Chapter 1261 Meeting New Friends

Ning Feng carefully looked at the elixir in the elixir furnace, and it was about to succeed.

As a burst of spiritual energy rushed in, a burst of fragrance erupted inside, which seemed to be a faint fragrance of jasmine.The taste is very pure!


At this moment, Ning Feng slammed the lid of the alchemy furnace open, and a strong aroma came directly to his nostrils.A crimson elixir gradually floated out of it.

He received the elixir in his hand.

Fortunately, I drove out all the black energy inside before. If it was still here, the spiritual power would definitely be blocked by it.

"Eat." Ning Feng directly handed the pill to her and said.

Tang Gong held the elixir speechlessly and said, "Will it be useful if you eat it?"

"It's useless if you don't take it." Ning Feng rolled her eyes and said, "Take it obediently. The elixir I refined will definitely be cured by you. Hurry up and recover your strength, there are still things to do after recovery .”

"What's the matter?" She looked at Ning Feng and said, "My current identity is quite sensitive."

"Not sensitive, you will be a member of my Sea Shark Palace and my personal bodyguard from now on." Ning Feng said very grandly: "I will give you a stable job."

Tang Gong gave him a blank look, "You asked me, an expert like me, to be your bodyguard? Even if you gave me a deputy palace master, it wouldn't hurt me."

"It's important for you to pay attention. Bodyguards are not the point. The point is to be close! Do you understand?" Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "Ordinary people don't have this power."

"Stinky rascal." She slapped Ning Feng, and then directly stuffed the pill into her mouth.

In any case, Ning Feng saved his life after all. Without him, let alone recovering his strength, it would be very difficult to save his life.

It's just that he didn't expect that this guy was actually a pharmacist.

"You refine it slowly first, I'll go out and have a look first."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he got out of the rock directly, and the ruins outside were almost invisible.

And the people here have basically dispersed, because there really is not much to see.

He picked up the stone and put it in his pocket, then galloped towards the Sea Shark Palace.

Now is a critical juncture, and his appearance will bring them great hope.

Sea Shark Palace!
On the square of Sea Shark Palace, all the disciples stood aside very solemnly, with a white cloth belt wrapped around their arms.And on the rostrum in front, Tiankui will line up in a row.

And on both sides were people from Luoshui Island and Piaoxue Palace.

After receiving Ning Feng's signal, the people from these two sects moved towards the Sea Shark Palace without even thinking about it.

It's not that they trust Sea Shark Palace so much, but because they really have no choice.The upper four gates chased down fiercely. Unless they formed an alliance, they would really die without a place to die.

Especially those of them who once formed an alliance with Ning Feng.

In the process of reshuffling the cards of this power, the only way to win is the big power.If they are separated, they can only be swallowed one by one. Only by uniting can they have the hope of surviving.

Feng Aiguo has really lived up to everyone's expectations now, he has really reached the stage of return to the Yuan Dynasty.

This strength is already quite strong among them, but it is still much weaker in the face of the upper four.

"Palace Master Ningfeng was killed, and the upper four gates maliciously violated the established rules, wanting to reappear, causing our Sea Shark Palace to split again. Can we let this happen again?"

Feng Aiguo said angrily on stage.



The voices below came one after another.

The Sea Shark Palace experienced the situation of being split by the intervention of the upper four gates, and the consequences were really miserable. They were unwilling to try that feeling again in their entire lives.

I have been living under the fence and being discriminated against.

Now it was hard to stand up and let everyone look up, and suddenly someone wanted to destroy them.This is absolutely not allowed!
"I called everyone here today because I want to inform you about something." Feng Aiguo looked at the crowd and said, "I would like to introduce you to two friends."

"This is Shen Zhitao, the representative of Luoshui Island! This is Ye Jinxuan, the representative of Piaoxue Palace! They will fight side by side with us and win this battle, so we must treat them as friends."

The purpose of Feng Aiguo's coming to the fighter plane this time is to integrate these two forces into it, and then participate in it.

After all, this matter is still very important, if it is accidentally used by others, it will be miserable.

And everyone is not from the same sect, so it is better to express our stance so openly.

"Our Piaoxue Palace will serve as an independent team to obey the orders of the Sea Shark Palace." Ye Jinxuan said, the most important thing at this time is to unify the command.

You can't mess around.

Shen Zhitao also said to Feng Aiguo: "Luoshui Island is also willing to obey orders."

After all, this is not a very face-saving matter for their two sects, so their sect master did not come, but sent two representatives to discuss this matter.

Feng Aiguo looked at the crowd and said: "I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely and not have any barriers in our hearts, because the enemy we face is very powerful, so strong that even if we unite as one, it will be difficult to defeat. But we have no way out now, We can only fight!"




The voices of the crowd were very majestic. After the meeting was over, Feng Aiguo said to the two of them: "Please stay, there is a small meeting that needs to be attended by the two of you."

"Huh? What meeting?" Ye Jinxuan asked, pulling her hair.

"Palace Master Ning's whereabouts are unknown now, but the situation is definitely not good. I think we should temporarily elect an acting Palace Master. If the command is not clear before that time, it will be bad for everyone."

In fact, everyone now basically knows that Ning Feng's result may not be very good.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to survive?
"I know you are unwilling to accept this reality, but the matter has reached this point, we should still think about what to do next." Feng Aiguo said.

"This is an internal matter of the Sea Shark Palace, so it's not easy for us to participate?"

Ye Jinxuan looked at him and said.

"Yeah, you guys just decide." Shen Zhitao's expression was not good at all.

"After all, you are the most important allies, and your opinions are also very important." Feng Aiguo said to them: "Everyone has no opinions, so we can work together in the future."

"All right!"

(End of this chapter)

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