Chapter 376 Being Calculated by Others (4)
"Wen Fei, why did you become like this?" The suave man turned into a weird old man with a beard, and Lin Qingxi just wanted to laugh when he saw Wen Fei's appearance.

"Girl, it's not good, something happened to Anxin Yifang!" Wen Fei didn't have time to wash up and see Lin Qingxi again, he pulled the beard on his face, looked at Lin Qingxi anxiously and said.

"An accident? What's the matter?" An Xin Yifang made a lot of money for Linqingxi in the first month because of the cotton quilt and four-piece bedding set. She is planning to send some more winter clothes to Wu this month. Woolen cloth.

"The envoy of the Han family tricked the Empress Dowager Wu into decreing that all the brocade quilts and clothes on the concubine ceremony and concubine ceremony will be handed over to Anxin Yifang for making. If there is any mistake, all related to Anxin Yifang Everyone is going to die." Wen Fei said in a hoarse voice, these days he hardly ate or drank much water in order to travel.

"That's true, hum!" Lin Qingxi underestimated, asked Wen Fei to sit down first, and asked Ruo Xin to prepare some warm tea and rice for him.

Wen Fei couldn't eat at this time, he just drank a cup of tea in a hurry and looked at Linqingxi anxiously.

"Girl, do you have a good idea?" Wen Fei didn't see the anxiety on Lin Qingxi's face, he didn't think that Lin Qingxi would abandon the people who were in Anxin Yifang when the disaster was imminent.

"You don't have to worry, I've already had people prepare those things, and I'll let you take them away before it's too late." Lin Qingxi gave Wen Fei a calm look.

Are you ready?Could it be that Lin Qingxi had the foresight to know that the Empress Dowager Wu would give Han Xiao an order? "Girl, can you tell Wen Fei what's going on? How did you know that the Queen Mother would make things difficult for An Xin Yifang?"

"I don't have that much ability. I just heard that the Han family has been embarrassing Anxin Yifang, and that Wu Guoxin's ascension to the throne is known all over the world. I also listened to a friend's advice, so I was prepared."

The friend Lin Qingxi was talking about was Yan Yun. When Yan Yun came back from Wu Kingdom half a month ago, he told Lin Qingxi about King Wu's ascension to the throne and told her that the Han family had been embarrassing Han Xiao. He will make things difficult for An Xin Yifang by using the fact that Wu Guoxin will ascend the throne more than a month later, and let her make early plans.

Not only that, Yan Yun also analyzed the situation in Wu State and the affairs between De Wang, De Wangfei and De Wang's favorite concubine Xie Ji.

After Lin Qingxi thought about it, the only thing that could make An Xin Yifang difficult to handle was nothing more than the bedding of two deadly rivals, Princess De and Xie Ji.

Regardless of whether she guessed right or not, she began to ask Xiu Niang and Qin Shi to work together to embroider the pattern on the brocade quilt, just in case.Unexpectedly, Yan Yun and himself guessed it right. It is not an easy task to prepare a four-piece suit for the emperor's wife and concubine.

After Wen Fei had rested, Lin Qingxi called him to the study alone. Wen Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief since he knew that Lin Qingxi had prepared for it.

"Wen Fei, you have been with Han Xiao for so long, do you know craftsmen who make jewelry, such as gold hairpins, silver hairpins, earrings and rings?" There is no shortage of gold and silver in Linqingxi now, but how to make these dead things become living things, and then Exchanging for more dead objects is what she wants to do most now.

"I know, but what does the girl want them to do? Does the girl want to open a jewelry and jade store?" Wen Fei asked puzzled.

The Emperor Shang Han's family started out selling women's jewelry, and now the concubines in the palace are all from the Han family's jewelry, and the Jinxiu Tower was opened just to fight against Han Xiao.Therefore, Wen Fei didn't know craftsmen who could make jewelry well.

"It's not a special opening. Anxin Yifang mainly sells four-season clothes and shoes, including four-piece bedding sets. Isn't the lobby in the middle of the store empty? I plan to put two long showcases and sell some Women's accessories. Of course, the main reason is that I don't like the Han family, so I will attack them by the way."

Lin Qingxi doesn't know how to design jewelry, but the things she has seen in her mind are not available here, and no one has ever seen them. Because of this, she believes that the fresh jewelry sold in her shop will definitely be big. popular.

"Girl, to be honest, the Han family is not so easy to hit. They have a lot of rare jade and jewelry in their hands, and the craftsmen's ingenuity, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!" Wen Fei said, frowning.

"I know, I didn't say how valuable or rare things should be compared with them. What we are comparing is novelty, which kind of jewelry can move the hearts of the noble ladies in the capital of Wu State more. I believe in my own eyesight, Because I'm also a woman, why, you don't have confidence in me?" Lin Qingxi looked at Wen Fei with a smile.

Wen Fei quickly shook his head. Just now when Linqingxi was flipping through the picture album, he deliberately walked past him. He saw a picture of a woman's bracelet on it. The craftsmen of the Han family couldn't imagine such a pattern and style. .

"That's good, you help me find a craftsman first, and after a few days, when the things are ready, you can take them back to the country of Wu. If the Han family uses this to make trouble and intentionally make the Queen Mother dissatisfied with An Xin Yifang's things, then I will There's nothing I can do." She has confidence in what she sells, but she doesn't have much confidence in those members of the Han family and the Wu royal family, and Han Xiao has to handle everything by herself.

In the evening, Linqingxi returned to Mandala Villa. She had already had those cloth shoes secretly sent to the frontier and handed them over to Chu Xuan and Yang Yi. Cold winter can withstand some severe cold.

Lin Qingxi met Yan Yun in the small wine shop. Although Yan Yun still talked and laughed with him as before when he came back from Wu, Lin Qingxi always felt that he had something important to hide from him.

There is a smaller booth for warming wine in the small wine shop. Usually, Linqingxi or Yanyun drinks in it alone. If two people sit in it, it will be a little crowded.

Therefore, when he saw Lin Qingxi walking in, Yan Yun planned to go out, since he was almost drunk anyway.

"Yuan Yun, let's have a chat!" Lin Qingxi really didn't like the feeling that she and Yan Yun had nothing to say.

"What are you talking about?" Yan Yun was still holding a pot of some hot wine in his hand.

"Is there nothing to talk between the two of us?" Lin Qingxi snatched the jug from Yan Yun's hand, and then entered the small cubicle with the jug, and Yan Yun followed.

The cubicle can only accommodate two people but there is a stove to warm the wine. After the two sat down, they drank two glasses of wine in a dull manner, and then chatted.

"I went to Wu country some time ago because I got news that the woman who killed my mother is still alive and has been hiding in Wu country for so many years." Before Lin Qingxi could ask, Yan Yun took the initiative to say it, and he didn't want to. There is something hidden from her, but the more she knows, the more dangerous she is.

"Then did you go to Wu country to find her this time?" The woman might have an antidote in her hand, Lin Qingxi asked nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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