Chapter 1168
Just when he issued this talisman, her figure suddenly moved and disappeared in place almost instantly.

"So fast."

Ning Feng couldn't help admiring, probably he had some kind of martial skill.These things were the secrets of Ling Cang Palace back then, and they probably wouldn't tell themselves.

But this speed is really too fast, almost catching up with his teleportation talisman.

What's the point of playing with this speed, there's no way to defend.


Naturally, Ning Feng would not give up like this, and a talisman was quietly dispersed.As soon as he got out, a fist hit him right away.

He naturally punched back without hesitation.

After this punch, Jiang Hongrong took two steps back and stared at Ning Feng in disbelief.He can actually feel his own position?If he didn't have spiritual power, he would never have discovered it.

But he didn't seem to use his mental power at all before, and blocked himself out.

"How did you find out where I was?" She stared at Ning Feng in confusion.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, "I told you that there are all kinds of strange talismans, you can't underestimate them, there is a kind of talisman that is specially designed to catch your shadows."

So your speed is still not fast enough to give me time to react.

Jiang Hongrong smiled and said: "It's amazing, but I won't give up so easily." After finishing speaking, the whole person continued to rush towards Ning Feng and the two of them.

The speed has been driven to the maximum, and she can only see her figure flickering back and forth around, unable to catch the trick at all.

But Ning Feng was still able to find her location based on the previous fixed-point symbols.


A sound of breaking wind suddenly came to mind, and Ning Feng hurriedly dodged.

She didn't attack?
"She actually used a hidden weapon?" Ning Feng knew the situation immediately. Although he had pinpointed her location, he didn't pinpoint the hidden weapon.

I almost got stabbed by this dagger just now.

But just as he dodged, hidden weapons rushed out from all directions, directly facing Ning Feng and killing him.

The corners of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he directly used three ice talismans to build a barrier.All the hidden weapons were blocked in an instant.

Seeing that Ning Feng did this, Jiang Hongrong immediately raised a smile, waiting for him now.

The whip in his hand reappeared.


A whip slammed into it.


After a loud noise, the entire ice barrier instantly turned into powder.A huge ice sword emerged directly from the middle of these ice walls. If there was anyone in the middle, it would definitely kill and seriously injure the person.

The power of this trick seems to be great.

But after she finished this trick, she realized that there seemed to be no one inside.


She immediately realized that something was wrong, since she was no longer inside, she must have come out.


It seemed that there was someone behind him, and he was about to turn around and attack.Ning Feng threw a talisman directly, and immediately countless grass vines crawled out from the ground.

Then he tied her up in an instant.

"That's right, your strength is pretty good, and it's not easy to be able to persist under my command for such a long time." Ning Feng looked at her and said.

"Your speed is so fast?" She stared at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "How could you escape?"

Ning Feng waved his hand casually and said: "I said before, the Spirit Talisman Sect is such a weird sect, it has all kinds of runes, such as this magical amulet!"

The magic talisman is not as fast as the teleportation talisman.

Jiang Hongrong was so surprised that he couldn't even talk about it. He earned so much that there were so many things.

Ning Feng thought that he could finally teach her a lesson, after all, he finally won.It took two forces for such a long time to win her, it was too difficult.

Why is it so difficult to impart an experience?
"Sure enough." When she spoke, there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

At this time, the grass vines on her body suddenly became stiff, and then shattered with a snap.She actually froze the grass, and now she was able to break free.

This strength is indeed good.

"Do you want to do it again? Do you think you can win?" Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, this child is really persistent.

Jiang Hongrong smiled at him and said, "Do you think I will give you a chance?"

Ning Feng immediately looked down at his feet, and he was indeed locked by the ice whip from before.

"If you think this can trap me, you're making me too simple."

Ning Feng shook his head, and then slammed down with his palm.


A sharp sound of rubbing against the ground sounded.

The sound was like claws slashing.

Jiang Hongrong looked at Ning Feng's arm just now, it seemed that something like a tiger's claw really appeared on Ning Feng's arm, and the ice whip broke immediately after it was lightly slashed across the ground.

"This is?" She stared at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng said with a smile: "The Black Tiger Yin Sha Palm of the Black Tiger Gate." He didn't even use the full one just now, he just gestured with his paw casually.

"Forget it, your strength is already very good. I believe there is no problem with this competition." Ning Feng said to her.

Although he only used the strength of the distraction realm, his comprehension has actually reached the spirit concentrating realm.

This is actually somewhat unfair.

Moreover, he has used the martial arts of three factions in a row, which is actually not fair at all.

"No, let me see how strong Heihumen is?" She actually showed great interest, chasing after Ning Feng, she had to try it out.

"What I lack now is actual combat." Her eyes were full of pleading, "Palace Master, please help me."

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Since you are willing, I will naturally not refuse. But you have to pay attention, the moves of Heihumen are very ruthless."

"Don't worry, I'm not weak either."

she said confidently.

Leng Qiushuang was the one who was most surprised. What is Ning Feng's identity?Luoshui Island, Lingfuzong, and Heihumen's moves can all be known.

This is the incredible place, you must know that these martial arts are absolutely not allowed to be passed on to the outside world.

He is really too mysterious, either he has a great background, or he is a martial arts genius.

Judging from the fact that he offended so many people, it doesn't look like he has a background, so he is definitely a martial arts genius.

Ning Feng stared at Jiang Hongrong now, and said, "The next step is the first move, prepare to accept the move."

After finishing speaking, the spiritual power of the whole body immediately vibrated, almost ready to explode at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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