Chapter 1175
Everyone was embarrassed for a while, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

They were all crying about unfairness before, but now it is fair.He directly stunned everyone and couldn't speak.

"No, we don't agree." He said to the crowd: "You will definitely express unfairness to us."

The man turned around and looked at him and said, "Of course you won't agree, because you are the ones who have benefited the most, and you are still crying about unfair treatment every time."

"Everyone is a discerning person, so there is no need to put on a show here. Do you feel that your cake has been touched? But you have to remember that most of the elixirs here are refined by the palace master."

"He can distribute it however he wants."

He finally gave a very relieved cold snort.

His words successfully brought the conflict to this person, just as everyone was dissatisfied with how much they eat and eat.Right now, I took this opportunity to scold them.

It immediately turned the topic into a fair one.

Ning Feng had to sigh with emotion, this guy is simply a talent, how can this kind of scene be so sophisticated?
"Okay." Ning Feng felt that it was time for him to express forcefully that he was not trying to persuade them in the first place.

He glanced at Leng Qiushuang and Jiang Tu, they could naturally see the purpose of Ning Feng's actions.But they didn't object, because joining the Sea Shark Palace was a matter where the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Seeing that their attitudes were acceptable, Ning Feng felt relieved.As long as the two of them are not in chaos, this matter is not considered a big deal.

"I'm just here to inform you this time, not to discuss with you." Ning Feng stared at the person in the medicine hall of Lingcang Palace and said, "Don't worry, the treatment of disciples will only be stronger than before, and will not be weakened. "

Lingcang Palace Pharmacy looked at Ning Feng, and dared not speak out.Their power is gone in an instant, so what's the point?

Ning Feng had already seen all the angry expressions on their faces.

He said to them: "It's enough to be notified about this matter. Everyone should practice hard when they go back."

Just drive away all the people, and then I have to watch how things change.

Everyone knew that Ning Feng had made up his mind on this matter, and they didn't plan to persuade him anymore.

Ning Feng returned to his room, knocked on the table, and counted the time.But instead of waiting for someone equal to him, he waited for a man instead.

This man is Ajie.

"Ajie? What's the matter?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

Ajie looked up at Ning Feng and said, "Today's decision is inappropriate."

"What's wrong?" Ning Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at him.According to his remarks, he can determine whether this is worth cultivating as a confidant.

"Not good for you."

He seldom talks, and every time he utters a few words.

"Where do you start?"

"This matter is good for us. It has little impact on Guhua Palace, but it has a great impact on Lingcang Palace. They will be dissatisfied and have no power."

He looked at Ning Feng and said, although he said few words, he made it clear.

Ning Feng stood up and relaxed.Fortunately, this guy is not standing on the side of Lingcang Palace.

"I don't want anyone to take advantage. Since they are all from the Sea Shark Palace, of course they have to be treated fairly, otherwise everyone will be chilled." Ning Feng said to him: "We can't let some people benefit, everyone Fair."

"It's not good for you. They are not very satisfied with you." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "You can feel it."

"I can feel it too, but so what? These people should be dealt with directly, should we let them grow up?" Ning Feng looked at him and said, "So this must be done."

"Palace Master..."

Fan Dong ran in at this time and said to Ning Feng: "They are here, more than a dozen people. They bypassed the guards and came in. My people were also killed."

"Oh? Here we come." Ning Feng was not shocked, but the corners of his mouth raised instead. "Are they so direct? What gave them courage?"

Ning Feng didn't think they were so fast at first, are they ready?There is not a single Tiankui general, how can we fight against it?What if it's reversed?
Are they all ready?

Are you ready, are Guhua Palace and Lingcang Palace breaking up?Are they planning to push Lingcang Palace to the opposite of Guhua Palace?

If there is no way out to do so, they are a bunch of lunatics, a group of lunatics who don't understand anything.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly, "Come here? Then I will see what kind of group of people dare to come here like this."

"What's the situation?" Ajie looked at Ning Feng and asked.

"Reverse, sooner or later, it is better to reverse sooner than later." After Ning Feng finished speaking, he walked into the yard.

Ajie frowned and followed behind. In his opinion, the reason why Ning Feng was so opposed to Lingcang Palace now was entirely to take care of their interests.

After all, they were the most disadvantaged party before, and now their treatment has improved a lot.

But being nice to them would naturally affect Lingcang Palace's interests and arouse their dissatisfaction, so it was the opposite.

So he still thinks simply. The main problem is that this wave of stubborn people doesn't even think about blending in.This is just an excuse.

When the three of them went outside, under the leadership of a local general, more than a dozen people blocked their door.

"Oh? What are you guys going to do?" Ning Feng looked at them and said.Isn't this too self-defeating?What big things can a dozen people accomplish?

The chief general stood up and pointed at Ning Feng and said, "You little boy, why do you become our palace master, and you are too biased, you don't deserve this position, we will kill you."

Ning Feng laughed loudly, these people are just white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with them.

"What did you say? Too much partiality? Why don't you list all the pill distribution? Your distribution is more than that of Guhua Palace. You can't say that without conscience?"

"Hmph, you just want to annex our Lingcang Palace and enter your Guhua Palace. It's a beautiful idea."

"As I said, there will be no palaces here from now on, only the Sea Shark Palace." Ning Feng stared at them and said.

"To put it nicely, this is your conspiracy. We, Lingcang Palace, are too lazy to hang out with you, so we have to do it by ourselves," said the chief general.

"Haha...that's really funny." Ning Feng stared at him with murderous eyes and said, "Do you think you can represent Lingcang Palace with so many people? You only brought so many people for so long? It seems that Ling Most people in Cang Palace are not willing to go with you."

"Nonsense, that's because I was bewitched by you. As long as I kill you, Guhua Palace and Lingcang Palace will definitely hate each other, and they will be separated at that time." He said a little wildly, this is really a kind of lunatic way of doing.

(End of this chapter)

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