Chapter 390 Femme fatale (5)
"Shui'er, no, Ling'er, how can I blame you, I want to thank you, thank God. I intended to marry you in, but I was afraid that I couldn't give you a decent status. Now you are the daughter of the patriarch. She is also the younger sister of the Crown Princess of Qixuan Kingdom, with such a noble status, I will ask my father for an order to let you be my princess." Chu Lingtian did not expect that Wu Ling'er is really a treasure, and with the support of the Wu clan, then Can't he continue to develop those grand plans and ambitions he once had!
"Will the emperor agree?" Wu Linger asked worriedly.

"Yes, I will!" Right now Chu State is trying to mend relations with Wu State and Qixuan State, and marriage between the two countries is the best thing.

The next day, Chu Lingtian went into the palace to beg Chu Huai, and three days later, the imperial decree of the marriage was issued, but Wu Linger's father had to be informed about the wedding between Chu Lingtian and Wu Linger, so getting married was a matter of course. Set for a month.

Naturally, Wu Ling'er could no longer live in the Ningzhi Building. She moved into Prince Ning's Mansion soon, and on the day she moved in, it was found out that she was pregnant. Double happiness came, but Chu Lingtian was overjoyed, but Wei Wei The sisters at home hated their teeth itchy.

In Wu Ling'er's slightly empty room in Ning Zhi Building, Cui Niang walked around slowly, and then asked the maid to clean it up for other girls to live in, while she returned to her own room.

As soon as I opened the door and went in, I saw a little maid stealing a snack. There was no usual sneering on her face, only a warm smile.

"What's wrong? Jiu Niang didn't manage you to eat enough good food in Wu Guo, and now I'm greedy for those snacks in my building!" Cui Niang went to the chair beside her and sat down, rubbing her sore arms.

The little girl who had finished eating dim sum smiled "hehe" and said, "Cui Niang's dim sum is the best here. The master has gone to Bingzhou now. Jiu Niang just asked me to ask, how is your side?"

"Go and tell Jiu Niang that the fish on my side have already started to take the bait, and they are having a good fight, and there will be a good show in the future. By the way, how is the master?" Cui Niang asked with concern.

"The master is busy farming. I heard that she is short of cattle recently. Do you have any cattle sellers here?" The little maid directly picked up the teapot and drank it to her mouth.

"Drink slowly! I haven't heard of selling cattle, but a customer from the south came into the shop two days ago. He said that he has a lot of buffaloes at home. I'll give you the customer's address later. "The guests in Ningzhi Building don't distinguish between high and low, you can come in if you have money.

"Okay! The snacks are good, and the tea is good too!" the little maid said with a smile.

"You greedy cat!" Liniang pointed at her lovingly, with smiles in her eyes.

Not long after, news spread from the capital that Cao Heng, the lord of the prefecture of Bingzhou, and his younger brother Cao Yu, the prefect of Bingzhou, had colluded with food officials and bandits to corrupt the emperor's food, oppress the people, and do many evils, implicating the nine clans.

However, Cao Heng, Cao Yu, and the grain transport officer all committed suicide in fear of crime, and the remnants of the Cao family brothers in Bingzhou also fled Bingzhou after getting the news.

The bandits who colluded with him were also led by Zuo Zaifu himself to encircle and suppress them, and many grains of 500 million catties of imperial grain were handed over to Lin Qingxi, a first-rank female official who was temporarily serving as the city lord of Bingzhou.

So far, the case of the disappearance of Bingzhou imperial grain was solved in less than a month, and the people of Bingzhou were elated, and they could finally plow in spring with peace of mind.

Chu Xuan, who was somewhere far away in the frontier, also knew the news. When he learned that Lin Qingxi was named a first-rank female official by Chu Huai, he was still very worried. He couldn't forgive Chu Huai for sending Chu Linghe to the frontier. , Now it is even more impossible to forgive Chu Huai for using Linqingxi.

He didn't protect his brother's family well, but he wanted to protect Linqingxi this time, so he had to build an indestructible team for Chu as soon as possible.

What made him happiest was that even though he and Linqingxi were separated, she was still thinking about him, and so readily gave him all the food, and even brought him and his soldiers warm cloth shoes, Not only that, but she also sent several people to help him train those soldiers.

This team was trained by him for the state of Chu, and even more so for her. Not only that, but he wanted her to be a truly free and happy Linqingxi without being restrained by anyone.

He knew that she was a very powerful and intelligent woman, but she was hard to beat with one punch, so he wanted to be the armor on her body so that no one could hurt her, and he also wanted to be the long sword in her hands. Jian, anyone who dares to hurt her will die under his hands.

Chu Xuan wrote a letter to Linqingxi and asked Yefeng to send it to Bingzhou overnight. Along with the letter, there was also a heart that he missed day and night.

A few days later, Linqingxi, who was far away in Bingzhou, received an urgent secret letter from Chu Xuan, and also received the news that the emperor had bestowed a marriage on Wei Zizhen.

However, the object of Wei Zizhen's marriage gift was not Chu Xuan, whom she had been longing for for many years, but the De Wang Chu Lingxuan. They were married immediately on the day of the gift, and there was no room for Wei Zizhen to think about it.

In the secret letter that Chu Xuan wrote to Lin Qingxi, he didn't say anything, but only a few words about his recent situation, and asked about her situation, and finally stated that he would remember to reply to his letter no matter what.

It's just that, when I brought up the pen and approached Qingxi, I didn't know what to write, so I had to write down the things that happened after I came to Bingzhou. I didn't expect this to be written in several sheets, and even she herself was a little surprised. Writing a letter to Chu Xuan seemed to have nothing to say, but now he has learned to be long-winded.

After writing the letter and handing it to Night Breeze, Lin Qingxi let out a long sigh of relief, wondering if everything went well, she felt that the weather in Bingzhou was also particularly fresh.

"My lord, what about that woman? Are you going to lock her up with the Cao family brothers?" Zhu Xiang approached Lin Qingxi and asked.

"No, I'm going to see her today, how is she feeling now?" Lin Qingxi stretched her neck.

"Calm down a bit, but the whole person looks like a fool, can this person still use it?" Zhuxiang expressed doubts.

"It works, of course it works! I'm going to change clothes, let's go after dinner!" After writing such a long letter, Lin Qingxi suddenly felt a little hungry.

There are not many stars in the sky, but the moonlight is very good.Lin Qingxi was dressed in white clothes covering her face and hair, which was exactly the same as Wu Feng'er's attire when she came to Linjia Village. Die'er and Zhu Xiang were the same as her, pretending to be maids and following behind.

The three of them flew to a very ordinary courtyard in Bingzhou City, and then entered a room with lights in the backyard.

"Miss Qiu'er, are you okay?" Lin Qingxi deliberately changed her voice to talk to the person in front of her.

This Qiu'er was Wei Zizhen's most trusted maid, and it was Wei Zizhen who personally sent her to the bandit's den, where she became a tool for men to vent their desires, and was tortured until she was neither human nor ghost.

Lin Qingxi rescued her before Wei Ming's army arrived, and at the same time rescued the food officer Cao Heng and Cao Yu who were assassinated by Wei Ming. These people are the evidence to bring down Wei Ming in the future. She You can't let them die so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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