Chapter 392 Bingzhou Specialties (2)
"My lord!" Leng Mingyang stared at her helplessly.

"Okay, okay! How can a dignified man look like a resentful woman? Let me tell you. My master has already found candidates for the officials in Bingzhou. They are all young people with aspirations who have been severely suppressed by Wei Ming's faction over the years. Today You will come with the imperial decree, and you will be the magistrate of Bingzhou this time, leading them to work hard and strive to get rid of poverty and become rich in Bingzhou as soon as possible." Lin Qingxi blew the sawdust on the table and said to him with a smile.

Leng Mingyang did not expect that Lin Qingxi would ask the emperor to let him be the magistrate of Bingzhou. This is a second-rank official. It seems that Leng Mingyang is finally going to shine in the family and stand out from the crowd.

"Hehehe, I would like to thank you sir!" Leng Mingyang said happily.

"A magistrate is enough for you? However, no matter how high an official you are, you can't be like the Cao brothers, otherwise you will end up like them!" Although Leng Mingyang is smart and has been in the officialdom for several years, he has always been an official. The officialdom is a big dye vat, Lin Qingxi does not hope that one day Leng Mingyang will become a big corrupt official who can be punished by everyone.

"My lord, how can you confuse me with those pigs and dogs. I, Leng Mingyang, am loyal to the state of Chu and have a pure heart for the people. I will never do anything to harm the people and the state of Chu." Leng Mingyang Ming Yang immediately became serious, joking and joking, when it comes to matters of personality and dignity, he is absolutely unambiguous.

"Just remember what you said today! Well, go and prepare, the imperial decree will arrive soon. Also, you bring those ten magistrates to this backyard to meet me, I have a task for them Once the spring plowing is over, the people of Bingzhou can't just sit and wait for the autumn harvest, they should also find ways to make money.

"The officer knows!"

In the second half of the day, Lin Qingxi was still seriously carving her wooden plank on the stone table in the backyard with her head lowered. Leng Mingyang, who had been appointed as the magistrate of Bingzhou, led the ten new county magistrates of Bingzhou who came with the imperial decree Come and meet Linqingxi.

"The next official, Leng Mingyang, the new prefect of Bingzhou, sees the lady official!" Leng Mingyang took the lead in respectfully kneeling on the ground to kowtow to Lin Qingxi, also to help her establish her prestige in front of everyone.

In fact, even if Leng Mingyang said otherwise, the ten county magistrates behind him would never underestimate Lin Qingxi. They were all promoted by Lu Zhiming himself, and before leaving Beijing, Lu Zhiming had specially instructed them.

In addition, in less than a month in Linqingxi, the local corrupt officials in Bingzhou were wiped out at once, and they admired such a method.

"The next official is the new magistrate of Huanglai County, Su He, see the lady official!"

"The new magistrate of Linguo County, Zhu Yizhi, is here to meet the lady official!"

"Wu Ye, the newly appointed magistrate of Guangyuan County, is here to meet the lady official!"


"You all get up, Zhuxiang, let someone move the benches and pour tea for these grown-ups, I have something to talk to them." The wooden board in Linqingxi's hand was finally carved, and on it was a neat "Chu" Although the engraving of characters is not very good, it is better than ordinary craftsmen.

After everyone was seated, Lin Qingxi also took a sip of the hot tea on the table and let out a long sigh of relief. The matter in Bingzhou was finally on track.

"My lords, I'm new to Bingzhou just like you, and I'm not very familiar with it. I don't want to talk about unnecessary nonsense. When you return to your respective jurisdictions, you only need to do three things well. The first is To persuade farmers to cultivate mulberry, the second is to be fair and honest, and the third is to lead the people to become rich." Lin Qingxi smiled slightly, although she said three things, but it is difficult to do each of them.

Sure enough, Leng Mingyang immediately curled his lips and said, "My lord, the first and second things are not difficult for the lower officials, but how to do the third one? The lower officials are not businessmen and don't know how to make money." , how to lead the people to become rich!"

"Master Leng, in this world, businessmen are not the only ones who know how to make money, and leading people to become rich is not necessarily leading people to do business, but to allow them to have time to supplement their families after busy farming. In fact, 'farmers' and 'workers' can be The two become one." This is the case with the female workers in the garden, they are also peasant girls, and they are also workers.

"My lord, can you be more specific, or if you have a way to make the people rich, you can teach the lower officials a few tricks. The people in Bingzhou still don't have enough to eat and warm clothes." Lin Qingxi was before becoming a female official. However, Leng Mingyang, a well-known peasant girl in Chu who can make money, thought that she must have thought of a way, so she called them all together.

"In this way, I will teach a few adults a task. After you return to your respective jurisdictions, first find out what local specialties are there. The so-called specialties are things that are unique or famous in the locality. Such things can be eaten. , used, or played, in short, there are no other places in Chu, or even if there are, they are not as good as Bingzhou. When you find these special products, write them down or show them to me, and then I will teach you how to do it "Maybe she is not good at being a good official, but she is a female officer who is best at finding ways to make money.

A few days later, these people gathered again in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, and each of them brought several things for Lin Qingxi to look at.

Linqingxi asked Yan Yun, a well-informed person, to help eliminate some things that are not Bingzhou specialties, and then Linqingxi will choose again.

As a result, none of them satisfied Lin Qingxi. The things they brought over were more famous in other places in Chu State. After searching for a long time, Bingzhou didn't seem to have any special products.

Zhu Yizhi, the county magistrate of Linguo County, is a somewhat simple and honest man in his 20s. He was dissatisfied with the things he and his colleagues brought to Linqingxi, and he was also a little discouraged. Find something.

"Don't you have any other special things? Even if it is a flower or a grass, as long as there is no other place!" Lin Qingxi asked.

At this time, Zhu Yizhi suddenly remembered that his naughty son went to play in the mountain behind the county office two days ago and pulled out the big long grass. He had never seen it in other places before, but it was grass. Could it be a special product? ?

"My... my lord, are weeds really okay?" Zhu Yizhi asked boldly.

"Yes, do you have it? Show it to me!" Lin Qingxi didn't give any hope, it seemed that she really had to think hard on her own.

Zhu Yizhi quickly ran out of the gate. He remembered that his son put those grasses on his somewhat worn-out carriage yesterday. He went out to check, and if there were indeed some, he picked them up and ran back to the yard.

Zhu Yizhi was a bit chubby. Seeing him running wildly back and forth, Lin Qingxi couldn't help laughing because of this cute county magistrate, and relieved his depressed mood because of the disappointment of expectations. When he saw the weeds in his hand, Lin Qingxi laughed out loud.

Hearing Lin Qingxi's laughter, Zhu Yizhi thought that Lin Qingxi was laughing at him, so he stood in the courtyard in embarrassment, at a loss, but both Leng Mingyang and Yan Yun could hear that Lin Qingxi was really happy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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