Chapter 349 Double-sided Yan Yun (1)
"Tongsheng, come, come to sister! Nian Shui, according to seniority, you should also call Tongsheng little aunt. If you marry Tongsheng, you will be inferior." Lin Qingxi deliberately looked at Lin Nianshui Said.

"Little aunt, didn't you say that liking someone in this world has nothing to do with age, gender, country, status, and seniority? Sister Tongsheng and I both have the surname Lin, of course I can." I'm marrying her, I'm going to marry her anyway!" Lin Nianshui is very obsessed with what she likes, and now she has become more and more frank, and after practicing martial arts, she has become more courageous.

"When will I..." Lin Qingxi noticed that everyone around her was looking at her strangely, and really wanted to cover Lin Nianshui's small mouth, "Nianshui, if you marry Tongsheng, then Tongsheng will marry you You also call me little aunt, so what should I call Tongsheng's mother?"

"Okay, okay, girl Xi, you just came back from Aunt Xiangxu, so don't stand outside the door and circle around, hehe, I'm almost fainted by you. Nian Shui, bring you Tongsheng Sister, let's go out and play for a while." Mrs. Ye is happy to see the results, and Tong Sheng likes her as soon as she sees her, but she is a little timid.

"No, no!" Mo Tian tightly protected his daughter. Just after returning to Linjia Village, his daughter was targeted by this brat named Lin Nianshui. If he stayed with him any longer, maybe his baby The daughter is really going to be kidnapped.

"Tongsheng, don't be afraid, let's go out with Brother Nian Shui." Xiangxu glared at Motian. Tongsheng followed them all these years and developed a timid and weak character. She hoped that her daughter could truly be happy in Linjia Village Rise up, for this is their true home.

When Motian saw Xiangxu glaring at him, he reluctantly let go of his daughter's hand. Although he lost all his martial arts and almost died in Jiuquan, he won back the heart of his beloved woman, and finally he was able to be with her in a fair and honest manner. Wife and daughter together.

"Sister Tongsheng, I'll take you out to play, don't be afraid, I will protect you!" Lin Nianshui looked at Tongsheng happily and said.

"En!" Encouraged by Xiangxu, Tongsheng smiled sweetly at Lin Nianshui, she also liked the little brother in front of her very much.

Since then, the phrase "Don't be afraid, I will protect you" has become the most unforgettable words in Tongsheng's heart.

Mrs. Mu took Xiang Xu back to the house and sat down, and everyone else followed into the house.

After more than four years, Lin Qingxi finally knew that after Xiangxu and Tongsheng were taken away, Motian led people to chase after them, and Xin Moyang followed closely behind.However, among the people who took Xiangxu and Tongsheng away were not only the traitors of the Demon Cult, but also a group of mysterious masters.

Motian lost his martial arts in the process of fighting these people. He tried his best to protect his wife and daughter and escape, and finally passed out in a small fishing village.Those who were still chasing them were actually killed by Xin Moyang, but Xiangxu didn't know.

After Motian passed out, with the kind help of local fishermen, she lived in a small fishing village, taking care of her daughter and unconscious Motian, and selling fish to make money.

After Motian woke up, she lay on the bed again and couldn't move. Thinking that Motian would even die to save herself and her daughter, Xiangxu's heart softened.

In this way, they hid in the small fishing village for many years, until someone found them and wanted to kill them.If it wasn't for Yan Yun's people following Shangguan Huining's people, Motian's family would really have died in the fishing village.

"Sister Xiangxu, I have suffered for you all these years!" said Mu with tears in his eyes, holding Xiangxu's hand.

"Sister Huilan, it's not bitter, it's true! Even in the dead of night, I miss you very much, I miss Linjia Village, and I miss Yang'er!" Xiangxu cried even more when talking about her son.

"Aunt Xiangxu, Xin Moyang will be here soon, don't worry!"

Lin Qingxi had secretly sent someone to inform Xin Moyang, telling him that Xiangxu and Tongsheng were in Linjia Village, and told him to come here quickly.Once again, mother and son are reunited, father and son reunite, Lin Qingxi believes that Xin Moyang's past knots should be untied.

The heat was fumigated, and the ear-piercing chirping of cicadas made people a little distracted. There was no wind blowing. Linqingxi felt that the sweltering heat was too strange, as if it was the rhythm before the rainstorm.

"How's it going over there?" Lin Qingxi was sitting in the gazebo in the rice garden, with a watermelon just picked from the orchard placed in front of the table.

This morning, Xin Moyang brought Dong Ying to Linjia Village. The scene where mother and son met was very touching, but the meeting between father and son was still as tense as it was a few years ago.

"It's very strange. I don't know what Mr. Yan Yun and Mr. Xin said. The murderous intent towards Motian in his eyes has decreased, and now the most is indifference. The subordinates have already cleaned up an empty courtyard in Linjia Village according to the master's order. Let the Motian family live." Yu Shan replied.

"I see. Jasmine, how is the progress of the Nayuan girls making the military shoes?" Lin Qingxi asked Jasmine who was standing next to the jade fan.

"Back to the girl, the female workers are already speeding up the production, but even if everyone works hard, it will take at least two months to complete." Although the female workers in Nayuan have all accelerated the speed of shoe soles, hundreds of thousands of pairs Men's cloth shoes can't be made just because they can be made, even cloth and thread factories need time to relax.

"Try to speed up. How are those people?" Lin Qingxi asked the spies sent by Wei Zizhen and Wu Fenger.

"They're fairly honest. My subordinate has already let them know each other's identity. I believe their master will soon know too." Jasmine said with a raised eyebrow.

"Arrange carefully. If possible, I hope that their masters will come to their door automatically." A cold light flashed in Lin Qingxi's eyes.

"My subordinate understands!"

In the past few days, Xiangxu and Mu seem to have endless words to talk about, and under the leadership of Lin Nianshui, Tong Sheng has become more and more lively. Since Xin Moyang came to Linjia Village, he has been stinking all day long. Face.

After dealing with the rice field, Lin Qingxi returned to the village. She saw Xin Moyang and Yan Yun standing in front of her house, not speaking, just standing there in a daze.

"What are you two doing?" Lin Qingxi looked at them strangely as if two door gods were blocking the way.

"Lin Qingxi, I have something to ask you!" Seeing Lin Qingxi appearing, Xin Moyang frowned and said coldly.

"Ask!" Xin Moyang acted like asking the teacher for his crime, which made Lin Qingxi slightly displeased, she didn't seem to offend him.

"Why did you let that man stay here? I want to take my mother and sister away!" Although Xin Moyang is no longer the little prince of Wu, but besides his identity as the leader of the Demon Cult, he also has strong financial support behind him, which is enough Protect your mother and sister from harm.

"No!" Xin Moyang's martial arts is good, but it's only good, and now his situation is more dangerous than hers.

(End of this chapter)

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