Chapter 253

"Biao sister-in-law, I'm not as good as you say, I haven't finished painting yet..." Bai Weiwei smiled a little shyly, as if she didn't realize how good a painter she was.

"Your paintings are really outstanding, you have to have confidence in yourself!" Tang You patted her on the shoulder and encouraged with a smile.

Compared with Ruan Siqi who had to bribe others to copy her grandfather's landscape paintings, Bai Weiwei's skills can be said to kill her instantly!

She seemed to understand why Ruan Siqi bullied Bai Weiwei since she was a child. After all, Bai Weiwei had everything she wanted, whether it was a good family background, Gu Lingtian's concern, or her innate talent for painting...

"I heard that you studied painting and design at school, why didn't you think about doing this directly after graduation?" Tang You asked with concern.

Bai Weiwei was a little dazed when asked by Tang You, and after a moment of silence, she slowly opened her mouth and said: "I don't know what I can do, I just like painting, but I don't know if I can turn my hobby into a career, and... I also want to help express Brother, learn more from my cousin!"

"Your cousin will also support you in the career you really like!" Tang You smiled slightly, dispelling the idea of ​​asking her to do a psychological evaluation.

After all, Bai Weiwei's psychological state is stable to be able to paint such a splendid spring oil painting landscape. For people who have had autism, maintaining a stable mood and being encouraged by others is more useful than any psychological treatment!

"Really?" Bai Weiwei's eyes lit up when she heard Tang You say that, as if she was vaguely expecting something.

"Of course, what he wants is your cousin, who will be healthy and happy, and do what he likes!" Tang You nodded happily and said with a smile.

Bai Weiwei subconsciously clenched the paintbrush in her hand, if her cousin really thought so, then she must not let him down!

"I've read your examination report, and your body is recovering well, and you can leave the hospital!" Tang You said this, remembering Gu Lingtian's order before, and said with a smile: "I'll call your cousin and let him Come pick you up from the hospital!"

"Biao sister-in-law, don't bother, I can leave the hospital by myself!" Bai Weiwei waved her hands quickly, not wanting her busy cousin to come to the hospital on purpose.

"That can't be done, if your cousin knows that you left the hospital by yourself, he will blame me!" Tang You shook his head, and dialed Gu Lingtian's phone without any explanation.

"Xiaowei can be discharged from the hospital, are you free to pick her up today?"

Gu Lingtian on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid I'm not free today, and something happened to the company, how about this, I'll ask my assistant Fang Cheng to pick it up!"

Hearing Gu Lingtian's deep voice, Tang You knew that his company might be in serious trouble, so he hurriedly said, "No need, I'll send her back!"

"That's fine!" Gu Lingtian did not reject Tang You's proposal.

Hanging up the phone, Tang You looked at Bai Weiwei, and smiled apologetically: "Something happened to your cousin's company, I'm afraid I can't make it, I'll take you back!"

Bai Weiwei nodded, put down the oil brush in her hand, and asked cautiously: "Cousin-in-law, I heard that Grandpa Gu fainted and was sent to the hospital, is it true?"

Tang You didn't expect Bai Weiwei who was hospitalized to know the news so quickly, she nodded and replied, "Yes, you also know?"

(End of this chapter)

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