Chapter 403
From [-] bottles to [-] bottles, the gap is really big, but no one complains, it would be nice to have [-] bottles.

Of course, merchants are all scheming and cunning. Although each merchant can only buy a hundred bottles, they know many other merchants. They promise to make a small profit and let them come here to buy with merchant certificates. Shui Ling ointment, in this way, I can buy more Shui Ling ointment in disguise.

Qi Mingzheng and Lin Qingfei both thought of this, but Qi Mingzheng really had to do it. He even asked the bun sellers and blacksmiths on the street to buy a hundred bottles of Shui Ling Ointment.

Lin Qingxi naturally also saw the tricks of these merchants, but she didn't care too much, after all, selling the reputation of Shui Ling Gao was the most important thing.

The next day, before dawn, many people were waiting in front of Dielian Flower Shop.I heard that [-] bottles of Shui Ling Ointment were wholesaled by merchants yesterday, and there are still [-] bottles left today, which can only be obtained by the top [-] merchants, so many people came early.

Die Lianhua opened the door, and in less than an hour, [-] bottles were wholesaled away. In the end, a sign was put up in the store that said "suspend the whole batch, retail only", and it became quiet for a while in front of the door.

A few days later, Wen Fei came to Bingzhou in person. In just a few days, the reputation of Shui Ling Ointment had spread throughout the Zhengji Continent. Many ladies and ladies came to Anxin Yifang to ask if they sold Shui Ling Ointment. Mr. Xiao is very capable, so he must be able to get the Shui Ling ointment from Chu State.

This Shui Ling ointment was made by their master, and other merchants have it, but they themselves are kept in the dark, the master is really disrespectful.

"Wen Fei, who offended you, why is your face so unhappy?" Lin Qingxi saw the busy Wen Fei in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Master, this Shui Ling ointment is our own, and they say 'the fat and water don't flow into other people's fields', why didn't you leave something good for your own people?" Wen Fei really couldn't figure it out.

"You mean Shui Ling Ointment. I originally planned to save some for An Xin Yifang, but they were all wholesaled away by others. I can't do anything about it. You and those wholesalers of Shui Ling Ointment will be next to Dielianhua tomorrow morning. Let's wait together in the house, and when the Shui Ling ointment arrives, I'll have someone take some away for you." Due to shortage of manpower, Lin Qingxi also wanted to make more Shui Ling ointment, and she had already decided to expand production.

"I want to wait too?" Wen Fei pointed at himself.

"Why don't you wait? Although Anxin Yifang belongs to me and Dielianhua also belongs to me, in the eyes of outsiders, Anxin Yifang has nothing to do with me. You are from Anxin Yifang. It's the same as others." Not many people know the fact that Han Xiao and Wen Fei belong to him, so Lin Qingxi didn't intend to treat them differently.

"Okay, my subordinates obey!" Wen Fei had no choice but to accept his fate, who told him and Han Xiao's master not to let Wu people know now.

On the second day, Wen Fei waited next to Dielianhua with those merchants who wanted to wholesale Shuiling ointment. Some merchants have been waiting since Dielianhua opened, and they live on the other side of Dielianhua these days. The newly opened Quanfu Inn.

When it was almost noon, the sign in front of Dielianhua's gate suddenly changed to the word "whole batch", and only the top ten were restricted.

Wen Fei was a step too late and missed. Annoyed, he had to wait for another three days. When the brand of Die Lian Hua changed from "retail" to "whole batch" again, he only grabbed [-] bottles.

Back in Wu Guo'an Xinyifang, the first thing she said after seeing Han Xiao was: "Next time I go to buy Shui Ling Ointment, I won't go!"

"What's the matter? Master's Shui Ling Ointment is gone?" Han Xiao brought back a hundred bottles of Shui Ling Ointment when he saw Wen Fei, fearing that even the back house of a rich family in Wu State would not be enough.

Wen Fei grievously told Han Xiao about his trip to Bingzhou, how he waited anxiously, and how he snatched a hundred bottles in a hurry. The battle was like a fight, but he couldn't use force.

Business has business rules, no matter how good his martial arts are, he can't break the rules.

"Later, you send someone to Bingzhou to stand in front of Dielianhua's door. As soon as it is in stock, go and order it. I will pay for all the expenses." Han Xiao believes that there must be many merchants who know that Shui Ling Ointment is in short supply. After that, the same method will be adopted.

Han Xiao guessed right, a month later, the Quanfu Inn opened by Lin Qingfei was full of merchants from all over the country who came to wholesale Shui Ling Ointment, and the Quanfu Restaurant opened by Lin Qingyun was also full of seats.

Ever since Qi Mingzheng knew that it was someone from Linqingxi who went to Weizhou to buy the screw-top porcelain vase, he took the initiative to find her to cooperate. As long as she gave priority to the Qi family Shui Ling Gao, he would give her a half-price discount for the porcelain bottle used by Shui Ling Gao.

Lin Qingxi naturally agreed, the Qi family's business in the southern part of Chu State involves a variety of businesses, maybe there will be many opportunities to cooperate with him in the future, one more friend in the mall is better than one more enemy, besides, the Qi family is shrewd in business , but he is a good person, the old man of the Qi family is still a famous moral businessman.

After more merchants came in from Bingzhou Fucheng, it also drove the business of other merchants in Bingzhou, and the people of Bingzhou also benefited a lot from it.

The supply of Shui Ling ointment is seriously in short supply. It is said that many people in the palace have been alarmed. Even Chu Huai ordered Lin Qingxi to send a batch of Shui Ling ointment to the palace for use by the queen mother, empress and concubines. , but this "stingy emperor" didn't even say that he would give money.

"Master, I'm going to die of exhaustion!" Zhu Xiang is mainly responsible for the cooking of Shui Ling Ointment. She used to cook it in a small pot and she could bear it, but every day she made it in a big pot. no.

"Zhuxiang, thank you for your hard work! You posted a notice in Fucheng tomorrow, saying that we will recruit some strong male workers and female workers. You teach the male workers how to make Shui Ling ointment, and the female workers let them bottle it. The secret recipe is in our own hands."

The house in the suburbs has already transformed Linqingxi into a large processing factory, and the preparation, boiling, and bottling are in three different places, especially because the people who make the preparations are all people she trusts the most, so it will not happen. The leak of the secret recipe.

"By the way, let Leng Mingyang do this with you, and hand over the selection of candidates to the two of you. In short, let these people get started as soon as possible. The male worker's salary is [-] yuan a day. The female workers count according to the number of bottles they bottle, and a bottle is one penny." Lin Qingxi once asked a female worker to try it out, and she could fill three to four hundred bottles a day. Earn three or four hundred Wen, which is about ten taels of silver a month, which is more than the county magistrate's silver.

As soon as the recruitment notice was posted, the gate of Leng Mingyang's prefect was crowded with applicants. It took him and Zhuxiang busy for three or four days to recruit the people needed in Linqingxi.

After a few days of guidance, these male and female workers soon became the most important force in making Shui Ling Ointment, and the daily output of Shui Ling Ointment also increased significantly.

(End of this chapter)

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