Chapter 1250 Challenge the Patriarch of the Mi Family
Just after Ning Feng finished speaking, more than 30 snakes and the huge water dragon collided directly and fiercely.


Huge forces collided with each other.

The huge force directly blasted more than 30 heads into slag, and the water dragon also turned into a group of water splashes, splashing around.

"Boom boom boom..."

Those snake-shattered stones slammed down hard on the stands, making bursts of crackling sounds.


"too close!"

Many relatively weak people were seriously injured just by being bombarded by these slags, and some even killed Xiao Minghei directly.

Some people just rejoiced that they dodged the attack of this move, and immediately there was a gust of water rushing over.

They didn't think much of it at first, and waved their hands casually, blocking this thing that they thought was light.

But they thought too much.

The power of this water is no easier than those stones.

A gust of water hit a person directly, and he swung the thing away.But I found that it was too easy to think, and the power inside it was terrifying.

Before he could stop it, he was directly shot to the ground.

The field was even more destroyed, and the original restrictions had been destroyed long ago, and there was nothing left.

The stone bricks on the ground are completely invisible.

It's like a demolition site, not a playing field at all.In fact, this venue was not originally prepared for their level of competition.

The ban is relatively weak.

But being destroyed like this is quite powerful.

Ning Feng threw a flying stone aside, looked at Tang Gong speechlessly and said, "Guess, who wins."

"I don't know, I can't see clearly. I won't bet with you." Tang Gong said silently, "You know how to see through. What if you get angry and see everything?"

Ning Feng smiled, and whispered in her ear: "Don't you think I haven't seen you through yet?"

"I hate it. If you look at it again, believe it or not, my sister will marry you." Tang Gong said with a smile, squinting his eyes.

Ning Feng knew what she looked like, she was very good-looking, and her childlike face and big breasts were no exaggeration.

"Come on, marrying a beautiful girl is quite an honor." Ning Feng said with a smile.While speaking, the smoke and dust in the field dissipated.

Mi Man was lying on the ground, breathing heavily for air. There was still no trace of blood on his body, but traces of blood had already started to flow from the corner of his mouth.

The inside has been seriously damaged, but because the surface is too tough, the skin has not been hurt.

Now he is obviously seriously injured, and it is impossible to stand up at all.

And the Golden Soul Envoy was also sitting under a wall, his clothes were torn and dripping with blood. Although he looked miserable, he was not bad, and there were not many internal injuries.

Looks pretty good.

"My sister probably won't be able to accompany you to the theater." Tang Gong said to Ning Feng speechlessly.

Ning Feng touched her face and said, "If you have to do it, then go ahead, but be careful."

"Of course, I'll let you see my sister's real strength later." Tang Gong said with a speechless smile, "When fighting with you, my sister is reluctant to do it."

Ning Feng glanced at her, and then said to her: "I know, then let me see your strength."

While they were talking, the Silver Soul Envoy flashed in front of the Golden Soul Envoy, and then a silver light in his hand poured directly into his heart veins.

And a person from the Mi family also suddenly appeared beside Mi Man, directly fed a elixir into his mouth, and then took out a small knife.

Stabbed fiercely on his Zhongwei acupoint.

A stream of black blood spurted out directly.

"They are all masters." Ning Feng looked at the field and said.That guy Miman has qi and blood in his body that cannot be discharged, so it will cause the reverse blood to hit the meridians.

But after being bled in this way, although it will lose energy and blood, the final result must be much better than that, as long as it is replenished.

As for the Golden Soul Envoy, in fact, he mainly suffers from concussion damage, as long as he protects his heart from turbulence, he will be fine if he cultivates properly.

The two hugged their own person, and quickly returned to their side of the stand, and quickly asked the disciples to send him away.

Tang Gong Wuyu suddenly lifted the veil, kissed Ning Feng on the mouth, then smiled at him, and landed in the middle of the venue.

Watching her floating figure, Ning Feng wiped his mouth casually, and a small sign about the size of a fingernail appeared in his hand.

"Are you afraid that someone will see it?" Ning Feng glanced at the scene.Then his head quickly calculated the interests of this time, and who will be the biggest beneficiary in the end.

Who has the ability to organize all this, and what is going on with their moves.How did they develop?
Relying on the few materials he had, he quickly brainstormed.

Suddenly there was some understanding in his head, he glanced at Wulao Pavilion, and then looked at the four gates.

"Is that so?" Ning Feng was a little surprised by the current situation and said, "You have to be careful."

Tang Gong turned his head back and smiled at him speechlessly, then looked at the head of the Mi family and said, "Patriarch of the Mi family, I wonder if you have the heart to fight us? We actually covet the position of the upper fourth door. But If we want to have a position, we have to play your position."

The Patriarch of the Mi family was stunned for a moment, staring at the field and said, "Wuliang Mountain? Can an unknown place want to win against me?"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family held his hand and said: "I don't think the situation is quite right, bear with it and take another look, don't go down by yourself."

"What?" The head of the Mi family stared at him and said.

Although the head of the Zhang family said that he had some conflicts with him, but now the two are one, so they should not harm themselves.

But now can he not make a move?
The Patriarch of the Zhang family stood up and said to Tang Gong speechlessly: "My girl, there are many ways to achieve such things as strength, why do you have to take this step?"

Tang Gong silently squinted his eyes and smiled: "There are many ways, but this step is the fastest and the easiest to be recognized. What do you think?"

"This move is indeed fast, but it's also risky. Going to the four gates is not just talk, and the truth contained in it is beyond your comprehension. I advise you to retreat in spite of difficulties."

Patriarch Zhang's feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger, and he had to do so even if he was willing to give up this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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