Chapter 1214

"Luo Shui condenses light!"

With a loud shout, he used the metal sword to use Luoshui's condensing light move.The sword light was sharp, and he killed Dan Yang.


A violent impact sounded directly.

Dan Yang caught his sword directly with the silver plate, but the huge impact force directly forced him back.It didn't stop until it reached the edge of the ring.

"Go down!"

Dan Chang roared triumphantly, a burst of spiritual power suddenly burst out.

"It's not that easy!"

At this moment, Dan Yang suddenly laughed, a wave of spiritual power poured into the silver plate, and a huge force burst out directly from the silver plate.

A blood-colored shadow appeared. This blood-colored shadow was blurry, and it was basically impossible to see what it was.

But this fuzzy thing directly smashed towards Dan Chang fiercely.

"She actually gave you this thing!" Dan Chang's eyes widened in surprise.

Hastily turned the metal sword into a shield and blocked it in front.

Dan Yang obviously didn't intend to be cruel, so he took a step back and deliberately gave him a chance to defend.

But even with this defense, he was doomed.


The blood shadow hit Dan Chang's shield, and Dan Chang flew out directly, without touching the ground with his toes.

It landed right under the ring, then watched him put away the silver plate and said, "You lost."

Dan Chang looked at him bitterly.

In the last move, he could feel that Dan Yang had obviously stopped, otherwise he would never be in the current situation.But he will never thank him.

It was an insult, a pity, something he didn't need.

Jiang Hongrong looked at the two female disciples of the Yuhua Sect and said, "Forget it, I won't touch you, let the four of us advance."

The Yuhua faction is the most fortunate one now. They never thought that they would advance in this way, but no matter what, they did not lose in the first round.

The losers turned out to be relatively strong opponents such as Dan Chang, Fenghuogu and Heihumen.

It is indeed unpredictable.

As long as they pass the first round, then they are heroes, at least they don't have to let the sect be relegated. This is almost the same as China's reaching the finals of the World Cup.

The eyes of the two female disciples looked at Jiang Hongrong full of admiration. If she was a man, they probably wished they could just sleep with her to repay this kindness.

"The game is over and the result is obvious."

That voice appeared faintly again, without the slightest hint of activism.He said lightly: "Today's game is over, tomorrow's single match, get ready."

After speaking, he left directly.

Today's game is actually just an appetizer, only the match between Dan Yang and Dan Chang is a little interesting.The others are directly crushed, and it seems that the masters haven't started to show their strength yet.

"Let's go, it's over." Ning Feng stood up and said to them: "Let's go, it's nothing interesting, let's prepare to watch tomorrow's game."

"Look, things don't seem to be that simple this time. The four leaders from the upper four gates have all come."

Leng Qiushuang suddenly said to Ning Feng.

"I found it." Ning Feng said lightly: "But they didn't show up here, at least it proves that they are still afraid of Wulaoge. Besides, they are not forbidden to come here to watch the game."

After he finished speaking, he smiled and walked over there.

"Don't think so much, even if they have some ideas, they won't cause so much trouble. On the contrary, it will save us a lot of trouble." He glanced at Ajie and said.

Just as he said this, Jiang Hongrong jumped over.

"How am I doing?"

"Perfect!" Ning Feng said to her. "Although he is a bit willful, his brain is still very flexible."

"It must be flexible. Can you get things done if you are not flexible?" She said happily, "These people are too weak."

"Don't take it lightly." Leng Qiushuang reprimanded directly: "The people eliminated today are just some of the worst people. The real strong have not yet exerted their strength. For example, those two people from Heihumen and Fenghuogu, There are also two people from the Spirit Talisman Sect, Ye Jinxuan! These are opponents that should not be underestimated, don't be too arrogant."

"Got it." She said weakly.

"Although the masters really didn't show their strength, we Hong Rong didn't show their strength either. Who knows who will win in the end?" Ning Feng looked at Jiang Hongrong and said.

After hearing Ning Feng's words, Jiang Hongrong immediately jumped up, looked at him and said, "Palace Master, what you said makes sense, and I will be a fan of you in the future."

"How do you talk to the Palace Master?" Leng Qiushuang taught her.

"My child, don't mind." Ning Feng said with a smile: "You can say that in an informal occasion like this, but you have to be more careful in formal occasions."

"It's better to be the palace lord, but I'm not a child, I'm an adult. I'm about the same age as you, don't treat me as your junior." She still had some opinions.

"Okay, go back and rest quickly, and prepare for tomorrow's competition." Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said.

After sending everyone away, he grabbed Ajie and said, "You stay here, let's go somewhere later."

"Where are you going?" He looked at Ning Feng puzzled.

"What brains? Didn't you see that the head of Baiyemen has arrived? Isn't now the best time to propose a marriage? When will we wait?" Ning Feng said bitterly.

"Now? Go directly to the head of Baiyemen? Is it too straightforward? I'm not ready yet." Ajie looked at Tang Chuan with some hesitation and said.

"What are you preparing for? Just go with me. I've prepared everything for you. I wanted to go to Baiyemen before. Now that they're here, it's much easier for us." Ning Feng pulled him directly towards Go to another peak.

No matter what the people who go to the fourth door are here to do, anyway, they can't stop looking for that Baiyemen.As for the happiness of his subordinates, he has to help him as the boss.

"Really, don't we need to prepare anything?" Ajie looked at him and said.

Ning Feng smiled lightly and said, "I've prepared it for you a long time ago." He had already transcribed the first half of Wuxiang Baguaquan for him.

Just relying on this half of the exercises, isn't it easy to get a female disciple under her sect?Besides, people are in love with each other, how can there be so many things.

"I'm still nervous." Ajie looked at him innocently and said.

"Countless, it's not about robbing people, so be nervous." Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said, "Nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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