Chapter 1262 Temporary Command
In the conference room, all the Tiankui generals, plus Ye Jinxuan, Shen Zhitao and Jiang Hongrong.

Everyone sat on either side.

Feng Aiguo sat down and said to them: "We are in a very special time now, and Palace Master Ning is probably in danger, but we must not have someone to preside over affairs here for a day, I suggest that we choose one right away." A new agent."

"But, Ning Feng's news should not be confirmed yet? We haven't got the exact information about his real situation. Isn't it good to say this directly now?" Ajie said to him.

He is now Ning Feng's staunch buddy, and these things are absolutely unacceptable.And he firmly did not believe that Ning Feng was dead.

"I can understand everyone's feelings. And I'm not talking about choosing a new palace master now. The choice of palace master must be confirmed after the death of Palace Master Ningfeng. We should now determine an agent to handle the affairs. The order must be unified, otherwise it will be easy to split." Feng Aiguo said to the crowd.

"I don't want to believe the situation of Palace Master Ningfeng either, but if a congregation of Nuo Da doesn't have a clear commander, it will be defeated one by one. So I decided to determine a candidate first, everyone said."

"Feng Aiguo is right." Du Huigong said: "For emergencies, let's choose an agent first. If Palace Master Ningfeng appears, this position will be automatically eliminated. After the final confirmation of the situation, we will choose again."



"I also agree." Ye Jinxuan said: "After all, there must be a leader now."

Shen Zhitao also frowned and said: "After all, it's just a temporary command, it's nothing. I agree."

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's nominate candidates." Feng Aiguo said to them: "Ye Jinxuan, Shen Zhitao, you two talk first."

Although the two of them are outsiders, they are also current allies. Their opinions must be listened to first.

"We think you are very suitable to be the leader." Ye Jinxuan and Shen Zhitao looked at each other, and said to him: "You also know the situation here very well, and you are also the strongest. I think it is very suitable."

"I don't agree." Leng Qiushuang said coldly: "At the beginning, Palace Master Ningfeng has already been decided. Jiang Hongrong is the next Palace Master. I think it is better to have Hong Rong."


Du Huigong stood up directly and said: "General Leng Tian, ​​Palace Master Ning Feng didn't say that at the beginning. First of all, if she wants to become Palace Master, she has to grow up? It doesn't mean that she can become Palace Master at any time. Now The strength of this state of distraction is really not very suitable to take over this position. Secondly, we did not choose the palace master this time, but a commander. Do you think she has this strength to convince the public? Finally, we have no plans Depriving her of her position is now only a temporary command, if you choose the palace master, you have to make a new decision. Please don't bring your personal feelings into it."

He was obviously very angry. Leng Qiushuang's decision was to fight for Jiang Hongrong's status.Everyone knew that she must have selfish intentions. After all, if Feng Aiguo took this position, I was afraid that Jiang Hongrong would not have the chance.

"I agree with Feng Aiguo." Jiang Tu stood up and said, "Jiang Hongrong is too young to be suitable for this position, and she has no ability to make decisions at all, and she doesn't understand the whole force. Feng Aiguo is better."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Leng Qiushuang.

Leng Qiushuang's words just now almost aroused Guhua Palace's hostility towards them.Although the disciples below were in a mess, the upper layers were not so harmonious yet.

Although Ning Feng tried his best to narrow the conflict between the two, when he went out to perform tasks, he also carried Leng Qiushuang, hoping to improve their status.

But after all, it is still guarded.

Because after all, there was an incident of usurping the throne before, so it's strange that people didn't guard against it.

But Leng Qiushuang's words directly made them feel that they had other ideas. In the current situation, everyone knew that Feng Aiguo, who had the highest strength and the strongest management ability, should go up.

She actually told Jiang Hongrong to come on.

She was too naive, from the time they decided to join the Sea Shark Palace, they should not think about having a mainstream status.Because the mainstream will always be Guhua Palace, maybe the next generation will be able to eliminate this barrier.

But their generation is absolutely impossible.

And he didn't think about letting Jiang Hongrong go up to that position from the beginning, it would be best if he could go up.If you can't go up, don't force it. After all, Ning Feng's words are just a word, and you can't use a chicken feather as a swordsman.

Fortunately, my quick reaction just now suppressed the situation in an instant.As Jiang Hongrong's father, he agreed to let Feng Aiguo go, and the danger was bridged.

"It's okay, we're just having a meeting, and any candidate can speak for themselves. Everyone can express their opinions, and they can't be held accountable, and they can't talk about anything else."

Feng Aiguo looked at them and said.These words were addressed to those people in Guhua Palace. When speaking, they said to Jin Shashi: "Old Jin, tell me."

Jin Shashi should be a smart person, he has said so, he should know how to do it.

"I think Jiang Hongrong is better. First, because he was promised by Ning Feng himself, and his name is justified. Second, Ning Feng can become our palace master even in the state of distraction. Why can't she? Third, with us Help, she can also be a Palace Mistress."

He really understood what Feng Aiguo meant.

The matter of a sect is really a big deal, if it is handed over to Jiang Hongrong, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Feng Aiguo just asked an old man from Guhua Palace to choose Jiang Hongrong, which directly resolved the hostility.This ability to control is really not something that ordinary people can have.

Probably only Feng Aiguo can do it.

Leng Qiushuang said at this time: "I think Feng Aiguo is more suitable, and the next situation is more complicated. Hong Rong does not have the foresight ability of Palace Master Ning, and he does not have the ability to control. Although the level of strength is the same as that of Ning Feng The same, but the real strength gap is still very large.

Moreover, Hong Rong has never been exposed to the dangers of the world, and he doesn't have that kind of determination, so I think it's better to be a mature and prudent person. "

"I also agree, Feng Aiguo, after all, it is a temporary command, so he is better. Anyway, he is not the palace lord. Isn't this what his usual job is, so let him continue to do it. He is also familiar and easy."

Ajie held his head and said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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