Chapter 1174

Ning Feng never expected that he would develop so quickly and expand so many people.

I really wanted him to monitor Lingcang Palace at the beginning, but I never expected him to grow so strong.

Doing so is not good, and it is easy to cause everyone to panic.

He took the book away, but his expression became very serious. He looked at him and said, "All these people have been handed over to you, but you can't use these people to spy on our internal people."

"You want to use these people to monitor the forces of other sects, do you understand what I mean?"

Fan Dong froze for a moment, then nodded, "You don't want to set up an intelligence agency inside."

"Yes." Ning Feng nodded and said: "If you do this internally, it will easily arouse everyone's resentment, and it may go astray in the future, so it's better not to."

"But these people are not useless anymore. You can still take charge of these people and let them follow you to monitor the dynamics of other big forces."

"I will give you the power to pick people from various places."

"I see." Fan Dong nodded, he had gone too far.Ning Feng didn't think about watching everyone at all, he just let himself pay attention a little bit.

It is enough to master some big things, but there is no point in knowing other trivial things.

"Okay, go and help me understand the dynamics of those people in Lingcang Palace. I may need it very soon." Ning Feng looked at him and said.

"Yeah, I'll go right away." After he finished speaking, he walked outside.

Ning Feng also walked to the meeting hall.

Inside the meeting hall are the medicine halls of each family.Because when the forces were integrated, they were still useful, so they were not disbanded.

The medicine hall of Guhua Palace completely worships Ning Feng. After all, he is his own palace lord, and his strength and talent are almost mythologized.And the talent in refining medicine is also quite against the sky.

The people in Lingcang Palace felt differently about Ning Feng. The people in Jiang Tu's group had also seen Ning Feng's supernatural power, so they were naturally convinced.

But Ling Cang Palace is also a big palace, and the people who came after hearing the news obviously didn't know about Ning Feng's deeds.Looking at Ning Feng's appearance, he felt a little disdainful, and felt that he was very stupid.

But they didn't think about it either, Ning Feng was responsible for distributing all the pills they had now, so what right did they have to be proud.

As for some other scattered medicine halls, they don't even have the qualifications to speak.For Ning Feng, he could only obey.

Standing by the side are those Tiankui generals, and I basically know all the people here.But there is a Tiankui general who seems a bit unfamiliar.

"Who is this?" I remembered before, that there didn't seem to be such a number one person.

Feng Aiguo came over and looked at Ning Feng and said: "This is our new chief general, the chief general in charge of other palace affairs, Chu Fangjie, you can also call him Ajie."

"Ajie?" Ning Feng took a look. His strength should be at the Jindan stage, and he had obviously taken elixir. For these people who have a bright future in training.

Ning Feng never cared about pills, a large number of good pills were kept by Feng Aiguo.And he assigned it very well, after all, he was the manager of Guhua Palace when it split.

The ability is still very strong.

"Palace Master." His face was stern, and he should be the kind of person who doesn't talk much.There is a long sword on the back, and it seems that the strength is not bad.

It is a good thing that the strength of the Sea Shark Palace has increased.

"Okay." Ning Feng looked at Ajie and said, "We still have to rely on everyone's hard work to grow our Sea Shark Palace."

After saying this, Ning Feng glanced at everyone.

Said: "The reason why I asked everyone this time is because there is something that needs to be notified to everyone."

After everyone heard what he said, they all looked at Ning Feng intently, no one knew what he was going to say.

"In order to serve the disciples more conveniently, I decided to set up the Pill Hall, which is responsible for distributing and rewarding the pills to the disciples. What do you think?"

Ning Feng said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an explosion below, and the medicine hall of Lingcang Palace was the first to explode.After all, Guhua Palace is their own people, so they must be indispensable in the alchemy hall.

The other palaces obviously don't have the right to speak, and they have the final say on how to fiddle with it.

The purpose of this trick is very clear, it is to weaken one's own power.

Those people in Lingcang Palace were immediately unhappy, and said to him: "This is not suitable. Our medicine hall already has this matter in its mission. Why do we need to set up Xindantang?"

Ning Feng smiled, "Naturally, it's for better efficiency. It's good that the medicine hall is in charge of curing diseases. As for the distribution of pills, it's better to be distributed by the headquarters. I'm in charge of this department myself."

After he finished speaking, he stared at the person from Ling Cang Palace.

The person in Ling Cang Palace was absolutely unwilling. Originally, this was their greatest power, but now it was suddenly withdrawn.They will change from a most powerful department to a marginalized department.

What right do you have in the future?
And the alchemy hall is controlled by Ning Feng himself, so wouldn't his control over all the disciples be strengthened even more.It was an expedient measure for them to join the Sea Shark Palace. If there is a chance in the future, they still have to establish themselves. Now that they are controlled by Ning Feng, what chance do they have?

"I don't agree to this condition." The people from Lingcang Palace yelled at Ning Feng, they would never agree.Because of the establishment of the alchemy hall, not only could they not accept the elixirs from Ning Feng, but they had to hand over their alchemists.

Then they become a disabled department, wouldn't that be very bad.

Ning Feng's eyes immediately turned cold, even full of murderous intent.

At this time, the people from the medicine hall of Guhua Palace directly stood up and said: "I also think that the current medicine hall is too redundant, there are not many departments in the first place, and it is not good to set up so many medicine halls.

Moreover, Lingcang Palace always disliked that the pills given to them were relatively small, and the other palaces felt that they had the most pills.This will cause everyone's contradictions.

I support the establishment of Dantang, so that everyone will distribute it uniformly, and no one will say who is at a disadvantage. "

Ning Feng glanced at the whole person, he looked about 30 years old, with a naive look.Speaking of which, the flesh on his body is still jumping, this person is not bad.

Finding the right time, standing out at this time has helped me a lot, and standing firmly on my side can be cultivated.

The man looked at the medicine halls of those small sects and said: "In the future, there is no need to dislike the lack of pills for you. Now the pill hall distributes them personally. It is even better than the unified national examination papers during the college entrance examination. You all say that you are at a disadvantage. Now that everyone is given a fair chance, why not say it's unfair?

Is the usual unfairness just talk? "

(End of this chapter)

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