Chapter 357 Meeting the old friend (4)
Lin Qingxi couldn't associate her with the domineering princess Hui Ning who lived in Linjia Village back then, even when she cut off Lin Zhongguo's palm, she was much less vicious than she is now. At that time, she was only ruthless On a sharp knife in her hand, but now she is ruthless to the bone.

"Bad girl, you are still alive, what a fate! However, today is your death day, I want to dig out your heart and liver, and then taste it, hahaha..." Shangguan Huining looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Shangguan Huining, I am the person you are looking for and I am the person you want to kill. Now that I am here, can you let him go?" Lin Qingxi glanced at Fu Yinger, Fu Nianjun and Fu Nianjun who were tied to the pillar. Happy and worry-free.

"Bitch girl, you are still as stupid as ever. Today, no one wants to leave. I want you to watch me and brother Moyang get married here, and then I will eat you all as congratulatory gifts!" Shangguan Huining Said frantically.

"It seems that you are really crazy!" Lin Qingxi glanced at Shangguan Huining sarcastically, "This is not the place where you and Xin Moyang got married, but the place where you died in Jiuquan. By the way, I forgot to tell You, Xin Moyang said that the woman he loves the most in this life is me, and the two of us are married, and we have a child in our belly, and we live happily every day."

Knowing that Lin Qingxi said this intentionally to provoke Shangguan Huining, Yan Yun was still very angry, and Xin Moyang was even more astonished.

"Brother Xin, is this true?" Le Wuyou already knew that there was someone in Xin Moyang's heart, and even though that person was a peasant girl, he loved her very much, did he still not walk into his heart?

Yan Yun also looked at Xin Moyang, as if if he dared to say "yes", he could strike him down with one palm.

At first, Xin Moyang was still hesitating, but when he saw Yan Yun's eyes, he suddenly smiled, looked at Lin Qingxi with unprecedented tenderness and said: "Yes, the woman I love the most in my life is her, any other woman I can't even get into my eyes. For her, I can live or die. Shangguan Huining, don't be delusional. Even if you are the only woman left in the world, I will only think you are disgusting. Absolutely—absolutely ——I won’t like you, I hate you, I hate you, and I want to kill you even more.”

Xin Moyang has never said so many words to himself at once, and never showed a smile in front of her eyes, but now he actually admits that the woman he loves the most is Lin Qingxi, and humiliates her like this.

What Master said is right, all men in the world are heartless and ruthless, there is no good thing, they cannot be forgiven, absolutely cannot be forgiven, they will all die, all will die!

"I'm going to kill you!" Shangguan Huining turned his hands into eagle claws and came directly towards Linqingxi and Xin Moyang.

However, Yan Yun stopped him in the middle: "Go and save someone, I will deal with this person!"

"No, Yan Yun, leave her to me!" For Lin Qingxi at this time, Shangguan Huining was her biggest goal.

"Bitch girl, you are looking for death!" Shangguan Huining flew towards Linqingxi, and then the two of them started to move.

Xin Moyang took the opportunity to save the three of Le Wuyou, but at this time Shangguan Huining's subordinates who were hiding in the dark also came out.

"Kill them all for me!" Shangguan Huining sneered darkly.

Since Xin Moyang wanted to love this bitch and let her down, she would send them to see the King of Hades together.

After Shangguan Huining's people appeared, Xin Moyang fought with them, and at this time the four hidden guards arranged by Yan Yun also came out to fight with Shangguan Huining's people.

This time Shangguan Huining came to Chu State to find Xin Moyang and Lin Qingxi with full confidence, because these two people are not her opponents at all now, but she did not expect that Lin Qingxi also learned martial arts like her. And there is such a master as Yan Yun by his side.

In a one-on-two match, Shangguan Huining was soon at a disadvantage, and Lin Qingxi slapped him from behind, then vomited blood, and fell to the ground hard.

"Shangguan Huining, today is the day of your death!" The short sword in Lin Qingxi's hand was about to cut off Shangguan Huining's palm first, so that she could taste the pain of Lin Zhongguo, when suddenly a black shadow appeared He rushed out, and after rescuing Shangguan Huining, he performed lightness kung fu and disappeared. The speed was so fast that even Yan Yun was startled.

When Shangguan Huining's people saw that Shangguan Huining was rescued, they all withdrew.

Lin Qingxi was going to chase her, but Yan Yun held her hand: "Xi, don't chase, the person who comes here is extremely skilled in martial arts, you are no match for that person."

Not to mention Lin Qingxi, even Yan Yun was not sure that his lightness skill would be faster than that person just now. It seemed that there was indeed a very powerful person behind Shangguan Huining, but who would this person be?

Seeing that she was about to be able to torture Shangguan Huining happily, but at this time she was rescued, Lin Qingxi felt annoyed. She must step up her practice when she goes back, and she will never give Shangguan Huining another chance to escape.

"Wuyou, what's wrong with you?" Xin Moyang, who had rescued the three of them, suddenly supported Le Wuyou and shouted worriedly.

"Brother Xin, that witch poisoned us, we..." Le Wuyou passed out before finishing his sentence.

Fu Yinger and Fu Nianjun who also took the poison also fell to the ground in pain.

"This is the detoxification pill, first give them one, and send them back to Linjia Village." Lin Qingxi took out the detoxification pill that Lan Luo asked her to carry at any time, gave Xin Moyang one, and Fu Yinger and Fu Nianjun also took it one.

A few hours later, outsiders were temporarily not allowed to enter the rice garden, and Lin Qingxi called Huoque, Lan Luo, and Yushan to the guest room of the rice garden.

"How is it?" Two of these three people know how to use poison and the other knows how to heal. Lin Qingxi believes that they will not let her down.

Sure enough, after seeing it, the three people all had smiles on their faces. Although the poison that Shangguan Huining gave the three of them was harsh, it was not without a solution, and the antidote would be ready in a while.

In the evening, Le Wuyou, Fu Yinger, and Fu Nianjun all woke up. Because Fu Nianjun was still a child, he was very poisonous, and there was still some residual poison in his body, but Yushan told Linqingxi that there would be no serious problems. , and the residual poison will soon be cleared away.

After Fu Yinger woke up, Linqingxi asked Ruoxin to prepare some hot porridge and hot meals for her and Fu Nianjun. During this time, she kept staring at the two of them in the room.

Fu Nianjun looked only four or five years old, about the same age as Lin Nian'an, and upon closer inspection, he did look a bit like his third brother, Lin Qingfei. He didn't expect his third brother to be so capable that he slept with the daughter of the lord of Dongdu City. , and let others give birth to a child for him.

Fu Ying'er didn't know what happened. She and her son were suddenly kidnapped by that crazy princess of the Wu Kingdom, and they were even fed poison.

(End of this chapter)

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