that time." Linqingxi put away her smile, looked at Shanbao seriously and said.

Shan Bao's face was flushed by Lin Qingxi's words, she was right, he was going to kill her and destroy this place, although she designed it, but she did save him, let him see Find out who the one should be killed, and save him and his brothers.

Not only that, she also gave them new hope, allowing them to have a stable life here in the rice field. Although the brothers are not as free as they used to be on the mountain, they still have to work and practice martial arts from early to late every day, but It is undeniable that the past few days have been fulfilling and happy.

Shanbao suddenly stood up and knelt down in front of Linqingxi. Seeing him kneeling, the black snake also knelt down.Lin Qingxi sat in the living room watching them, but didn't pull them up.

"Miss Lin, I, Shanbao, am a rough person and I can't read or write, but I know how to repay you with gratitude. I will repay you for your great kindness to me. I, Shanbao, will spend my whole life as an ox and a horse. Don't mind your rudeness, from now on I will be your slave, and I will always be loyal to you alone!" Shan Bao said solemnly.

"Miss Lin, I, Black Snake, am also willing to be loyal to you forever, to do my best." Black Snake said very sincerely.

"You all get up, I believe you are telling the truth, that's why I want to give you a chance to start over, cherish it, if I find that you have done something you shouldn't do, then don't blame me Your subordinates are ruthless." Lin Qingxi's voice was not loud but very majestic, facing Shanbao and others, her master had to be strict to shock them.

"Yes!" Mountain Leopard and Black Snake replied at the same time.

After Mountain Leopard and Black Snake left the living room, White Wolf walked in and asked, "Master, do Mountain Leopards need to bring Snow Wolf and the others to train?"

"You usually pay more attention to them, and if you think they have a good foundation, you can pick them out and send them to the snow wolf. Let the mountain wolf train them more when they are free, so that they can be qualified servants." Wu Clan's This time, if he didn't kill himself with the help of bandits, he would definitely not give up. It seems that Nayuan's working method needs to be readjusted.

After dinner, Linqingxi called Jasmine and Qiangwei to her room, and then discussed with them about Nayuan's new workmanship method.

(End of this chapter)

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