Chapter 252 Application for Discharge
In the early morning of the next day, Gu Lingtian went to the company to deal with affairs, and when Tang You woke up, he found that the temperature beside his pillow was already cold.

It seems that he didn't know how early he got up to go to the company... Tang You shrugged and sighed, looked at the clock on the wall, and found that he had slept until after nine o'clock in the morning, and hurriedly washed and went downstairs.

Aunt Lin went to the supermarket early to pick fresh vegetables and fruits, so she deliberately left breakfast in the dining room, and also left a note for her to heat up the prepared breakfast.

Tang You looked at the note left by Aunt Lin, and smiled unconsciously, and quickly heated up the breakfast prepared by Aunt Lin, even though she was alone, her heart was still warm.

Although she had never felt a mother's love, she felt the care and warmth of a mother from Aunt Lin.

When Tang You rushed to the hospital, he checked the conditions of the patients who had undergone surgery last night, and then inspected the conditions of the seriously injured children in the car accident. It was quite comforting to see that they were all in stable condition.

"Dean, Miss Bai wants to be discharged from the hospital..." A nurse hurriedly came to Tang You and reported to her that Bai Weiwei was going to be discharged from the hospital.

If it was someone else, it would be fine to leave the hospital, but this patient was specially ordered by the dean, and he had to report everything to the dean.

"Discharged?" It was only then that Tang You remembered that she had been busy with the treatment of children injured in car accidents recently. She didn't even care about Bai Weiwei, so she hurriedly walked towards Bai Weiwei's ward, while asking the little nurse beside her Said: "Have all her routine checks been done?"

"I've done it all, and the result has come out, no problem!" The little nurse said so far, and gave Tang You the inspection report in her hand.

Tang You looked carefully at each test result on the report, and it did show that Bai Weiwei's body index was normal and she could be discharged from the hospital.

It's just the only mental state test that hasn't been done yet, and this is the most important thing for Bai Weiwei.

Tang You was still thinking silently in her heart, how to make Bai Weiwei not resist to take a mental state test, and she had unknowingly come outside her ward.

"Xiaowei, I'm here to see you!" Tang You said as he pushed open the door of the ward, but he didn't hear Bai Weiwei's answer, he was wondering, when he looked up, he saw that Bai Weiwei was not sitting on the hospital bed, Instead, he sat on the balcony outside, lowering his head and concentrating on drawing something.

Tang You slowly walked to her side, looking at her masterpiece on the drawing board, she was immediately amazed.

In order to make Bai Weiwei feel at ease and not suffer from childhood depression again, she specially assigned Bai Weiwei the ward facing the garden, but she never expected that after Bai Weiwei recovered, she would sit on the balcony and start painting the scenery in the garden...

The scenery in the garden is actually not very unique, but after her pen outlines it, it actually draws endless brilliant vitality. The roses and clusters of green radishes seem to be in full bloom on the painting!
"The painting is really good!" Tang You couldn't help sighing in a low voice, Bai Weiwei noticed someone was coming, she quickly put down the oil brush, turned around and smiled at Tang You: "Biao sister-in-law, why are you here?"

"I heard that you want to be discharged from the hospital, so I'll come to see you!" Tang You smiled slightly, her gaze kept on the landscape oil painting in front of her: "Xiao Wei, this oil painting is amazing, lifelike, and the colors are well used , you can directly take it to the gallery for sale, and it will definitely be snapped up by people!"

(End of this chapter)

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