Chapter 1167
A sword wave emanated directly from Ning Feng's hand, like a water wave, swaying round and round.

This move is a massive attack, there is no way to dodge it, she can only resist it.

Although this move is not very strong, if she doesn't care, the rhythm will be taken away by Ning Feng.The advantage will disappear, and the next step is Ning Feng's chance to fight back.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Hongrong's mouth, he looked at Ning Feng's move and said, "Palace Master, then I will not be polite."

While speaking, the whip made of ice slag and mist in his hand slammed down hard towards the front.


A loud voice rang out.

Where the ice whip hit, strips of ice swords appeared in an instant, piercing out from the ground one by one.

And these ice swords that came out directly blocked Ning Feng's attack. After eliminating these attacks, these ice swords rose from the ground under Jiang Hongrong's command, and stabbed towards Ning Feng.

"Be careful, the power of this move is not simple." Jiang Hongrong still couldn't help reminding him, because she didn't know Ning Feng's strength, and felt that this move might hurt him.

"Haha... yes, the way to deal with it is very good." Ning Feng smiled slightly, but Luoshui Dangbo can be used for more than just that.

He took two steps back, and the sword shadow appeared again.

"The Luoshui waves."

Suddenly, a wave of water spread out along the center of the sword tip.But this time, instead of attacking horizontally, he blocked Ning Feng vertically.

It seems to be used for defense in general.

"Is this Luoshui Dangbo?" Leng Qiushuang never thought that Luoshui Dangbo could be used like this.She had already studied for Jiang Hongrong how to decipher the moves of each family.

But I never thought that the same move could change like this.

Since Luoshui Dangbo can be used as an offensive move, it can also be used as a defensive move, using offense and defense to attack!

Watching Jiang Hongrong throw countless ice swords towards Ning Feng, he was defended by Luoshui Dangbo time and time again.When those ice swords were all consumed, Luoshui Dangbo was still strong.

I don't know if the people in Luoshui Island can think of this trick, even if they can think of it, I don't know if they have such execution ability.

"Then I will fight back, you have to pay attention." After Ning Feng finished speaking, he shouted.

"Luo Shui condenses light!"

This is the combination of the two moves. After defending, he can immediately switch from defense to offense, because Luoshui Swing Wave is an offensive move, and he doesn't need to make many changes at all.

So it will have a first-mover advantage.

At this moment, Ning Feng had the first-mover advantage.

Leng Qiushuang was surprised, because what Ning Feng was using now was just distraction strength.It seems that he has deciphered the instructions he gave Jiang Hongrong before.

I don't know if she can handle it well, I have never dealt with her before.

Jiang Hongrong was obviously not prepared enough, and there was a trace of panic on his face.

But it passed by in a flash, although I didn't know how to do it when faced with a move I had never seen before.But after all, after learning so many martial arts, how to deal with it immediately popped into my mind.

"Palace Master, be careful."

she said suddenly with a smile.

Then the whip in her hand started to spin, and then gusts of cold wind were driven up on her arm, forming a small tornado.


She directly threw this thing towards Ning Feng.

A tornado with icy slag directly froze the surroundings, even a little bit of icy slag hung on the leaves hundreds of meters away.

Faced with this move, Ning Feng found that there was no way to win with Luoshui Island's move.

There was only a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I know that it's not just about Luoshui Island.

"Then take my move next!"

Instead of retreating, Ning Feng advanced, and suddenly a piece of talisman slipped out of his hand.The moment this talisman paper appeared, a huge mud wall was formed in front of it.

And this mud wall seems to grow on the ground, and it grows taller and bigger.

Immediately blocked all attack directions.

"Spirit Talisman?"

Jiang Hongrong looked at Ning Feng and said in surprise, this palace lord really surprised her, knowing so many martial arts skills of many schools, this is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Spirit Talisman Sect is the most difficult one to deal with, let's see how your reflexes are?" Ning Feng said standing on the earthen wall.

The Spirit Talisman Sect is indeed a rather weird sect, because you never know what kind of talisman paper they will throw next.

"Okay." Jiang Hongrong said very confidently: "Then I won't hold back. You have to pay attention, it won't be good if you hurt you."

"It would be great if you could hurt me." Ning Feng said with a smile, "Come on anyway, don't underestimate the power of the Spirit Talisman Sect."

"I'm here." Jiang Hongrong didn't even use her whip, and it disappeared in an instant.The whole person rushed towards him at a fast speed.

She is wearing a practice suit today, and she has a good figure, with a ponytail tied up, and she is even more capable when she runs.

There is a triumphant look in his eyes.

This situation is good, the girl is just reassuring.

Ning Feng smiled in satisfaction, and was very satisfied with this disciple.Especially that kind of composure and agility. After seeing the rune, the first choice is to give up the weapon. I don't know how to behave next.

After Ning Feng saw her, he threw out a fire talisman.A huge flame enveloped directly towards her.

At first, he thought he was going to hold her back, but suddenly she disappeared from where she was, and when she reappeared, she was already beside him, kicking Ning Feng's chest.

Ning Feng didn't react, and hurriedly blocked it with his hands.

Because he can only use the power of the distraction realm, under such a kick, the force is uneven.The whole person was directly blasted down from the earth wall.


As soon as Ning Feng stood firm, he couldn't help but admire her.Spirit talisman is a very terrifying thing, and there may be a way to defend against any martial arts.

But there is no way to deal with such things as hand-to-hand combat.

In particular, she took advantage of the opportunity of using the fire talisman, and took advantage of the cover of the flames, and rushed towards her with speed. If her speed was slower, she would probably have been kicked in the chest.

"Beautiful job." Ning Feng stretched his thumb towards her and said, "Come again."

Suddenly an ice talisman appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly towards her. A gust of cold air came out directly, covering the place where she was.

(End of this chapter)

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