Chapter 356 Meeting the old friend (3)
To make preserved eggs, there must be quicklime, salt, alkali, plant ash and black tea.Linqingxi has already found quicklime on Sanlong Mountain, and asked Mountain Wolf to bring back a lot of it. She also bought a lot of soda ash and salt Ruoxin. The plant ash she used was firewood ash, and she also had people add it to the loess. Rice husk and wheat bran.

It’s just that the choice of tea leaves is a bit difficult for her. In her previous life, her favorite was black tea made of the northern kind. In Chu State, she didn’t find black tea, only ordinary green tea. In comparison, there is a kind of tea that is the best. , that is the unique Yunlai tea in the south of Wu country.

When Yan Yun came to the rice garden to look for Lin Qingxi, he found that her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she was worried about something, and asked aloud: "Xi, is there anything difficult?"

When Lin Qingxi saw that it was Yan Yun, he asked him to sit down inside the house, because he came so often that the maids outside the house didn't even have to report.

"It's not a difficult task!" Lin Qingxi smiled slightly, "Yun Yun, you should have heard of Yunlai tea in Wu State. Tea merchants like this in Chu State also sell tea, but the quantity is small. Some time ago, my elder brother Both my third brother and I had someone bring some back to me, but that’s enough for drinking tea, so there’s a little less to use.”

"If you need it, I happen to know a tea merchant in the Wu Kingdom. His tea garden is full of Yunlai tea. How much do you want?" It turned out that it was for the tea, and Yan Yun thought it was such an embarrassing thing.

"Yuan Yun, I feel more and more that I really don't know you at all!" Yan Yun seems to have friends all over the world, why does he know everyone.

"Actually - you can speed up the pace of getting to know me!" Yan Yun smiled charmingly at Lin Qingxi, his smile reminded Lin Qingxi of the tiger blood at the corner of his mouth that day.

"Okay, you can try it!" Lin Qingxi didn't choose to answer ambiguously this time, she also blinked at Yan Yun.

Yan Yun felt that if it wasn't for his strong concentration or understanding of Lin Qingxi, he would really think that she wasn't just blinking, but was... winking at him.

"Xi, you are a little different!" Yan Yun can be sure that Lin Qingxi either received some great stimulation, or she suddenly changed her sex and became interested in the love between men and women. This is a great blessing. signs.

"I'm still me, what's the difference!" Lin Qingxi felt slightly embarrassed.

In fact, she doesn't know how to fall in love, and she doesn't know how to please the person she likes. As for the confession and those sweet words of love, she will not say it to death.

Even if Lin Qingxi denies it, Yan Yun still feels that she is different, but now is not the time to explore this issue, he came here to find Lin Qingxi with something important to say.

"Shangguan Huining has already arrived in Yunzhou, but she didn't come here, but stood still, as if she was waiting for someone." Yan Yun said to Lin Qingxi.

"Just come! Is she waiting for Wei Zizhen and Wu Fenger?" Lin Qingxi guessed.

"No, these two women are busy with their own affairs, and they won't come here to trouble you just because of Shangguan Huining's words. Besides, they have sent spies to Nayuan, so how could they come here by themselves? come."

Yan Yun doesn't think that Wei Zizhen, who is trying to marry Chu Xuan, and Wu Fenger, who is dealing with Jingxiu's relationship, will come to Chu State. These two women will not face Lin Qingxi face to face unless they are forced into a desperate situation.

Lin Qingxi also felt that what Yan Yun said was right, she was changing, Wei Zizhen and Wu Fenger were also changing, and their scheming and strategies became deeper.

"No matter who she is waiting for, this time, Shangguan Huining's life will stay in Chu State. I will never forgive those who hurt my family!" Lin Qingxi said decisively.

"My people are watching her in the dark, and they will report as soon as there is news. According to Shangguan Huining's character, she will not come here, but I hope you go there to find her or hope that Xin Moyang will go." Xuan Yun said.

"It will make her wish come true!" Lin Qingxi also wanted to take the initiative to find her.

At dawn the next day, Yan Yun came to the rice field again, and this time he brought the latest news about Shangguan Huining.

"Xi, Shangguan Huining has arrested three people. I think we have to go to Yunzhou today." Yan Yun said as soon as he saw Linqingxi.

"Who did she arrest? Is it my elder brother?" Ever since she knew that Shangguan Huining was coming to Yunzhou, her family had never left Linjia Village. Could it be her brothers who were doing business abroad?

"No, she arrested a girl named Le Wuyou, as well as Fu Yinger, the daughter of the lord of Dongdu City, and her son Fu Nianjun." Yan Yun knew that Le Wuyou was related to Xin Moyang, but why did Shangguan Huining arrest her? Fu Yinger's mother and son, he hasn't figured it out yet.

Lin Qingxi was about to ask Shangguan Huining who they were arresting, when a servant guarding the gate ran into the rice field with two letters in his hand, one was for Lin Qingxi and the other was for Lin Qingxi. It was for Xin Moyang.

Lin Qingxi took the letter and looked at it, and couldn't help being even more annoyed. This Shangguan Huining is really capable, and she doesn't know whether what she said in the letter is true or not.

"Xi, what are you going to do?" Yan Yun also read the letter, but Lin Qingxi still had to make the final decision.

"Go, no matter it's true or not, I'm going. She actually has the guts to deliver the letter directly to her door. Then I can't let her people go for nothing." Of course Lin Qingxi is going, but she wants to see Shangguan Huining What tricks are you going to play this time.

"I'll go with you, don't worry, Huohu and the others are here, and they won't let Shangguan Huining's people in." Shangguan Huining's martial arts is not something anyone can handle, but she is not her opponent.

"I'll also give instructions to White Wolf and Yushan. Shangguan Huining came to the door confidently, because she was sure that I would go, but Xin Moyang..." Lin Qingxi didn't want to hand over the letter to Xin Moyang, she had heard Xin Moyang say , he is no longer Shangguan Huining's opponent, if he goes, maybe something will happen.

"Let him go together, this is also his business, I think, he doesn't like you making this decision for him." Xin Moyang is a man, and men know men best, Yan Yun made the choice for Lin Qingxi.

In the end, each of the three rode a fast horse to the place mentioned in Shangguan Huining's letter, a deep and terrifying cemetery. Le Wuyou, Fu Yinger, and Fu Nianjun were tied to three pillars erected on the cemetery. superior.

"Brother Xin, let's go, this witch is crazy!" Le Wuyou shouted at the top of his lungs when he saw Xin Moyang appear.

"Wuyou, don't be afraid, I'll save you!" Since Xin Moyang knew that Shangguan Huining had captured Le Wuyou, he was very anxious. This little girl must have nothing to do.

Shangguan Huining was wearing a long black dress with red fingers. Under the sunlight, her hair turned a coquettish red.

"Brother Moyang, you're finally here!" Shangguan Huining sat cross-legged on a grave overgrown with weeds, with a sinister smile that made people feel coldness blowing down his back for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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