Chapter 1246

Tang Gong glanced at him indifferently, and said with a smile on his lips: "I know about this, but you are really cruel in dealing with it, and nothing is left behind."

Ning Feng said casually: "The existence of these people does not bring me good things. This is the only way I can do it."

"These people are not my sister's people. My sister doesn't know how to do this kind of thing, so you can do whatever you want." Tang Gong said with a speechless smile.

"You fought me today, and your goal has been achieved." She looked at Ning Feng and said, "Those old men didn't come out, it seems that the rumors are true."

Ning Feng smiled, looked at her relaxedly and said, "But do you dare to do it? The current situation should not be clear, right?"

What he likes is this kind of unclear state. As long as the situation is unclear, he is safe, and he dare not do anything to him when he goes to the fourth door.

In fact, Ning Feng's real opponent has never been Wuliang Mountain.Because Wuliangshan has a lot of ambitions.As long as he doesn't interfere with Sea Shark Palace, he himself won't interfere with them.

Their goal is to go to the top four doors. If they fight with the top four doors, they are just spectators.

Don't care at all.

"But now I can't fight with you anymore." Tang Gong said with a smile without words: "Sister, I can't bear to attack you. You are so kind to sister, why does sister continue to beat you?"

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "I don't know what you guys think, but I just want to advise you to quit when it's time to quit."

Tang Gong was speechless for a moment, smiled at him, and said, "Sister, thank you for your concern, you are now a spectator, and it's time for us to perform."

When Ning Feng and Tang Gongbian were fighting, they quickly reached an agreement.

In fact, from the moment Ning Feng made a move, fighting was meaningless.Because no matter what the purpose of Wulaoge was, they didn't come out to stop it.

The idea of ​​Wuliang Mountain has been confirmed.

Wulaoge may have lost its strength.

"The Wulao Pavilion is not easy." Ning Feng still said to her with a worried face, "Be careful playing with fire and setting yourself on fire."

She also frowned slightly, and said: "But sister, I have no choice. If I can win, sister will definitely marry you."

Ning Feng smiled at him, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you have married me several times since the beginning."

Tang Gong laughed silently, "My sister actually didn't use her full strength, she just used two relatively weak moves, so you can't count as winning my sister."

Ning Feng also smiled, "Actually, I didn't spend a lot of energy, and my real strength didn't cost much. If we continue to fight, we can't say for sure who will win."

"Haha... Let's continue the comparison at that time." Tang Gong said with a smile without words: "Sister needs to save time now."

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Pay attention to your own safety. If you go through the four doors, clean up one of them if you can. It's best to clean up the Mi family. Their family is the weakest."

"You really care about my sister." Tang Gong stared at him speechlessly and said.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "Actually, he is also my enemy, and killing him is good for me. Besides, you have disrupted the order now, and they will want to kill me now. You'd better kill him first."

While talking, he walked towards her.

Then he hugged her back violently, letting her body stick tightly to him.He even kissed her gently on the ear, and pulled her with his hand.

After about a few minutes, Ning Feng let her go.

"You can't let me down." Ning Feng smiled at her, "Remember to come back and marry me."

She touched her ears shyly, then glanced at him and said, "I hate it."

After saying that, she ran towards her stand.

After running for two steps, I realized that I seemed to be running in the wrong direction. After stamping my foot shyly, I ran in another direction.

After Ning Feng laughed out loud, he jumped up, left the field, and sat on the stand.

Although he failed a little this time, at least he reached an agreement with her in the process, and now he just hopes that she can beat the Mi family into idiots.

"Uh...just now they not only hugged, but also bit their ears." The Golden Soul Envoy said excitedly looking at the field. "My god, you can fall in love with someone in one game."

"Can you take a good look at it? Although he blocked the view over there, he didn't block our view at all. Just now he took the opportunity to stuff something into her hand."

The Gintama envoy said disdainfully: "It seems that the two have reached some agreement."

"What? We seem to have had several fights with him, and he injured both of us. How could we reach an agreement?" Jin Hun said puzzled.

Gintama rolled his eyes at him and said: "Analyze the situation, pay attention to the two words of interest! We have no conflict of interest with him at all, but there is a conflict between him and the upper four gates. There is no need to keep dying. One of the previous ones Guy, it’s obviously a spy sent by the bosses, so it’s good to kill him while you’re at it.”

"Oh, even so, but I looked at him and seemed to be a little emotional with this kid. You see, she went the wrong way just now." The golden soul envoy said to the silver soul.

"I know, I see." The Gintama envoy said flatly: "She is not suitable for fighting now, and I will take her place next."

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the ground and rushed out, and after speaking a few words with Tang Gong speechlessly.

Tang Gong nodded speechlessly, then walked towards Ning Feng.

"How? He got away. It seems that the two have reached an agreement before, and we are in trouble." The head of the Zhang family looked at everyone and said.

The head of the Mi family was stunned for a moment, and said to him: "The relationship between the two seems to be very good, and this is troublesome."

Shangguan Jinfeng said: "But now it can be seen that there is indeed a problem with the Wulao Pavilion. Even if it hasn't lost its strength, it should be some trouble."

"He just watched from the sidelines, and then we will have trouble with them." Zhu Qidong said beside him: "Who do you think their opponent will be?"

"Of course it's me." The head of the Mi family said to him: "This guy has a big hatred against me, this is an opportunity for revenge, how could he let it go."

"Our two-lose strategy doesn't seem to be so smooth, and we don't want to participate." The Patriarch of the Zhang family said: "Get ready. They just came here, and there are four more."

(End of this chapter)

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