Chapter 375 Being Calculated by Others (3)
"Is this also going to be sold at noon?" Yin Linger narrowed her eyes.

Profiteer, profiteer, these two words are not wrong at all, Han Xiao is a profiteer, but these things are worth the price, especially if she Yin Linger wants to use them.

"Yes!" Of course, Han Xiao knew that if he opened his mouth like a lion, some people would definitely dislike him, but he earned this money, who made An Xin Yifang's products unique and so good that there was nothing to say.

"I want the purple cherry blossom sea downstairs and the phoenix peony upstairs, and this one, a total of 5 taels. You can pack it for me now and send it to the Prime Minister's Mansion. If you want to wait until noon to sell it, I'm afraid there won't be someone who will offer such a high price at that time, and there may not be someone who will buy it!" Yin Linger's words were threatening.

"Miss Yin still wants that set of auspicious wishes?" Han Xiao asked, pointing to the red quilt in the third cubicle. In the middle of the quilt was embroidered a large and colorful wishful knot that took up half of the bed. Simple yet absolutely elegant.

"That's right! Shopkeeper Han, would you like it?" The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. If Han Xiao wants to do business in Fugui Street for a long time, Yin Linger believes that he will not have trouble with the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Sure enough, Han Xiao pursed his lips and smiled, and said: "Since Miss Yin is so generous, and today is the first day of Anxin Clothing Spinning's opening, Han Xiao naturally has no objection, so come here, pack and seal everything for Miss Yin and carry it to the Prime Minister's Mansion." Han Xiao said loudly to the servant next to him.

"Master Han, thank you very much!" Yin Linger looked at Han Xiao with satisfaction and smiled.

At this time, Han Xiao took out a white jade seal from his bosom, and handed it to Yin Linger, saying: "Miss Yin, Han Xiao is very grateful for your care of the business of the small shop. This seal is only available to the VIPs of Anxin Yifang As a keepsake, use this seal to buy things at Anxin Yifang in the future, I will save the good ones for you first, and there will be a discount, this seal is only ten, and I will give you one for free today."

Yin Ling'er didn't refuse. An Xin's clothes are so high-quality that she will have to come here often in the future. Although she spent 5 taels of silver, this is nothing to Yin Ling'er, not to mention that it is for her. wedding preparations.

"Shopkeeper Han, don't forget what you said, you have good things here, but you have to keep them for me first." She is the prime minister's first daughter and the future concubine, and her status will even be more noble in the future. Nature also has to be the best.

"That's natural!" Such a woman who loves to spend money is the most popular customer of Anxin Yifang.

With Yin Linger's good start, in less than half an hour, Anxin Yifang's eight sets of bedding were all sold at a high price, a total of 12 taels of silver.

At the same time, the ten cotton-padded clothes launched by Anxin Yifang were also sold out in a very short period of time. In less than half a day, Anxin Yifang's store was out of stock.

According to other sellers, they would have replenished the goods immediately, but Anxin Yifang put up a dazzling wooden sign saying "The goods are sold out, come back tomorrow" and closed early.

For one month in a row, Anxin Yifang closed earlier and earlier. Sometimes, as soon as the clerk opened the door, there would be someone standing outside with a bank note, paying the bill and getting the goods directly.On the first day of opening, it was said that it would be sold at noon, but it never waited until then. All the cotton quilts and four-piece suits were snatched up by the rich people in the capital.

All 240 quilts were sold out. Anxin Yifang finally started to open like other shops on Fugui Street. The store opened a little longer, but because Anxin Yifang bought a limited number of things every day, and Wu Guo had never seen it before. Clothes and shoes, so the business has been very hot, even if the price is ridiculously high, many people still come to buy it.

The business of Anxin Yifang is so good, it naturally arouses the jealousy of other families, especially the Jinxiulou of Han's family opposite. Originally, they wanted to compete with Anxin Yifang, but who knew it became their foil.

In the fortified mansion of the Han family, the old man of the Han family was so angry that he slammed his teacup on the ground. Could it be that the Han family is just Han Xiao?What a bunch of wimps.

"Father, that rebellious son really deserves to be damned. Not only has he disgraced our Han family, but he has also ostentatiously walked through the market without giving him any color. He really doesn't know what his last name is!" Han Shaojie, the third master of the Han family, said viciously. .

"I don't care what method you use, don't let me see that rebellious son in Wu country!" The old man of the Han family said fiercely.

This sentence is equivalent to a death sentence for Han Xiao. Anyway, the Han family has many descendants, and there are also many direct sons and grandchildren. The existence of Han Xiao will only be a shame to the Han family.

Next, both Jinxiu Tower and Han's family were confronting Han Xiao and An Xin Yifang, both openly and secretly, and even wanted to send someone to set fire to An Xin Yifang.

Fortunately, Linqingxi had already sent people to guard against the Han family, but the Han family couldn't find a chance to attack.

However, the Han family is an imperial merchant after all, and they are also somewhat involved with the royal family of Wu. Although the Queen Mother of Wu is in power now, the country cannot be without a king for a day. the next emperor.

King De's ascension to the throne will be on the first day of the New Year, and on that day the original Princess De will also be named Empress, and King De's favorite concubine will also be named Imperial Concubine on the same day.

The enthronement ceremony, empress ceremony, and concubine ceremony were all completed in one day without precedent. This is the first time in Wu State. Therefore, the royal family of Wu State attaches great importance to it, and all the items needed must be unique.

I don't know how the Han family persuaded the Empress Dowager Wu to hand over the brocade clothes and clothes needed in the Queen's Palace and the Imperial Concubine's Palace to Anxin Yifang. The imperial decree was issued suddenly, and the grand ceremony was just a month later .

Holding the imperial decree in his hand, Han Xiao really wanted to throw it at the faces of Han's family. Although An Xin's clothes were top-notch, he had already said that all the quilts had been sold out, and the Queen Mother In the Yi decree personally issued, it is stated that Hunan embroidery must be required.

It cannot be completed in such a short period of time. It will take ten days at the fastest to send news from Wu to Chu, and 20 days to go back and forth. How can the embroiderers embroider what the queen and imperial concubine want in ten days? Set of four.

Once it can't be completed, or if it is messed up, it will lead to murder. The Han family wants him to die, which is really cruel. After all, Han Xiao is also a person with the blood of the Han family.

"My lord, what should I do?" Ever since Anxin Garments opened, the Han family has never stopped playing tricks on Anxin Garments, and now they want to use the hands of the Wu royal family to get rid of Han Xiao and a business rival. How despicable!

"Go back to Chu State immediately and tell the girl what happened here, and see if she can do something about it?" Han Xiao has pinned her hopes on Lin Qingxi now, she is so smart, she will definitely think of a way.

So Wen Fei rushed to Chu State day and night. Although he was attacked by unknown people on the road, he avoided them all. Finally, he disguised himself and entered the rice field.

(End of this chapter)

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