Chapter 350 Double-sided Yan Yun (2)
"I'm not asking for your permission, they are my family!" Xin Moyang didn't want to show a cold face to Lin Qingxi, but he didn't know how to express his inner feelings.

"Xin Moyang, I'm not asking for your permission, you, come here!" Lin Qingxi didn't want her family to hear her arguing, so she directly pulled Xin Moyang's sleeve and walked to a farther place.

"Linqingxi, I am very grateful that you saved my family. Although I am no longer the little prince of Wu, I am capable enough to protect them." Xin Moyang said with a serious face.

"I know you are capable of protecting Aunt Xiangxu and Tongsheng, but they are also my family. Can't you see that Aunt Xiangxu likes to stay here and regards Linjia Village as her home. They left because they were doing good to me and to Linjia Village. To tell you the truth, even if Shangguan Huining didn’t find her here, I would still go to her!” Although Lin Qingxi had no love for Xin Moyang, she was still able to get along with her. Xin Moyang guessed his real purpose from his words and deeds.

Xin Moyang has never been a person who is good at expressing his feelings, but in front of her, he will always let go of his guard, and his eyes will betray his thoughts.

Xin Moyang didn't expect that Lin Qingxi could guess what was going on in his heart all at once. He had no place to stay in Wu Guo, and the Queen Mother of Wu Guo was trying to get rid of him.

In order not to cause trouble for his adoptive parents Ning Wang and his wife, and for their safety, he pretended to sever the relationship with Ning Wang and his wife, and learned that his biological mother was still alive, so he chased all the way to Chu State.

But he already knew what Shangguan Huining did on the way here, and he also knew that the current Shangguan Huining is not the unruly princess who only clings to him a few years ago. Now she seems to be a different person, cruel and merciless , and strong martial arts.

He had fought her before, and he had to admit that he was no longer Shangguan Huining's opponent, and her subordinates even raised a group of dead soldiers. Now these not only want to capture him alive, but also kill his biological parents.

If their family stays in Linjia Village, then Shangguan Huining's people will chase here, and Linqingxi and Linqingxi's family will be implicated and hurt. The last thing he wants to see is that Linqingxi will be implicated .

"Linqingxi, do you have any grudges against Shangguan Huining?" Xin Moyang could see from Linqingxi's eyes that she hated Shangguan Huining.

"Hmph, there is more than just a blood feud between me and her. Do you know who cut off my father's palm? And who forced me to jump off the cliff?" Lin Qingxi looked at Xin Moyang and asked coldly road.

As long as she thinks of the despair in the heavy snow that day, all of Linqingxi's self-control has turned into uncontrollable anger and hatred. She has endured revenge for so long, it's not that she doesn't want to kill those three annoying women , but she is not reconciled, she was so desperate, she also wants to let them taste the taste of despair to the end.

"It's Shangguan Huining?" Xin Moyang's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"That's right, it's her! Besides her, there are two other women, one named Wei Zizhen and the other named Wu Feng'er. They were the three who captured me back then, as well as my father, my mother, Nian Yu and Nian Shui. I don't I will let them go, and wait for them to come." Lin Qingxi looked at Xin Moyang and said word by word.

"Linqingxi, I'll stay!" Even if he can't marry Linqingxi in this life, Xin Moyang still wants to protect her from harm, not to mention that now that the two have a common enemy, they should fight side by side.

"Brother Moyang, here, no one can hurt Aunt Xiangxu and Tongsheng. This is their home, and it is also your home." Lin Qingxi thought of those days when he and Xin Moyang shared hardships, and the love between the two Fate is really amazing, but compared to the love between a man and a woman, she hopes that there will be a strong family relationship between two people.

"Sister Xi'er!" Even though there was still some resistance in his heart, Xin Moyang knew very well that he and Linqingxi were destined to be family members in this life, and since they were family members, Xin Moyang would protect them with all his might.

Hearing Xin Moyang calling her younger sister, Lin Qingxi finally showed a smile on her face, as if the thorn stuck in her and Xin Moyang's respective throats was gone, and now they are at ease with each other.

Yan Yun, who had been standing in the distance, also smiled slightly. This time he was a gentleman and didn't "overhear", but seeing the smile on Linqingxi's face, his heart also warmed up.

In the early morning of the next day, there was thunder in the dark sky, and it rained heavily at noon, and the sky was as dark as night.

Linqingxi originally planned to go to the villa to talk to Yun Yun about something, but it was only when he arrived at the villa that he found out that not only Yun Yun was not there, but also the Huohu, Huolong and Huoque who were always by his side were also not there.

"Lan Luo, do you know where Huo Que went?" For some reason, Lin Qingxi felt uneasy for no reason. What she actually wanted to ask was whether Lan Luo knew where Yan Yun had gone, and who made Lan Luo and Huo Sparrow go? Finches are the best.

"Master, I don't know... I can't say it!" Lan Luo opened her mouth and quickly closed it. She promised Huoque not to say anything, but she didn't want to lie to her master.

Lin Qingxi guessed that there must be something hidden in it. She didn't pay much attention to the matter of Yan Yun before, but recently she paid more attention to him, but found that she didn't seem to know much about the matter of Yan Yun. .

"Say, I want to know!" Lin Qingxi's face turned cold.

Lan Luo hesitated for a moment. If she is not righteous, she will not be righteous. She can't lie to her master, so she said: "Return to the master, Huoque and the others have all gone to the deep pool at Meiya Peak. Why are you going now? There, the subordinates really don’t know.”

Deep pool?Isn't that the place where Yan Yun taught her to practice kung fu?Now it's stormy outside, what are they doing there?Lin Qingxi didn't want to pay attention to it, after all, it was Yan Yun's private matter, but she was a little restless, and finally got up and went to Meiya Peak.

The rain is getting heavier, Lin Qingxi is wearing a raincoat improved from rainproof cloth, and riding on horseback towards the deep pool of Meiya Peak alone, Lan Luo and Bai Lang originally wanted to follow, but Lin Qing Creek blocked.

Running all the way to Meiya Peak, Lin Qingxi didn't understand why there was a sense of anxiety in her heart, when she got off the horse, Huo Wu had already stopped her.

"Huo Wu, what happened?" The rain had blurred Lin Qingxi's eyes, she wiped the water from her face and asked Huo Wu.

"Girl, please go back first!" The reason why the master hid in Meiya Peak at this time was because he didn't want Linqingxi to see him in his current state.

At this moment, Linqingxi heard a thunderous roar of a tiger not far away, and also faintly heard the voice of Yan Yun.

"Huo Wu, get out of the way, I'm going to see Yan Yun!" Facing Huo Wu's obstruction, Lin Qingxi did not retreat but advanced.

(End of this chapter)

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