Chapter 1269
After hearing his words, Feng Aiguo showed a hint of excitement on his face. This is a big wave of help, and the power of a craftsman is quite powerful.

A powerful spiritual weapon can be said to be of great help to everyone.

"However, the Artifact Refining Association does not intend to join any party now. They want to develop into a force, so I can't poach too many people. I can only ask a few big guys who have a good relationship with me to help out. "

Qiu Kui said to him: "These people live in the hotel outside, I think they are still not suitable for entering the Sea Shark Palace."

Feng Aiguo nodded and said: "They are a huge force, so naturally they have to keep it secret."

"There's no need to keep it secret. Since I'm here, they must think that I will bring some people here. They are outside because they want to cooperate in refining a spiritual weapon."

Qiu Kui smiled and said: "If you want to threaten those masters in the Guiyuan period, it is not enough to rely on some simple spiritual weapons. Even if I have the upper hand, I can only suppress Shangguan Jinfeng , and there is no way to subdue her. So they will help you delay at most, as for the final result, we still have to see Ning Feng's performance."

Feng Aiguo nodded, he himself has been thinking about the gap between himself and Ning Feng.

In terms of strength, I must be much stronger than Ning Feng. In terms of management ability, I can manage the entire sect in an orderly manner, but why is Ning Feng's prestige so high?

Why is everyone so convinced by him.

In fact, the root of the problem is that he can stand up at critical times.Standing up can bring about a reversal of power and final victory in some extremely dangerous situations.

Ning Feng is such a person who can give people a feeling of strong backing at any time, as long as he comes out, it seems that nothing is wrong.

"The upper four doors should still be arguing." Qiu Kui said to him: "There is still a period of time to get familiar with and operate, and improve your coping ability as much as possible. This time, you must face it once."

Now he has completely put himself on Ning Feng's side.In fact, if he is willing, he can occupy a very important position in the Artifact Refining Union, and even become the highest leader is possible.

But he is willing to join the camp of Sea Shark Palace for his apprentice, which is so touching.

"Yeah, I hope they can give me some more time. You are not familiar with the enhanced version of the gate guard formation yet, and you still need some cooperation."

Feng Aiguo said with some worry.

Qiu Kui thought for a while and said, "Actually, I have a way."

"Oh? What way?" Feng Aiguo said excitedly. The other party was an old man, and what he said carried more weight than ordinary people.

"Where is the biggest difficulty in their cooperation now?" Qiu Kui asked: "Is it the lack of movement or the lack of strength?"

"Naturally they moved, because they didn't cooperate for a long time, so they didn't know where they should go." Feng Aiguo said worriedly: "The strength is actually the same, mainly based on the command of the chief commander. It’s a little bit difficult to get the right shift.”

Qiu Kui smiled and said: "This problem is simple. I will directly make a simple spiritual weapon and directly cover all the places that need to stand. People can stand on the top and just explode their strength. As for other things, leave it to This spirit tool is fine, and you don’t need to direct it, just do things like remote control racing cars. The following spirit tool will make the best action according to your instructions, and this process is much faster than moving after commanding .”

After Qiu Kui said this, Feng Aiguo was a little silly.

Can you still play like this?
It is equivalent to changing the chessboard below because the chess pieces do not understand?Although this makes the chess pieces much more convenient, how delicate is the chessboard below?

However, it is estimated that a master-level person like Qiu Kui should still be able to make it.

And now I don't need to be comprehensive at all, I just need to complete the two parts of Piaoxue Palace and Luoshui Island.

"Will it be very difficult to make this?" Feng Aiguo said to him.

Qiu Kui shook his head and said: "You just need to give me the steps to go, and I promise to finish it for you in one night."

"Huh? One night?"

"Don't worry, this kind of thing is not a difficult thing. You just need to embed your movement directly on it. Then you can use the formation to operate directly." Wang Lang said to him: "This kind of I don’t need my master to do anything, I can handle it.”

After finishing speaking, he added: "But what my master made must be much better than what we made."

"This kind of thing is actually not a difficult task." Qiu Kui said to him: "I need some materials. As long as these materials are obtained, there should be no problem on my side."

"Then I will trouble you." Feng Aiguo said gratefully to him. With this help, his own confidence will be more sufficient.

At least until Ning Feng appeared, there would be no problem.

He quickly ordered someone to arrange a place for Qiu Kui and his apprentice to rest.

Immediately after sending him away, someone came to report.

"Old Feng, the Alchemy Alliance."

Jia Sihuo said to him.

Feng Aiguo laughed, "I didn't expect that we have so many allies, not to mention the Palace Master, they are really so powerful."

"It's more than that, who knows what his identity is?" Jia Sihuo said to him: "Anyway, I think the power behind him is always invisible to everyone."

"Yeah, I have to see you." Feng Aiguo smiled and said, "This is a great help. I didn't expect the palace lord to leave me with so much help."

"Hurry up, the background of this person is not considered small." Jia Sihuo said to him.

Feng Aiguo smiled, turned around and walked outside.

After seeing the person who came, he said excitedly: "The president is here in person, it's a long way to welcome you."

If Ning Feng was here, he must know this old man. He was the president of the Southeast Alliance who helped Ning Feng settle many things, and the most powerful person in the elders.

He smiled, and said to him: "Ning Feng is a member of our Alchemy Alliance, and he is also our Sansheng elder, so naturally he can't let it go, I'm here to discuss with you, what should we do? of."

"Come, come...inside please, inside please." Feng Aiguo said quickly: "Let's talk inside."

(End of this chapter)

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