Chapter 1213 Silver Plate
While they were discussing, the silver plate in that person's hand was thrown out, and the silver plate instantly became the size of a millstone.

It directly blocked in front of him, and three metal swords slammed on it fiercely.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three swords collided with the plate and there was a loud noise, but the plate was not broken, and when the three swords hit it, it turned into three puddles of metallic liquid.

"What about you? How could there be such a thing?" Dan Chang stared at Dan Yang in surprise. He really didn't expect that the other party had such a powerful spiritual weapon.

I used to think that owning the spiritual weapon of the great elder was already a very powerful thing, but I never thought that the other party could also get this thing from the island owner.

"I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply, and you got such a good treasure." Dan Chang said through gritted teeth.

"Aren't you the same? Isn't such a good thing also given to you?" Dan Yang said to him lightly.

With a wave of his hand, Dan Chang took back the three balls of liquid. With a wave of his hand, the ball of liquid metal turned into a long sword. Looking at him, he said, "Even if you have this thing, you will definitely lose."

"Really?" Dan Yang waved his hand, and the silver plate as big as a millstone became only the size of a palm, and it was attached to his forearm.

"Let you see what strength is!"

They kicked the ground and killed Dan Yang.

Dan Yang was not polite, and killed him with the silver plate.

The figures of the two intertwined, and it could be seen that they were trying their best.Really didn't hold back at all, the two of them had already exchanged thirty or forty moves.

"Dan Yang won." Ning Feng looked at the environment in the field and said lightly.

"You don't have selfish intentions, you can't see the situation at all now, okay?" Ajie glanced at the audience and said, "The strength of the two is on par."

"It's not that I have a private letter. Just now, Dan Yang has been playing defense all the time. It seems that he has never attacked once." Ning Feng said lightly.

"That's because of his weapon. As a defensive weapon, can it be compared with a spirit weapon that changes shape at will? Ajie thinks that his lack of attack is due to the form of the spirit weapon. .

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "You are wrong, such a high-level spirit weapon will never appear as a purely defensive spirit weapon. Because it will make people close their doors and beat dogs, and the opponent has no threat at all. So when ordinary masters refine spirit weapons, every defensive spirit tool has a way to counterattack."

"You mean, the method of Dan Yang's counterattack is the most important thing." Ajie said: "Then where is his key?"

"The key?" Ning Feng smiled and said, "Of course it's the formation in the middle of the plate. Didn't you realize that the formation didn't seem to have any effect?"

"Eh... I didn't find out, I'm not a craftsman, so how can I understand it." He said without feeling ashamed at all.

"Just wait and see."

When Ning Feng was about to look up the stage, Leng Qiushuang poked him.

"what happened?"

"Look over there." Leng Qiushuang raised her eyes twice in one direction.

Ning Feng looked over and found a strange phenomenon.

"Why are the people from the upper four gates here? And there are so many here?" Ning Feng frowned. This matter is too inappropriate. It has nothing to do with them. What are you doing here?
Although this is the range where the four-door activities are allowed, this competition was held by Wulaoge himself.Don't they dare to have other ideas?
"I don't know, but it's a little strange that all the people from the four sects have come." Leng Qiushuang said: "But it seems that no very strong people appeared."

Ning Feng always felt that this matter was not that simple.

From the sudden appearance of people from the upper four doors occupying the room, to the appearance here on such a large scale, it always feels like something happened.

"Going to the fourth gate is probably trying to make trouble. We'd better be careful and let our people pay attention." After Ning Feng said to them, he continued to turn his eyes back.

Because these people didn't do any outrageous moves at all, they just sat on it and watched, as if they were really watching the game.

"Maybe it's really just for fun. After all, it's a place where they can move around, and the high-level executives didn't show up." Leng Qiushuang said: "With the Wulao Pavilion, they probably don't dare to take any action."

Ning Feng nodded, then ignored it, and turned to look at the situation on the stage.

Dan Yang and Dan Chang were still entangled, and Jiang Hongrong was fiddling with some ice and snow, releasing the cold air to let some snow fall, and then kneaded it into snowballs.
She is so arrogant.

And the other few people are still entangled, and there has been no winner or loser at all.Suddenly, the person from Fenghuogu and the person from Heihumen gave each other a wink.

Then both of them stopped attacking suddenly, turned around and killed Jiang Hongrong.

Now that she is in control, if she is taken down, the few of them working together will be the strongest existence, and whoever wants to be eliminated will be eliminated.

So now we have to get Jiang Hongrong down.

They have been observing her state all the time, taking action when they think she is least prepared.

"It's dangerous, this guy actually made a sneak attack." Ajie said excitedly.

But after he finished speaking, he found that Leng Qiushuang ignored him, and Ning Feng looked at him like a fool.

"You think too much."

"How is it possible? Sneak attack!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Hongrong really moved.Suddenly, the snowballs in front of them seemed to be consciously smashed towards these two people.

"Bang bang bang..."

Six consecutive snowballs hit the two of them respectively.Leng was so direct that he knocked the two of them off the ring.

"Haha... My aunt has been waiting for you for a long time, so I knew you would not be able to bear it. It's really not easy for me to wait." She did it on purpose.

This aunt may really be too busy, so she still plays this game and deliberately sets a trap?
Is she playing like this?If she doesn't like someone, she can just use the whip to whip it, why bother playing like this?
"Did she think it was fun?" Ajie belatedly asked.

"Of course, she can play with anything." Ning Feng looked at him casually and said.

"Dan Yang, it's almost done, and the person is almost done. Get rid of him quickly, and look at him as annoying." She probably couldn't stay any longer, and said to him.

Dan Yang glanced at her, then nodded, and rushed up holding the silver plate.

"Don't think it's so easy." Dan Chang yelled, and killed Dan Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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