Chapter 391 Bingzhou Specialties (1)
After these people were specially rescued by Lin Qingxi, they were imprisoned in different places, but this Qiu'er seemed a little out of order, and she would be used as a witness in the future. She was probably half-crazy, and she couldn't believe what she said.

Fortunately, it wasn't her insanity that made this woman crazy, she just wanted revenge on Wei Zizhen too much. These days she kept clamoring to see the person who saved her, and said that she could do anything, as long as she killed Wei Zizhen.

An enemy's enemy is a friend, this is a wise saying, Lin Qingxi also understands, she doesn't have time to "talk to" Wei Zizhen now, she might as well send her "caring girl" back to add excitement to the scene in the capital.

"Did you save me, girl? Please let me go, as long as I kill Wei Zizhen, I will definitely come back, and I will kill you at that time." Qiu'er felt like she was going crazy, no, she was already crazy She never thought that Wei Zizhen would send her to those beasts without even thinking about it, so that her innocent body would be ruined.

She must have seen that she was also interested in Wei Wang, and she was afraid that she would steal her favor in the future, so she wanted to get rid of her, yes, it must be like this!Wei Zizhen, you are so cruel!I must kill you!

"You are Wei Zizhen's servant girl. You should know that she is smarter than you. If you know that you are still alive, I think you will be dead if you don't get to the capital. She is now the beautiful Princess De. You can't kill her." !” Lin Qingxi said coldly.

"This woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion, she let someone ruin me, hehe, she didn't marry King Wei herself, it's ridiculous! I don't know how to hate, is my life so cheap just because I'm a maid! No, I must take revenge, I must! Please, help me! Please, help me!" Qiu'er suddenly knelt down and kowtowed fiercely to Lin Qingxi, but Lin Qingxi quickly held her back she.

"Miss Qiu'er, you don't have to be like this. Since we saved you, it makes sense. To tell you the truth, our saint-master also dislikes Wei Zizhen, and doesn't want her to have a good life, let alone her. One day she will become the head of the harem of the Chu Kingdom. If she dies, our master will be very happy." Lin Qingxi looked at Qiu'er deliberately and said, making her mistakenly think that the three of them are members of the Wu clan.

"Then please help me, girl, I will definitely find a way to kill Wei Zizhen!" The hatred in Qiu'er's eyes surprised Lin Qingxi, it seemed that she hated Wei Zizhen to the core.

"Well, now there is a good opportunity. The daughter of an official who was promoted to the third-rank official in the capital died suddenly. He originally wanted to dedicate this daughter to King De as a concubine. You can pretend to be this official. Don’t worry when your daughter enters Prince De’s mansion, we will disguise you as that official’s daughter, no one will be able to tell, as for what happens after entering Prince De’s mansion, it’s all up to you.” Lin Qingxi also asked Ye Hou When I went out to inquire about the news, I just happened to know about it.

Now, the big corrupt official who wanted to use his daughter to climb into the high school has been fooled by Ye Hou. His prostitute actually has something to do with her, and she is not willing to marry King De at all. Now as long as Qiu Er agrees, This matter is settled.

"Thank you, girl, I will definitely kill Wei Zizhen!" Qiu'er now only has one thought, that is to seek revenge on Wei Zizhen, and from now on she is no longer a lowly maid, but the daughter of an official, or the first daughter.

A few days later, Qiu'er changed her face and surname and went to Beijing with her "fake father". Moreover, Zhuxiang, who is highly skilled in medicine, even ordered Shougong sand for her, and all the injuries on her body were healed. Luohong, Qiu'er said that she could think of a way by herself.

"Master, do you think this Qiu'er can be trusted? She's a little bit crazy!" Zhuxiang looked worriedly at the carriage carrying Qiu'er going further and further away.

"Crazy women are more terrifying! We don't need to worry about what will happen to her in the future. If she succeeds, she may have a good rest of her life. If she fails, she will only die, and Wei Zizhen will not She will suspect me, she will only think that Wu Fenger planned all of this, let these femme fatales bite each other!"

Lin Qingxi turned around and walked towards the gate of Bingzhou Fucheng. These are all evil women. They like to play with fire, and they know that sooner or later they will play with fire and set themselves on fire.

The green willows are Yiyi, and the spring breeze brings warmth.Under the joint efforts of Linqingxi, Yanyun, and Leng Mingyang, the "cancer" in Bingzhou was quickly eradicated. The people can finally produce with peace of mind and speed up spring plowing.

Linqingxi urgently purchased a large number of iron plows from Yunzhou a month ago, and then gave them to the common people for free.Those people who lost their fields also regained new fields and settled down again.

In the backyard of the city lord's house in the prefectural city of Bingzhou, Leng Mingyang seemed to be in a state of desperation. Officials in Bingzhou were convicted, exiled, and dismissed. Nowadays, there are not many officials available in the huge Bingzhou. The "acting inspector" of the "acting city lord" was too busy to touch the ground.

"My lord Lin, you should think of a way for me!" Leng Mingyang saw Lin Qingxi sitting on the marble table under the plane tree in the backyard, holding a knife and drawing on a piece of wood, as if He was even more anxious because she was the "city lord" now.

"How do you think about it? I don't know who is more suitable to be an official. This is your business. Ten counties lack ten county magistrates, and there is no magistrate. It's not yet the annual imperial examination. Where can I get someone? Come here." What Bingzhou lacks most now is talent, but she will find him somewhere in a while, and she has been busy with spring farming for more than a month, and her legs are about to break.

Finally, the spring plowing in Bingzhou is finally over, and all the good fields have been planted with spring wheat, and she can finally have a little time to think about the next thing to help the people of Bingzhou get rich, but Leng Mingyang came to occupy her again time.

"My lord, even if you can't do it, I can't even do it. Speaking of which, I was appointed as an official just by you, without the emperor's imperial decree at all. You can't treat me like a cow and a horse! "Leng Mingyang sat across from Linqing Creek with some annoyance, now he really misses his days as a "Confused County Magistrate", enjoying himself every day, and having a little wine to drink.

"Are you blaming me for not asking for an imperial edict for you? Don't worry, the imperial edict might arrive today, so that you can be justified!" Lin Qingxi raised his head and smiled "hehe".

"My lord, you are really going to piss me off!" Leng Mingyang had long been convinced by Lin Qingxi, the female official, and he was respectful and close to her in his words, no matter how old he was than Lin Qingxi, but in Lin Qingxi In front of Qingxi, he sometimes felt that he was a few knots shorter.

"I can't piss you off. I can't find a cow or horse better than you in Bingzhou, haha!" Lin Qingxi simply put down the carving knife in her hand. This is the best thing she asked Dier to find Bingzhou Craftsmen made it.

(End of this chapter)

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