Chapter 407 Survival from the Dead (4)
Lin Qingxi remembered the rock climbing she had played in modern times. Now she will use the "ice lens" in her hand to create some grooves on the thick wall of the ice pool, and then climb to the entrance of the cave. Although it is a bit of a fantasy, but now It is the time when the sun is the strongest, so we can only take a risk.

When Linqingxi was holding the "ice lens" to shine on the thick ice and stone wall, Yan Yun was not idle either. He also imitated Linqingxi and ground out an "ice lens", and then followed Linqingxi's example. What Qingxi said is to use the heat generated by the gathering of sunlight to create grooves one after another.

The depth of about three feet high is equivalent to the height of a modern three-story building. Linqingxi is confident that he can climb up, and God is also open, the sun is abundant, and the ice lens is very good.

After exceeding Yan Yun's height, Lin Qingxi took the lead in climbing up the groove, and then made a new groove with one free hand.

The sunlight gradually weakened, and the two of them were already out of breath. It was almost the last survival consciousness that stimulated their physical potential, so that the two of them did not give up.

They were about to reach Tankou, but the big ice block above their heads became an obstacle for them.

Lin Qingxi stretched out her hand and pushed it up hard, but it was useless at all, she didn't have much strength, and the ice was heavy.

She didn't dare to look down. At this time, Yan Yun's heavy breathing was her strongest backing. She knew that with him by her side, everything would not be scary.

How to do how to do?It's just the last step!Fight hard, in ancient times there was a carp lying on the ice, and today she is facing the Qingxi River to warm the ice with her arms.

So she leaned sideways and tried hard to stretch her right arm to the much smaller hole. Fortunately, after some climbing, the temperature of her body became higher, and finally one of her arms stretched out of the hole. Fortunately, she touched the edge stones.

Then, leaning on her exposed right hand and the stones in her hand, she smashed the ice that covered the mouth of the pool. Although the sharp ice smashed her face and arms, she finally saw living hope.

Many, many years later, whenever Lin Qingxi thinks of what she and Yan Yun experienced in the ice pond, she feels very fortunate. If it wasn't for the sunlight that just irradiated a hole in the ice that covered the entrance of the pond, if she hadn't been thrown into The people in Bingtan didn't care about the entrance of the cave, so she and Yan Yun had no hope of living at all, and there would be no more exciting life stories later.

With the last ounce of strength in their bodies, the two finally crawled out from the mouth of the ice pool, and then both passed out beside the mouth of the pool. It was the howling of wolves at night that woke them up again from the darkness.

"Yuan Yun, are you okay?" Now the two of them have no martial arts, but Lin Qingxi took the antidote of Ruanjinsan before being searched, otherwise she would not be able to crawl out.

"I'm fine, silly girl, what about you?" Yan Yun supported his body and stood up, moved Linqingxi to the side, and then found another ice block near the mouth of the pool that was similar to the one broken by Linqingxi. Large ice cubes covered the mouth of the pool again.

Then, the two barely leaned against a big tree trunk to rest, the surroundings were still chilly, but it was much better than in the ice pool.

"What the hell is this place?" There was a lot of darkness all around, and the howling of wolves could be heard in the distance.

"This is Thousand Ice Mountain, the top of which is covered with ice and snow all the year round. This is an inconspicuous small country on the Zhengji Continent, close to Wu Country." Yan Yun said.

"Then let's find a way to get out of here quickly. I'm afraid that Wu Qiuyue will find us escaped when she comes, and she will definitely not let us go. By the way, take a sip of my blood quickly, so that the thyme in your body will It's over." Lin Qingxi quickly stretched out the wrist that had been cut by herself to Yun Yun.

"Wu Qiuyue won't find us fleeing for a while, the most important thing now is to conserve energy!" Thyme's poison will always be cured, but Yan Yun is reluctant to drink Lin Qingxi's blood.

The two supported each other to get up, and then slowly walked down the Qianbing Mountain. Although they couldn't see the road clearly in the dark, because of the light reflected from the ice, the two stumbled and walked away without any accidents. one night.

The two people who were suffering from hunger and cold finally hid in a hole at the foot of the mountain and rested for a day. When they were hungry, they ate some wild fruits and drank some accumulated dew. Hurry up.

On this day, the two disguised themselves as an ordinary farm couple and came to a remote town.

Yan Yun told Linqingxi that this small country is called Beiguo, because it is a tiny place and attached to Wuguo, so the country is quite peaceful.

Both of them are trying to get in touch with their own people, but the North Country is too inconspicuous in the Zhengji Continent, no one would have thought that Yan Yun and Lin Qingxi would be caught by Wu Qiuyue and hide in this place.

Now the subordinates of the two people and people from the Lingzu have gone to Qixuan Kingdom to inquire about the news and rescue the two people. Who made Shangguan Huining now become the favorite concubine of the Qixuan Kingdom monarch, and Huowu and the others saw it with their own eyes. Until she took Linqingxi away.

Because today is a market, the town is quite lively. Now Yan Yun and Lin Qingxi are almost fine except that they cannot use their internal energy, and Lin Qingxi also forced Yan Yun to drink Thyme's "antidote" ".

Neither of them had money on them, but fortunately Lin Qingxi knew how to memorize prescriptions, and with the two prescriptions, she and Yan Yun had the money to travel.

After buying some dry food at the market, the two of them were about to buy a horse and leave the Northland quickly, but at this moment they found that they were being followed by a man in black clothes and a black hat, and he seemed to be from the Wu clan.

Yan Yun and Lin Qingxi tried their best to get rid of the man, and hid in the ruined temple outside the town, but they were still found by him.

"You don't need to hide, I won't hurt you, come out!" The voice of the speaker was a little old and hoarse, he sat cross-legged in the ruined temple, his whole face was covered by the black cloak hat.

It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.Yan Yun and Lin Qingxi also know that they are not opponents of each other now, even if they die, they must die frankly.So the two walked out hand in hand.

Yan Yun guarded Lin Qingxi behind him, looked at the mysterious man in black sitting on the ground and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"You have been sealed by Wu Qiuyue. Even if you are a member of the Spirit Race, you will not be able to undo it. Instead, you will hurt others and yourself. Sit down, both of you!" Gray hair.

"You can kill if you want, there is no need to talk so much nonsense!" Seeing the mysterious man in front of him, Lin Qingxi was very nervous.

Hearing a sigh from the mysterious man, he took out a small wind chime from his wide sleeve, raised it up and said to Lin Qingxi: "Little girl, do you still recognize this thing?"

"This is Wu Ling from the Wu clan, who are you from the Wu clan?" Of course Lin Qingxi recognized what was in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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