Chapter 389 Femme fatale (4)
"God, if I say, I most want to see you sitting in the highest position and stepping on everyone else!" Wu Ling'er looked at Chu Lingtian and said.

"Shui'er, you..." Chu Lingtian felt that he couldn't see the woman in front of him clearly at this moment.

"God, don't ask me why, if you want this world, I will fight with you!" Wu Ling'er is going to be the mother of this positive continent, and she wants to trample Wu Feng'er under her feet, hmph, the world is not only Jing Xiu, a man can become a hegemony.

Chu Lingtian really wanted to ask her what to fight for, she was just a brothel prostitute, did she want to use her body to fight for power for him?No, he doesn't want to!
After Chu Lingtian left Ningzhi Building at noon, Cuiniang walked into Wu Linger's room, who was dressing in the mirror, with a standard "professional smile" on her face.

"Oh, my girl Shui'er, you've woken up. The girl in the building wants to ask you to teach me more about this... huh... the art of bed." Like 40 years old, and slightly fat, looks very friendly.

"Cui Niang, I said, as long as you cooperate with me, I guarantee that Ning Zhi Lou will make you a lot of money every day." Wu Ling'er chuckled and glanced at Cui Niang, quite condescending, it was just the simplest charm Let Cui Niang obey her advice.

"Cui Niang, I want to thank you, Miss Shui'er, see how the prince is sticky girl, Miss Shui'er, if you enter Prince Ding's Mansion in the future, don't forget our Ningzhi Building." Recently, Cui Niang will put the girls Some news I heard from Enke told Wu Ling'er that the benefit Ningzhilou got was to learn a few tricks to seduce men. Of course, outsiders don't know these.

"Cui Niang, as long as you are obedient and obedient, I will not treat you badly. This is the 200 taels of silver rewarded by King Ding. Take it. As for this jewel, I don't like it either. Cui Niang, take it too!" Wu Ling My son can't look down on these things now, what she wants is the queen's throne.

"Thank you, Miss Shui'er, thank you, Miss Shui'er!" Cui Niang, who was obsessed with money, hurried to continue, fearing that Wu Ling'er would go back on his word.

As a gift in return, Cuiniang told her that Wei Zidie, the pregnant side concubine of Prince Ding's mansion, had returned to Wei's house in the past few days, and told Wei Ming and Wei Zizhen about King Ding's stay in Ningzhi Building day and night. Go to the emperor and sue King Ding.

"I know about this matter, is there any other news?" Wu Ling'er remembered that Chu Lingtian was unhappy two days ago, maybe it was because of Wei Zidie's complaint, that is really an idiot.

"Last night, someone from Jiang Hu ordered the girl in our building, but he slipped his tongue on the bed, saying that someone is looking for a killer to kill you, and that you are not a Shui'er girl at all, but..." Cui Niang It seems that some dare not say.

"But what?" Wu Ling'er's eyes turned cold.

"It's a witch from the witch clan!" Cui Niang said nana.

"Then did he say who was going to kill me?" Wu Ling'er asked through gritted teeth. If she dared to kill her, Wu Ling'er would die just thinking about it.

"I just heard him mutter something, saying what Zaifu is, and he left after finishing the job. When I heard the news, I wanted to come to you to see if you offended someone while you were away, and why are there still people who want to kill you? What? But, the prince is inside, so I..." Cuiniang smiled flatteringly.

"Okay, I got it, Cui Niang, let the girls in the building be smarter in the future, as long as there is valuable news, I will not treat them badly, and I will teach them another trick later." Wu Ling'er couldn't figure it out. Mother has no reason to lie to her. It seems that someone really wants to kill her.

But no one in Chu State knew about her incarnation as Shui'er in the brothel.No, there is one person who knows, and that person is Wei Zizhen, and she seems to have realized that she is interested in Chu Lingtian.

Wei Zidie is her own sister, and now she has robbed her sister of her happiness, she must be holding a grudge, maybe she also told that idiot Wei Zidie that she is Shui'er.It's too fantastic to think about getting rid of her without anyone noticing.

Wait a minute, could it be that bitch Wu Feng'er?She must know that she has not returned to Qixuan country at all. If she knew that she was in the brothel, would she take the opportunity to kill her?In this way, no one would know who killed her Wu Ling'er, and it was only the people in the brothel who died.

No matter who the person who wants to kill herself is, she has to change her plan. It seems that if she wants to confess her identity to Chu Lingtian now, it is the best policy to be the concubine first. In this way, neither Wei Zizhen nor Wu Fenger can underestimate her anymore. What's more, she still has Wei Zizhen's handle in her hand. When Wei Zizhen is used by her, that bitch Wu Feng'er will lose a boost.

Two days later, the news that King Ding was poisoned suddenly came out from Prince Ding's mansion, and even the imperial doctor couldn't cure the poison. woke up.

When Chu Lingtian opened his eyes from the bed, he saw Wu Linger looking at him with teary eyes, he thought he was dreaming, this was clearly not the room in Ningzhi Building.

"God, you finally woke up! You scared me to death!" Wu Ling'er suddenly hugged Chu Lingtian in front of a room full of imperial doctors and maidservants.

Chu Lingtian also hugged her back, patted her on the back and asked, "Shui'er, why are you in the palace?"

"Wu Ling'er, you bitch, bitch! Come out!" At this moment, Wei Zidie's exasperated voice suddenly came from outside the room.

Chu Lingtian let go of Wu Ling'er, put his hands on his forehead, and said dissatisfiedly: "The king just woke up, what's up with Concubine Wei, go back and give me a good rest!"

"My lord, I won't leave. I want to tear the mouth of that bitch Wu Linger to pieces. She actually seduced my lord, this shameless vixen. My lord still doesn't drive her away." Wei Zidie just found out that Chu Lingtian The woman he has been thinking about for the past few months is actually Wu Ling'er.

Although she was not very willing to marry the fourth prince at the beginning, but the fourth prince is also very handsome and good at coaxing people. She has gradually fallen in love with him and regards him as her own private property. Now Wu Linger wants to marry him. How could she bear to rob her.

"Wu Linger? What Wu Linger? Drive her away! Hurry up!" Chu Lingtian shouted angrily.

After a while, Wei Zidie's voice of cursing was heard outside, Wu Ling'er just lowered her head during this period, but if there was a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, no one could see it.

When there were only two people left in the room, the affectionate two took off their shoes and lay down on the bed.

At this time, Wu Ling'er revealed her true identity to Chu Lingtian, saying that she was the daughter of the head of the Wu clan in Qixuan Kingdom, and because she fell in love with Chu Lingtian, she violated her father's order to stay here and became Shui'er committed herself to him.

"God, don't blame me, I just love you so much, I really didn't mean to lie to you, I'm sorry!" Wu Ling'er's voice became more and more charming.

(End of this chapter)

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