Chapter 393 Bingzhou Specialties (3)
I saw that the wild grass in Zhu Yizhi's hand was more than three feet long, and there were two small white flowers drooping on some wilted green leaves, and there were many small oblong green fruits densely packed on the whole grass. What, they have rarely seen such long weeds in other places.

"My lord, what is this weed in Master Zhu's hand?" Seeing Lin Qingxi's eyes shining, Leng Mingyang also became excited.

"Haha, let me tell you, this is not a weed, it's a baby, I finally found it, I finally found it. It's only March and April, I didn't expect it to bloom and bear fruit, it's amazing, ha ha!" Lin Qing Xi quickly walked up to Zhu Yizhi, and directly snatched the "weed" in everyone's eyes from his hand.

"Baby?" Zhu Yizhi was also dumbfounded. The weed his son brought back was actually a baby?
"That's right, it's a baby." Lin Qingxi broke open a fruit anxiously, and rows of plump, white and tender sesame seeds appeared in front of her. That's right, this is the sesame she had been looking forward to for a long time.

"My lord, quickly talk about this weed... No, what is this treasure and what is its use?" Leng Mingyang asked anxiously.

"This baby is called sesame. It was supposed to be sown in a month or two, and then planted again in autumn. I didn't expect that in Bingzhou, sesame would bloom and bear fruit in three or four months. God is treating Bingzhou favorably." Mr. Zhu, take me to the place where the sesame seeds are found immediately, and I will tell you about the use of these sesame seeds later." Lin Qingxi kept the secret first, she had to make sure that there were not many sesame seeds in Bingzhou.

"Responding to my lord's words, it was discovered by Gouzi's playfulness, and he said it was in the back mountain of the county government." Zhu Yizhi had a smile on his face, and his son had made a great contribution this time.

Leng Mingyang regrets it now, he has been the county magistrate in Linguo County for three years, but he didn't find such a treasure in the back mountain of the county yamen, no, maybe he had discovered it at all, but he just didn't take it seriously.

This Zhu Yizhi really had shit luck, his son was playful and he was able to take the lead in front of Lin Qingxi, it seems that in the future, he has to keep his eyes open and stop treating the baby as a weed.

So, Lin Qingxi led these people to the back mountain of the Linguo county government office, and the leader was Zhu Meng, Zhu Yizhi's son who was only eight years old.

There is a small cave in Yamenhoushan, Linguo County, through which is a small river, and on the other side of the small river is a large open space, overgrown with weeds, but in this open space, there are two to three hundred mu The white sesame seeds in full bloom almost dazzled Qingxi's eyes.

"So many!" Leng Mingyang was also shocked. He lived in this place for three years, but he didn't find such a place in the back mountain, and the white flowers like this are very spectacular just by looking at them.

"My lord, I would like to ask, what is the use of the sesame seeds my lord is talking about? Can the people of Bingzhou really get rich with this?" asked Su He, the magistrate of Huanglai County.

Linqingxi looked at the white sesame flowers all over the mountains and fields in front of him, and said with a smile: "I can't say whether I can get rich with this, but this sesame is not available in other places in Chu. These should be white sesame. It is the same as the present Fandou, which is rising in Chu State, is a kind of oil crop, which can be eaten, pressed for oil, used as an ingredient in meals, and can also be made into ink. Sesame sticks are the best firewood. At the same time, it is also a traditional Chinese medicine , it is mainly used to cure the deficiency of the injury, nourish the five internal organs, strengthen the strength, grow the muscles, and fill the essence and marrow. Some people once praised it as "among the eight grains, this is the only one that is good. The immortals make it as a meal bait, and you can live long if you break the grains." Tell me, is this Bingzhou's treasure?"

"My lord is really knowledgeable. I have never heard of this sesame before. I didn't expect it to be a kind of longevity. With it, Bingzhou is no longer the poorest place in Chu." Su He also became excited , I didn't expect that Bingzhou, which even the emperor wanted to abandon, would hide such a precious thing.

"My lord, I dare to speak out in a lowly position, and please don't tell too many people about the treasure of sesame. Now, Chu Kingdom ceded the land for peace and suffered humiliation. If Wu Kingdom, Qixuan Kingdom or the court have bad intentions, People know that there are such treasures in Bingzhou, and they will definitely come to take them away. Chu’s humble territory cannot be defended, and now I just hope to guard this sesame with my lord.” Wu Ye, the new county magistrate of Guangyuan County in Bingzhou, fell to his knees pleaded on the ground.

After that, several other county magistrates also knelt down, even Leng Mingyang did not hesitate, he also knelt down and said to Lin Qingxi: "My lord, you are the only one who knows how to plant this sesame now? If so, Please keep it a secret, my lord."

"Heh, you officials are really interesting. The tighter you cover things, the more others will covet them. If I don't tell others how to grow sesame seeds, why don't you let me plant tens of thousands of acres of land by myself? Go? If the state of Chu wants to be rich and strong, it needs the people to be rich first. What you want to think about now is how to develop and grow Bingzhou, instead of holding on to something good and not letting outsiders know about it, and living in fear all day long. And I not only want to talk about the benefits of this sesame, but also let everyone in the world know. Only in this way can the sesame produced in Bingzhou be sold at a good price, and the days of prosperity in Bingzhou will come sooner. Alas, you will give it to everyone in the future. I'll learn to be smarter, look farther, and don't just look at my own one-acre three-point land." The ancients are dead-headed, and there is no impenetrable wall in this world, but it is just a sesame seed, just like the sweet potato back then. , If you only hold it in your own hands, not only will it not work, but it may also cause trouble for yourself, so it is better to learn to be more magnanimous.

"My lord really awakened the dreamer with one word, it's the officials and others who are stupid!" Leng Mingyang's mind turned quickly, he only took a short time to think about Lin Qingxi's words, and found that he had always boasted that he was smart and brilliant. Far, but did not expect to become a frog at the bottom of the well.

"After listening to your lord's words, the lowly position is really like enlightenment, Mao Sai suddenly realized, yes, the prosperity of Bingzhou is the most important thing." Su He also said with a face of shame.

Everyone expressed their admiration for Lin Qingxi and self-criticism for their ignorance. Lin Qingxi stopped them with a wave of her hand. She didn't come to hear them put a high hat on herself, nor did she come to listen to their self-reflection. These sesame seeds make the best use of them.

"Zhu Yizhi, you are the county magistrate of Linguo County. This piece of sesame will be handed over to you and your people to take care of it. It will be harvested in about two months, and all the sesame seeds collected will be kept as seeds. During this period, you Go back to your respective counties, and find someone to plow the fertile land that has been nationalized according to the method I said, and then start planting a crop of sesame seeds in the hottest July in Bingzhou." Lin Qingxi made a rough calculation Time, when the sesame seeds in this mountain are ripe, the autumn sesame seeds outside the mountain can just be sown.

"My lord, how much fertile land does each county need to plow?" Wu Ye asked very carefully. This is related to the people's livelihood, and he, a county official, cannot take it lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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