Chapter 1270
This person naturally discussed with Feng Aiguo what to do next.

But they are different from Qiu Kui.

They have ambitions, and they are now cooperating with Sea Shark Palace entirely because of the common interests between the two.So there is a basis for cooperation, but he will never let his people listen to the command of the Sea Shark Palace.

For someone like Qiu Kui to give up his fight for interests and directly help Ning Feng, it is really out of the ease of master and apprentice.

If Qiu Kui doesn't want to help Ning Feng now, he can directly use his strength in the Artifact Refining League to pursue becoming a master at this time.

Just like the Alchemy Alliance now.

On the one hand, they need to cooperate with Sea Shark Palace, and on the other hand, they want to use Ning Feng's excuse to get involved.But they don't want to merge with the Sea Shark Palace.

They want to become a single powerful force, and they will never be merged into the Sea Shark Palace.

But Feng Aiguo obviously knew it too, so he could only make a covenant with them.Anyway, everyone can complement each other.

"I want to reach a basis for cooperation with you." The chairman looked at Feng Aiguo and said.

Although Feng Aiguo respected them very much, he really didn't think their current role was so important.Because now is a very important moment and what is needed are people who can attack.

What is needed is output, not assistance!

Now that it has been started, of course, more and more output is more powerful. What if there are so many supports?

Although support is also very important, it is really not as important as a refiner in this port of war.The spirit weapon can attack directly when it comes up.

Pills and the like are only used to improve strength and cure.

You can do it later.

And under the influence of Ning Feng, the alchemy hall of their Sea Shark Palace is also quite powerful, but after all, one more person is more powerful.People come here to ask themselves for help, so they can't rush out.

Besides, if there is such an extra support, it will be beneficial and harmless.

"What we are facing now is the upper four. We have a better chance of winning together." Feng Aiguo also echoed.

"I don't know what your covenant is?"

He looked at the president and said.

The president took out a piece of paper and said: "Now is an emergency, and I won't ink it anymore. This is our covenant. The main thing is to protect us. If we are attacked, I hope the Sea Shark Palace can cooperate to resist. If the Sea Shark Palace is attacked When attacking, we can support according to the situation."

Feng Aiguo frowned after hearing what he said. He didn't know if the other party said something wrong, it was simply wrong.

Originally, the covenant helped each other, which is what it should be.

But from the tone he heard, it seemed that they were in danger and Sea Shark Palace would try their best to help them.Sea Shark Palace is in danger, they try their best to support.This is simply too bad, right?
He thought it might be his slip of the tongue.

So look at the covenant carefully, after all, the most basic thing about the covenant is that both parties are equal.It would be bad for them to make such unreasonable demands.

But after reading the covenant, Feng Aiguo's expression turned even worse, and he handed the covenant back to him.

Basically all of the above are requests from the Sea Shark Palace, and they are almost like their subordinates.Don't they think that the Sea Shark Palace has reached the point where they must be used?
"President, you didn't come here with sincerity." Feng Aiguo said to him.

The president naturally knew that his covenant was very harsh, but Ning Feng was gone, and they had no fear at all now.And they naturally don't want to lose their strength, if they want to take advantage of the opportunity to rise, they have to seize this opportunity.

They felt that the current Sea Shark Palace must be in great need of help, so they took advantage of the fire, and as long as the covenant was signed, everything would be fine.

With Sea Shark Palace supporting them, they will be able to protect their strength well.

"We are really full of sincerity and come out to help you when you are in the most dangerous time." The president said to him: "How can there be no sincerity?"

"But in this covenant of yours, I can't see any sincerity. The whole story is about how our Sea Shark Palace helps you, but it doesn't say anything about your responsibility. Isn't that not good? Since It is a covenant, and everyone's rights and responsibilities should be equal."

Feng Aiguo looked at him and said.He is not stupid now, even if he does not want this ally, he cannot sign this covenant.

They are already in the defensive stage now, and they really don't need allies.Unless the allies are willing to come here to fight side by side, if not, it is better not to.

It will only lengthen the battle line for them, but they will be defeated one by one.

And after signing it, they will treat it as cannon fodder, only a fool would do this.

"But we are a huge force now, and have a huge impact on others. If you don't agree, we may fall to the other side." The president said in a strange way.

Since they want to rise, they have to adopt this seemingly shameless method.

"I think you must have never played games." Feng Aiguo stared at him and smiled. This person is really too arrogant. It is true that the Alchemy League is powerful, but he still has not realized how powerful it is. In what way.

When the two sides are fighting, if one side suddenly has a few more pharmacists, it will not be of much use at all.Because the greatest role of a pharmacist is to help everyone improve their strength during the usual practice process.Progress can also make everyone fast.In battle, the effect can almost be said to be negligible.

Because at this time, the effect of the elixir is not great, and there is some leeway for this type of elixir, but the higher the level, the weaker the effect of the elixir.

Because there is no way for a mad pill to make a Jindan stage enter the Guiyuan stage.

So it doesn't work much.

"What do you mean?" The president stared at him and said.

"During team battles, the most useless thing is support." Feng Aiguo looked at him and said, "If you want output, you don't have output, if you want meat, you can't milk it, and if you want milk, you can't milk it. Isn't it very useless?"

"Actually, the status of the Alchemy Alliance is not that important." He stared at him and said, "You have been in that position for a long time, and you can no longer see your own situation clearly. Your strength is only due to the competition among many forces. It is important, because it is beneficial to the cultivation of the disciples. In a big battle, it is really of little use. If you are thrown on the battlefield, what effect can you have?"

After hearing this, the president was also taken aback for a moment, and the last question made him stupid.Throw them on the battlefield, what can be done?It seems like nothing can be done.

Medicinal pills are very useful in cultivation, but in battle, they have little effect.

(End of this chapter)

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