Chapter 364 Chu Xuan Returns (1)
Now, she has adopted the method that Lin Qingxi said, but other people's methods on paper are useful, but hers are useless, Lin Qingmu only focuses on his wood.

Even Lin Qingxi underestimated Lin Qingmu's love for those new things. She thought that Lin Qingmu had changed a little after following Lin Qingfei in the past two years. Who knew that he became more obsessed with making some other things? Something new that I haven't seen before.

"My sixth brother is indeed in trouble. It seems that the last solution is not the solution!" Lin Qingxi said seriously with narrowed eyes.

"What way?" Lin Xiaoyu excitedly grabbed Lin Qingxi's arm and asked.

"The Overlord goes hard!" Lin Qingxi didn't want to, if she didn't know that Lin Qingmu and Lin Xiaoyu liked each other, she wouldn't help Lin Xiaoyu plot against her brother.

"What?" Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Xiaotao could stuff an egg into their mouths.

"If you want my sixth brother not to become a monk, sister Xiaoyu, you will not become an old girl, this is the most direct way!" Sixth brother don't blame me, sister, this is also for your lifelong happiness.

"Sister Xiaoyu, don't you dare?" This method is indeed outrageous, but Lin Qingxi thinks it may be the most effective method.

"No, I dare!" In fact, Lin Xiaoyu had thought of this method before, but with such a "shameless" approach, she was afraid that Lin Qingmu would hate her even more because of it.

"That's good, I'll arrange this matter!" Lin Qingxi felt that she was very much like a modern version of a "pimp", and she was helping outsiders to "harm" her own brother.

"But sister Xi, what if brother Liulang hates me because of this matter? I don't want him to look down on me!" Lin Xiaoyu's only worry is this.

"Sister Xiaoyu, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely let the sixth brother marry you in with a smile." Just now I felt guilty towards my brother, now Linqingxi has to do it The excitement of "bad things".

On July 29rd in the 23th year of Kangze, this day was the day when Lin Qingmu lost his life to Lin Xiaoyu, and it was also the day when Chu State ceded land to seek peace and signed an armistice document with Wu State and Qixuan State.

Finally, the war was over, most of the courtiers and common people of the Chu State rejoiced, and they hoped that the peace they had finally obtained would last.

The people in the old Lin's family were also extremely happy, and the hearts of Ye Shi and Mu Shi finally fell down.

Several countries ceased fighting and became friendly, Lin Qinghe didn't have to fight desperately on the battlefield, and Lin Qingmu also offered to marry Lin Xiaoyu, what a blessing from heaven.

"Girl, girl!" In Daoyuan's study, Jasmine called Lin Qingxi twice before she came back to her senses.

"What's the matter?" Lin Qingxi raised her head and asked with restraint.

"This is the account book for the end of the month, please have a look!" Jasmine placed the account book in Lin Qingxi's hands with both hands.

"Leave it alone, are Han Xiao and Wen Fei here?" Lin Qingxi got up and asked.

She always felt that Chu State's cession of land for peace would not bring back stability, but also turned herself into a piece of fat that was easily available, hanging on the lips of the "two tigers" Wu State and Qixuan State, which could not be stable. It is an illusion, the disaster of Chu State has just begun.

"The two of them are in the front hall now, as well as Xu Sheng and Gao Yuan beside the Eldest Young Master and the Third Young Master." Jasmine had just passed the front hall to the study, so she glanced at the people in the front hall.

"I see, let's go!" Lin Qingxi knew the two people Jasmine was talking about, and they could be called the counselors around Lin Qingyun and Lin Qingfei, and they were also the people most valued and trusted by the two brothers.

After arriving at the front hall, when the four of them saw Lin Qingxi, they hurriedly got up from their chairs and saluted with fists together: "I've seen the girl!"

"Sit down, everyone!" Lin Qingxi walked to the main seat in the hall and sat down.

This is the first time for Xu Sheng to see Lin Qingxi. He has heard a lot about her deeds, and he is also amazed that the little farmhouse can fly a golden phoenix.

Gao Yuan and Lin Qingxi have met several times, and now he is no longer the weak and weak scholar of the past. Over the years, with Lin Qingfei going to sea and traveling everywhere, he has grown into a strong man who is as cunning as a fox, possesses both strategy and courage .

Lin Qingxi has already read the letters Lin Qingyun and Lin Qingfei wrote to her, and she also knows why Xu Sheng and Gao Yuan came to Daoyuan. Although she, Lin Qingyun and Lin Qingfei are a family, the four people in the hall However, each is his own master, and it is inevitable that there will be some contradictions in the business field.

"I already know everything about you. You are all open to do business, and you are a family, so don't worry too much." Lin Qingxi felt a little headache, and the two brothers handed over such a difficult matter to her, making it clear that She made up her mind, and she didn't want the family to always "fight among themselves" in the future.

"Going back to what the girl said, what the girl said is true, but I have never seen anyone who robbed my family's business. The masters are brothers and sisters, and they helped each other, but someone deliberately provoked them and insisted on ruining the relationship of the family!" Xu Sheng glanced dissatisfiedly at Han Xiao who was opposite, if Han Xiao hadn't competed with them for business, they would not have returned to the rice field.

Lin Qingxi could hear Xu Sheng's resentment towards Han Xiao, and even some hatred. Xu Sheng's family members were all killed by Wu people, so he hated Wu people the most, and Han Xiao and Wen Fei were Wu people. The most famous businessman, he naturally disliked them.

Han Xiao also knew the reason, and because he knew, he sat there without saying a word.

National feud and family hatred can't be resolved just by resolving it. Although he is Lin Qingxi's subordinate now, the blood of Wu people is flowing on his body, and he has long been prepared to be hated by Chu people.

"Han Xiao, what do you want to say?" Lin Qingxi looked at Han Xiao.

"Girl, I didn't do anything wrong. I went to Wu to make money. We are all in the business world. I can only blame you for your inferior skills!" Since Lin Qingxi entrusted him with Wu's business, then he He had to do it in a big way, and besides, he didn't know that the people who opposed him in business would be Lin Qingxi's two elder brothers.

"Whoever you say is inferior to others! Don't think that you are Mr. Han Xiao of Wu State and you can hold all of Wu State's business in your own hands. Hmph, if you don't use conspiracy and tricks, you don't know who will win and who will win! "Xu Sheng has suffered a lot of uselessness in Wu country during this time, and it's all because of Han Xiao, he has always been suffocating fire in his heart.

"Brother Xu, restrain yourself! The girl is still here!"

Gao Yuan pulled Xu Sheng's sleeve. Although Xu Sheng is a capable person, he is in front of Lin Qingxi after all, and even Lin Qingyun and Lin Qingfei are based on Lin Qingxi. The people in Qingxi confronted each other, obviously wanting to die.

"Girl, it's Xu Sheng who is being rude!" Xu Sheng also realized that he was too emotional, and rushed to Qingxi to plead guilty.

Lin Qingxi didn't blame Xu Sheng. Now that the two elder brothers' influence on the Zhengji Continent is gradually increasing, they are no longer the penniless Young Master Rong and Third Young Master Rong. These two mysterious businessmen always wear masks to appear in front of the world. It has also attracted the attention of many giant merchants and imperial merchants.

(End of this chapter)

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