Chapter 406 Survival from the Dead (3)
Try harder, harder, when she finally broke free, her eyes opened suddenly, and she found that she was lying on a thick layer of ice, and was trapped in a world surrounded by ice, only three feet above her head. There is a hole the size of a bowl in the high place, and then a beam of sunlight shines down.

She still had the thin clothes on her body, and when she turned half of her body shivering from the cold, she found that Yan Yun was curled up on the ice very close to her like an unborn baby.

"Yuan Yun, Yan Yun!" Lin Qingxi hurriedly threw herself on Yun Yun, sniffed his breath, listened to his heartbeat, thank God, he is still alive.

However, Yan Yun's whole body was cold, and the heat on his body was almost gone. Lin Qingxi untied the clothes on him, and also untied the clothes on his body, and then stuck the whole body on Yan Yun's body, wrapping his hands around his back Back, constantly rubbing him up and down, this is currently the only way to keep him warm.

Yan Yun's internal energy was blocked, and the original residual poison plus thyme's poison, as well as hunger, made him fall into a coma.He originally thought that he would freeze to death in the ice pool, but at the moment when he completely lost all consciousness, there was warmth surrounding him, which also made the chill in his body disappear.

Slowly opening his eyes, the goal he entered was still the world of ice, but his jaw was pressed against the softness, and Lin Qingxi's urgent voice was next to his ear: "Yuan Yun, wake up! Yan Yun, it's okay , I will definitely not let you have trouble. It's okay, it's okay!"

Lin Qingxi's voice was a little trembling, and her upper and lower teeth kept bumping together because of the cold, but she kept rubbing her hands on his back. Although it was slightly painful, it was more warm.

"Silly...silly girl!" Yan Yun heard Lin Qingxi's family sometimes call her "silly girl" affectionately, and after calling her only once, he found himself addicted.

"Yuan Yun, it's okay, it's okay!" Lin Qingxi didn't hear Yan Yun's low voice because of his panic.

"Silly girl,'s fine!" One of Yan Yun's hands gently climbed onto Lin Qingxi's back, and then patted her softly.

Lin Qingxi paused, and then she realized that Yan Yun woke up, crying and laughing happily, she was really scared.

"Yun Yun, you're not dead, you're fine, it's great, it's great!" Never before has she been so afraid of losing someone, Lin Qingxi has decided to surrender, to herself, to Yun Yun, she doesn't want to lose This man in front of me, don't!
"I'm not dead, I'm fine!" Yan Yun smiled weakly at her, almost dying, but she came and awakened his life again.

"Great!" Lin Qingxi hugged him tightly.

If loving a man means suffering so much, worrying about him, even dying with him without thinking, then she loves, she admits, she really loves a man.

Yan Yun also experienced the joy of regaining what was lost, not only life, but also Linqingxi's love. At this moment, he also felt that kind of deep and complicated love. Finally, he got her heart.

The two hugged each other tightly, but the raging love in their hearts still couldn't resist the severe cold in the ice pool, and the two people's clothes were disheveled, which made them feel even colder.

Yan Yun hurriedly pulled up Lin Qingxi's clothes, he saw everything about her, but in his eyes, everything was so holy and beautiful, and it would eventually belong to him alone.However, he had to take her out of this ghostly place first.

There was ice all around, and the Linqing River at the top of the head seemed to be getting smaller. Since someone could throw the two of them here, there must be other exits.

"Now your internal energy and mine are sealed, here is smooth ice, how come there is no exit!" Lin Qingxi carefully searched every place, but it was very thick ice, behind the ice was hard rock , There is no exit at all, and there are no agencies or anything.

"Xi'er, don't bother, it was the old witch who threw you and me from the hole above, and then she sealed the hole with ice, it should be noon now, the sun's rays have melted a thinner part of it It's so clear, that's why some sunlight comes in." Yan Yun has been observing for a long time these days, and now he has no strength, unless someone comes to rescue them, otherwise the two of them with their internal energy sealed will not be able to get out at all.

"Old witch? Shangguan Huining's master? Is she the one you're looking for?" Lin Qingxi asked while thinking of a way.

"That's right, she is the one who killed my mother back then. Before I came to Wu, I received a letter from my mother, she said that the woman who killed her was Wu Qiuyue." Yan Yun tried his best to stand up When he got up, his face was also cold.

"Wu Qiuyue? Could it be that she is also from the Wu clan?" Lin Qingxi asked.

"That's right, she is the first wife of the head of the Wu Clan, and also Wu Feng'er's mother. She is completely crazy now, knowing that I am related to the people of the Spirit Clan, she wants to freeze me to death here." The reason why Wu Qiuyue After arresting Linqingxi and going to the deep pool, Yan Yun guessed it was because of Wu Fenger, because Wu Fenger wanted Linqingxi to die, so Wu Qiuyue wanted to freeze Linqingxi to death here for her daughter.

Lin Qingxi also thought of this point, she didn't expect that the enemy Yan Yun had been looking for was Wu Feng'er's mother, a witch clan saint who had died for many years.

"We must find a way to get out now. It is estimated that no one will find this place. Since Wu Qiuyue wants to freeze you and me to death here, few people must know about this place. It will be colder after dark, and we can't last long. " Lin Qingxi is also very weak now, but if she delays any longer, she and Yan Yun will really die in this ice pool.

Yan Yun nodded, it doesn't matter if he dies, but he can't let Lin Qingxi die with her, even if he wants to warm the ice with his blood, he will rescue her.

Lin Qingxi first tried to calm herself down, then she looked around carefully, and then looked at the sun above her head.People say "wisdom grows in haste", and it really made her think of a way.

She remembered reading a story about using ice to make fire in a geography magazine. It said that when the expedition team was investigating in Antarctica, they ground the ice into a smooth and transparent hemispherical "ice lens", and then used the focusing principle to make fire. , lit the fire.

Treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Linqingxi also found a piece of ice, and then ground the ice into a shape similar to a convex lens, pulled off a piece of his own hair, and then tried it against the sunlight from above, and the hair was crushed burnt.

"Successful, Yan Yun, I will definitely be able to rescue you!" Lin Qingxi said happily.

Yan Yun was only surprised by what Qingxi had done, but he didn't ask any questions, just nodded with a smile, he needed to conserve his energy.

(End of this chapter)

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