Chapter 1245 Twist
"Do you believe me or not?" Ning Feng smiled at her.

"Of course I should believe it. Since when did my sister lie to you?" The masked woman said to him, "However, you have to win me first."

"Then come." Ning Feng smiled at her and said, "I will definitely win you."

"My sister appreciates your character. Then you can start to accept the move." Tang Gong said with a smile, "The next attack will be a thousand times more powerful than before."

After finishing speaking, the surrounding needles directly attacked him.

Originally there were only three needles, and Ning Feng could hardly hold them anymore, but now there are countless needles. After he crushed this thing into powder, these things could rush towards him from countless other directions.

But now there is really no way.

A needle made of dust rushed towards him.

Ning Feng kicked up and smashed a needle that was rushing towards him, but it rushed over from another direction immediately, stabbing towards his back.

At the same time, thousands of needles stabbed towards him.

The power of these needles is actually not very strong, but there are too many, and there is a very miserable result, that is, there is no way to break through.

The more attacking, the greater their number.

And don't even think about getting rid of it. Within this range, no matter where you go, needles will appear there.

These needles are all greeting him.

It's nothing to get one at random, but after thousands of needles hit his body, he also has to collapse.

Ning Feng suddenly took out a bowl-like object from his hand, threw it out, directly buckled himself up, and said to Tang Gong speechlessly.

"I'll come out after I figure out a way."

Tang Gong was speechless and smiled sweetly, this man's performance really surprised her, and why did he make people like him so much.

"Okay, my sister is waiting for you, you must remember it clearly, otherwise I am afraid that you will be jealous if my sister marries someone else."

Ning Feng ignored it at all, this is an ordinary spiritual weapon, although the needles on the outside will not dissipate, they will definitely not attack when he is inside.

If Tang Gong Wuyu came in to break the defense of this bowl, that would be the result he wanted most, and he could take this opportunity to take her away.

But she obviously thought the same way, so she didn't come over at all, but let those needles stand around him like this, waiting quietly.

Even if he is huddled in it, there will always be a time to come out, it is impossible to stay in that bowl for such a long time.

"Look at the current result." The head of the Mi family looked at the situation in the field and said: "There is almost no solution to this situation. Unless the strength exceeds the opponent and he can bear the attack and rush out, otherwise there is really no way. His strength is not strong at all. It's too much ahead of her, so it's almost impossible to rush out."

"But I found that there doesn't seem to be a desperate look between the two of them. Could it be that the two of them are testing each other?" Shangguan Jinfeng looked at the field and said.

In fact, at the beginning, Ning Feng actually had the advantage, but he didn't play hard.But now Tang Gong Wuyu is obviously stronger, but she doesn't intend to kill at all.

"I can also see that the two of them don't know what they are doing at all? Do they have any plans?" The head of the Zhang family stared at the field and said, he felt that something was wrong now.

"I don't know why, but I also think there should be some secret between them, otherwise the two of you will come and go, although it is dangerous, but there is no murderous intent." Zhu Qidong also looked at the field and said: "The two Isn't it really love at first sight?"

"Do you think it's possible?" The Patriarch of the Zhang family glanced, "I believe even more that there should be some agreement between the two of them."

"But the two haven't been in contact at all, how could there be an agreement?" Shangguan Jinfeng said: "In the current situation, it is very likely that Ning Feng was led away by this woman."

The Patriarch of the Zhang family nodded and said: "I also know that this is unlikely, but this feeling is really strange, maybe what you said is right."

"You guys are thinking too much. It's not that she doesn't want to do it now. It's just that Ning Feng probably wants her to come over now. Although these needles are lethal, they are not strong. It depends entirely on the large number. If people come to his The words in front of her will definitely be attacked, and the attacks of those needles will definitely be broken, so the only way now is to spend so much time, so she will win."

The head of the Mi family looked at the field and said confidently.

"Perhaps." The Patriarch of the Zhang family didn't always feel so good, as if they were going to change from a oriole to a cicada.

The situation on the field is still so deadlocked, but it didn't take a few minutes, probably only about 3 minutes.

The bowl opened suddenly, and then a huge force burst out directly.

"You don't want to use this trick to win sister, as I said before, this method will not work." Tang Gong said to him speechlessly.

"I've tried it before, as long as I smash this thing, they won't disappear at all." The head of the Mi family said confidently, staring at the field.

"Hasn't he seen the current situation clearly? Simply smashing it will not work, even if everything is smashed, it will not work."

The head of the Zhang family looked at the situation in the field, and the more he watched, the more uneasy he became, and he hurriedly asked all his people to retreat home.

Although it was said to be withdrawn before, there was still some hesitation and did not withdraw.

Zhu Qidong was the most direct one. Before that, he really withdrew very thoroughly. Because he had an agreement with Ning Feng, he withdrew very quickly.

Shangguan Jinfeng and the head of the Mi family obviously still didn't believe that something happened, their people just withdrew from the mountain, they were still outside.

They are afraid of losing this opportunity.

"I don't think he is such a person." The head of the Zhang family stared at the field and said, "Let's be safe and let people go back."

"You're worrying too much. Even if he wins, we don't need to withdraw. Could there be any danger?" The head of the Mi family said proudly.

At this moment, Ning Feng looked at Tang Gong speechlessly and said, "Does it really not work?"

"Huh?" Tang Gong was speechless for a moment, she really felt that it wouldn't work.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature seemed a little cold, and she couldn't help tightening the gauze around her body.


Just when those things were all turned into dust, a small white grass flew out directly.Everyone didn't pay attention to this little grass, but this thing really exists.

And it will turn things around.

(End of this chapter)

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