Chapter 1251 Illusion Realm
Tang Gong glanced at him speechlessly, but he didn't flinch at all, and said to him: "Needless to say, we already understand how powerful these things are. Now that we have done this, we have no intention of stopping."

Patriarch Zhang's eyes calmed down when he spoke.

This matter has no way to end.

But he always can't feel the driving force behind the scenes, and this feeling is really uncomfortable.Who is the driving force behind the scenes?Where is it?
The Patriarch of the Mi family smiled and said: "Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude."

As he said that, he was ready to start.

But the Patriarch of the Zhang family stopped him and said: "The current situation of the Wulao Pavilion is still unclear. If you go out now, you will definitely give someone a handle. If they are not what they are in the legend, the Mi family will be over."

He doesn't think he has much relationship with the Mi family, it's just that they have reached the same condition with great difficulty now. If the condition is broken because of his withdrawal at that time, it will not be easy to organize again.

The head of the Mi family smiled and said: "It's all turned into this, and they didn't make a move. Don't you think there will be any major changes? This may be our chance. If I win, our plan It can be implemented successfully.”

After he finished speaking, he ignored him at all and jumped off the ring directly.

After seeing his back, several people were still not convinced that what happened this time was not a fixed routine at all.Ning Feng and Tang Gong Wuyu never fought so fiercely.

Moreover, Ning Feng's shouting voice really ruined their achievements a lot. No matter what, they all began to express doubts about this matter.

At least not so firmly.

He and Tang Gong Wuyu seemed to be fighting, but it also seemed like flirting between lovers, which really made it difficult for everyone to judge.Maybe the people in Wulaoge just think that the matter is not that troublesome, so they don't plan to make a move.

They go straight from being a bystander to having to participate.

What is this immeasurable mountain thinking?
Ning Feng also stared at the field. Just after the Patriarch of the Mi family fell down, there was really no movement at all, not to mention a little dust, not even the corner of his clothes moved.

This kind of control is simply amazing.

If Tang Gong Wuyu didn't hide most of her strength, she wouldn't be able to win.

The strength of the head of the Mi family is likely to be above the Guiyuan period, but she has obviously not yet reached the Guiyuan period. I don't know why she still fights.

"Patriarch of the Mi family, I am attacking you not because of personal grievances, but because of the interests of the sect, so don't blame me. I don't want to fight either, I know your strength is great." Tang Gong came up speechlessly and said Show weakness.

"I happened to settle some of my affairs by defeating you." He stared at Tang Gong speechlessly: "Have you already reached some agreement with Ning Feng?"

"Hey hey... how could we reach an agreement, we just fell in love at first sight." She said it without any shyness. "Actually, it's not us that you should be nervous about, but your friends."

"Friend?" The head of the Mi family was stunned for a moment.

"Provocation?" He stared at her and said, "Provocation won't work at this time, our location has already been confirmed."

"Believe it or not." Tang Gong said with a speechless smile, "Anyway, I have already told you, but I advise you to confirm your rear, right?"

"Huh?" He thought for a while, obviously he was really taken away.

"It's really cunning." Ning Feng couldn't help but say, Tang Gong Wuyu had already taken a step ahead, and this step already had the advantage.

"Huh?" The head of the Mi family suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Phantom Realm!"

Tang Gong's speechless temperament immediately changed, and instantly turned into a goddess with a cold temperament, and as soon as she made a move, she immediately locked the surrounding space.


Ning Feng was surprised for a moment. Seeing this move, he knew that Tang Gong Wuyu was really just playing with him before.

This trick can't be broken by itself.

The illusion domain is actually an absolute domain refined by using spiritual power and spiritual weapons. In this domain, she has a strong dominance.

Her strength can reach a realm that has never been reached before in this field.

If she is only at the peak of Jindan, she can completely reach the return to Yuan stage in that field.

And the strength of the opponent will directly drop a lot in this field.

He has only seen this field twice, one was Tang Gong Wuyu, and the other was Ye Jinxuan's ice and snow field.These are quite terrifying powers.

When she talked to the Patriarch of the Mi family just now, she was obviously deliberately diverting his attention, and then took this opportunity to shroud the domain.

"Field?" Mi Family Patriarch stared at Tang Gong with a smile and said speechlessly, "That's right, I didn't expect people in the Golden Core Stage to have such strength."

"Why can't there be?" She looked at him with a slight smile on her lips and said, "I also ask the Patriarch of the Mi family to teach me."

The head of the Mi family frowned. In this field, if the strengths were similar, they would not be able to win at all.

Because one side improves and the other side is suppressed, it is difficult to win.

"It's really good, but it's not that easy to win me with this thing." The Patriarch of the Mi family began to gather spiritual power in his hands, and said to Tang Gong speechlessly.

"Then let the little girl try."

After Tang Gong was speechless, he rushed towards him. Halfway through, the hairpin on his head flew out, and the hair teeth fell off again almost instantly.

The speed of these falling out hair teeth soared suddenly.

"Bang bang..."

Continuous explosions erupted from the hairpin teeth.Almost instantly, the position of the head of the Mi family was blown up to nothing.

Ning Feng looked at the place outside and shook his head, she really treated him lightly.

I didn't detonate this thing just now, or I'll be in trouble for a while.

It seems that she still has a little more truth to herself.

However, this move probably won't hurt the Patriarch of the Mi family, if he doesn't even have this ability, then don't mess around.


Almost at the same time, a golden light erupted from the head of the Mi family, pushing those explosions away with ease.

The head of the Mi family extinguished the explosion with such an easy palm.

Strength is really not easy.

"Not bad, but it's not that simple." Tang Gong appeared in front of him speechlessly.

A punch hit him.

But at this moment, there was something extra on top of her fist.

(End of this chapter)

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