Chapter 351 Double-sided Yan Yun (3)
"I'm sorry, girl!" Huo Wu's face was anxious, he had to stop Lin Qingxi.

But although Lin Qingxi's martial arts was not as high as Yan Yun's, she was powerful by Huo Wu, so she had to fight against Huo Wu, and then used her lightness kung fu to go to a dense forest behind the deep pool.

Lin Qingxi saw Yan Yun's figure, and also saw Huolong, Huohu and Huoque guarding the four directions with their backs to him, and Huo Wu was in charge of guarding the direction he came from.

At this moment, the heavy rain was pouring down, and it was difficult for people to open their eyes. Under the heavy rain curtain, Linqingxi saw a tiger with its mouth wide open standing on the opposite side of Yan Yun, and in the hand of Yan Yun It is an extremely sharp dagger.

For a long time, in Lin Qingxi's eyes, although Yan Yun is mysterious and unpredictable, he has a gentle temper, a calm and casual temperament, and treats people with sincerity and closeness. Even if he is angry, he seldom gives people a cold feeling.

However, when Lin Qingxi is approaching Yan Yun step by step at this moment, she feels that Yan Yun is like an angry lion in the wind and rain. eager.

What's more, his eyes are full of bloodthirsty murderous intent, his soft face and resolute expression are all absent, such a Yan Yun is strange and cold.

Lin Qingxi stopped suddenly, because she saw Yan Yun suddenly pounced on the tiger, jumped onto the tiger's back, and stabbed the tiger fiercely with the dagger in her hand.

How could the tiger give in obediently? It howled loudly and twisted its body frantically, trying to throw Yan Yun off its back, but the person on the back suddenly lay down on the bloody place, sucking up its blood with great mouthfuls. Tiger blood comes.

Even Lin Qingxi, who has seen countless big scenes, was shocked. Yan Yun's hair was messy, and there were mud and blood on his body. He suddenly raised his head to look at her face, and there was bright red blood flowing down the corner of his mouth. , he really looks like a monster like this.

After drinking the tiger's blood, Yan Yun gradually regained his sanity, his body felt warm, and his internal strength gradually returned. At this time, the tiger under his crotch was no longer his opponent, and he slapped him to death with a single palm.

Even though he was in a mess, Lin Qingxi saw the side he least wanted her to see, Yan Yun just gave Huo Wu behind Lin Qingxi a look, and then slowly walked towards Lin Qingxi.

When Yan Yun was wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth and walking towards her, for some reason, Lin Qingxi took a step back, but her small movement hurt Yan Yun a little.

After walking to Lin Qingxi's side, Yan Yun picked her up and ran wildly in the rain. By the time Lin Qingxi recovered from the shock, she and Yan Yun had already hid in a cave on Meiya Peak.

"Ask whatever you want!" Yan Yun was ready to confess.

"Why?" Lin Qingxi slowly regained her senses.

No matter why Yan Yun wanted to drink the tiger's blood, she felt that she shouldn't show such a big shock, as if her surprise would make Yan Yun feel a little embarrassed.

"Is there a fire note?" Yan Yun asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Although Lin Qingxi felt a little baffled, she still handed him the fire pocket in her arms. Although it was raining heavily, she had done a good waterproof treatment on the fire pocket.

There were some dry firewood in the cave, and Yan Yun lit a fire, and his clothes were dried with internal force shortly after entering the cave, while Lin Qingxi's clothes were not much wet.

Crackling sounds resounded between the two silent people, and the blazing fire drove away the only bit of chill in Linqingxi's body, and she was still waiting for Yunyun's answer.

Just when she thought that Yan Yun would not say anything, Yan Yun, who was slowly adding firewood to the fire, said slowly: "There is not only a mysterious tribe like the Wu Clan in the Zhengji Continent. There are many mysterious tribes. My father used to be a well-known young chivalrous man in the Jianghu. She used to be the saint of the Spirit Clan, and the only daughter of the head of the Spirit Clan, and the people of the Spirit Clan lived on an unknown island all the year round, and lived a carefree life."

Next, Yan Yun told Lin Qingxi that at that time his mother always longed for the world outside the island. He heard that there was a place called Zhengji Continent outside the island. Obviously, there will be thick snow in winter.

Although the patriarch of the Eldar clan who loved his daughter sent people out to buy her many things that were not available on the island, she still wanted to go and see for herself.So, hiding the truth from all her clansmen, she sneaked out of the island and came to the positive continent.

Although the pure spirit saintess wore the dresses of ordinary women on the Zhengji Continent, her beautiful face and agile temperament still attracted the attention of many people, and she also encountered a lot of dangers.

It was at this time that the righteous young hero rescued the innocent and kind-hearted saint of the Spirit Race, and they fell in love for a long time, and the two even made a private appointment for life.

But the combination of the two angered those who admired them. When the saint of the Spirit Race was pregnant, she was poisoned by a good sister she met after entering the positive continent.

"Then what happened next?" Hearing this, Lin Qingxi asked anxiously.

"My father brought my mother back to the Spirit Tribe. Not only did the clansmen not blame my mother, they accepted my father with tolerance and held a grand wedding for them on the island. Although, the elders of the Spirit Tribe My mother got rid of the poison, but she can't leave the island again in this life, and I have been poisoned in my body since I was born. Only the tiger blood fed by Wanming Dan can help me get rid of the poison. The old man in the three realms is actually my father's friend , he found a faster way to remove toxins from my body, that is, let the tiger eat the Wanming Dan, and stimulate its fighting spirit, and then drink the hot tiger blood. I have been using it for two years With this method, the pain is no longer so painful, and the onset has been prolonged." Yan Yun said with a smile.

Seeing that he spoke so easily, Lin Qingxi felt a little sad. He was suffering from pain when he was still in the womb. Even if he was the grandson of the patriarch of the Spirit Race, so what, even if he lacked everything, but the pain he endured It is unbearable for ordinary people.

"What about the woman who killed you and your mother? Since she can administer this kind of poison, maybe she has an antidote!" Lin Qingxi said.

"She watched my mother completely disappear after drinking the cup of poisonous tea. Over the years, my father and I have sent people to look for her on the positive continent, but they couldn't find her. I think, if she is dead , but never appeared on the positive continent again, deny it, I have found her a long time ago." The reason why Yan Yun continued to develop and strengthen his power secretly was to find revenge on that vicious woman, and to find a solution. Medicine, not only for him, but also for his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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