Chapter 363
However, apart from Linqingxi and the others, no one is optimistic about He Huaihua and Vulture, and thinks that the two are too incompatible. Advise He Huaihua to give up.

"Huaihua, mother said that someone from Dongjia Village came to propose a marriage. The person is only one year older than you. He is an honest and hard-working farmer. Although his family background is average, we are also farmers, so we just want to be down-to-earth." He Zaohua didn't want to Seeing her only sister being pointed at by others, she has heard all the gossip and gossip in Nayuan these days.

Not only her, but also Lin Xiaoyu, Lin Cuihua and the others. I don't know what happened to these girls, but they suddenly became bolder one by one, so they almost stayed at the man's house and refused to leave.

"Sister, I know that you and mother are both for my own good, but I like Big Brother Vulture. I want to be that man's wife. I don't want to marry someone else!" He Huaihua never gave up. Until the vulture's heart is melted.

"Huaihua, why are you so stupid! Can't you see that Vulture is not an ordinary guard next to girl Xi? He is too scary, he must have killed someone before." The impression that Vulture gave was With a ruthless murderous look, many people can hide as far as they see him.

"Sister, I'm not afraid! I don't care what he used to do, I like him in my eyes. Sister, you have been stronger than me since I was a child. I used to be weak, and I was able to show such courage to pursue me. Can't you see my determination for your own happiness!" He Huaihua's eyes were red.

After all, He Zaohua sighed. Since she was a child, this younger sister has been timid. If she hadn't come to Nayuan, she might be bullied even if she married into her husband's family. But the person she wants to marry now doesn't like her. Does it take her whole life like this? ?

At the same time, the situation of Lin Xiaotao and Lin Agui also changed. Since the girl he liked suddenly married someone else as a concubine, Lin Agui seemed to have lost his soul, and he couldn't work hard.

"Brother Agui, why don't you go down to the fields? I heard from the grandpa in the village that the rice will be harvested in two days, and everyone is busy cleaning up the drying field these days." Lin Xiaotao saw Lin Agui who was in a daze One sits on a stone next to the waterwheel built some time ago in the village.

"Xiaotao, so it's you. I'll be there soon!" Lin Agui said lazily.

"Brother Agui, I've heard it all. Don't be sad. There are so many good girls in the world. You will always meet a girl who likes you and you like too." Lin Xiaotao said pointedly.

But Lin Agui only cared about the girl he had liked for many years, and didn't listen to Lin Xiaotao's words.

Lin Xiaotao comforted Lin Agui a few more words, and then left feeling a little disappointed.

Two days later, Lin Qingxi asked Lin Agui to help herd sheep on a nearby mountain.Because the grass was green and the sun was warm, and the sheep were more obedient, he lay down on the hillside and took a nap.

At this moment, he heard two girls talking and laughing from the other side of the hillside. He thought it might be someone from the rice field who came to mow the grass, so he didn't pay much attention, and continued to lie down and think about his thoughts.

Maybe it was because the two girls were talking too loudly that they didn't notice that he was on this side, or maybe it was because his name was in their conversation, so he listened carefully.

"Sister Linglan, you said that Lin Agui is really a fool. The woman was lying to him, and he was so stupid that he was fooled. I heard that he bought a lot of good things for others!" This is from a little maid in Daoyuan. sound.

Now, many people know about Lin Agui's "broken love", and even Lin Agui himself doesn't know why the news spread so quickly.

Therefore, he would rather hide in a corner where no one knew, and he didn't want to hear those voices laughing at his stupidity.

"Where did you hear that, little girl! However, he is really a bit stupid. Obviously the best girl is by his side, and he has waited for him for so many years, but he doesn't know how to cherish it. A woman who knows how to play him and delusions of flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix." This was the slightly mocking voice of Ling Lan.

"Sister Linglan, who is it? It can't be you, right?" the little maid joked.

At this time, Lin Agui on the other side of the hillside was also puzzled, who was waiting for him foolishly?Is it really lily of the valley?But he doesn't like this carefree girl!

"Go, go, I don't like him! It's Miss Xiaotao. Alas, she obviously likes Lin Agui, but she pushes the man she likes to other women. I think Miss Xiaotao is the most stupid." Ling Lan said .

"Miss Xiaotao is so pitiful. I heard that Miss Xiaotao's mother is looking for a husband's family for her. Even if she likes Lin Agui, what's the use of them, they don't trust her at all." The little maid also said sympathetically.

"So, Lin Agui is a fool. All these years, Miss Xiaotao has been silently giving by his side, but he is so stupid that he can't see it. Now the girl who likes him so much may marry someone else. Sometimes he regrets it!" Lily of the valley very said angrily.

The conversation between the little maid and Ling Lan was still going on, but Lin Agui couldn't bear it any longer. It wasn't that he didn't care about many things, but that he always treated Lin Xiaotao as his younger sister.

But now that Lin Xiaotao's admiration for him has been pointed out, he feels a little awkward in his heart. Thinking about the way Lin Xiaotao looked at him and the help and love for him and his family all these years, Ling Lan and the little maid said it well. Yes, he really is a fool.

When Ling Lan was talking to the little maid, Lin Qingxi, Lin Xiaoyu, and Lin Xiaotao hid in a place where Lin Agui couldn't see them, but they could clearly see the expression on his face.

After Lin Agui drove the flock away, the three of them came out from their hiding place.

"Xiao Tao, I think things between you and Brother Agui are beginning to turn around. It seems that he has realized your deep feelings for him. As long as you work harder, you might succeed." Just now Ling Lan and The conversations of the little maids were all made by Lin Qingxi on purpose, even Lin Agui was asked to herd the sheep on purpose.

"Well, I will work hard!" Lin Xiaotao said shyly.

Originally, she thought that as long as she waited, Lin Agui would find out that she was good, but after waiting for so many years, he still didn't respond, Lin Qingxi's method is better.

"Xiaotao is fine, sister Xi, help me too, brother Liulang, he won't eat hard!" Lin Qingmu was recently called back to Linjia Village by Lin Qingxi, saying that there are some things that need Lin Qingmu's help to make, but Lin Qingmu, who loves "invention and creation", returned home from Lin Qingfei's side.

Lin Qingxi did ask Lin Qingmu to make some new things, but the main reason for calling him back was for his marriage with Lin Xiaoyu.

Lin Xiaoyu, He Huaihua, and Lin Xiaotao have different personalities. They dare to love and hate, and they are even more courageous. Since she was a child, she has been straightforwardly chasing Lin Qingmu, but Lin Qingmu has been avoiding her.

(End of this chapter)

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