Chapter 1271
"And we're not stupid, we won't serve as human shields for such an ally who is not very important. And this ally is so unreliable."

Feng Aiguo smiled and said to him: "We help you when you are in trouble, but you don't plan to help us when we are in trouble? Isn't it a bit too disgusting?"

The president was stunned for a moment. They thought that the Sea Shark Palace must be very short of allies now, so they must be anxious to find all kinds of allies.

Will definitely agree to various conditions.

And they can not only use Ning Feng's excuse, but also let them protect themselves.In fact, they didn't want to offend the upper four sects, they just wanted a power.

To put it bluntly, they just want to be white wolves with empty hands.

He just wants Hai Shark Palace to help him, and he himself does not want to offend anyone, but everyone is not a fool, and the contribution is directly proportional to the gain, and only a certain amount of effort will result in a certain gain.

If you don't pay, but treat everyone as a fool, ghosts will do this.

"You don't need to treat everyone as fools. Besides, we really don't value the strength of your Alchemy Alliance, because you can't help much now."

He directly and decisively rejected these people.

In the end, even if he revised the covenant, Feng Aiguo would not agree.The purpose of these people's coming is not very pure. After joining, no one knows if they will suddenly blackmail themselves.

Then it is better not to have this kind of ally.

"Think about it, once we join the other party's camp, your situation will be even more dangerous." The president said looking at Feng Aiguo.

Feng Aiguo smiled, "Of course you can join the other party's camp, but what's the point of joining this trouble?"

In fact, the Alchemy Alliance has nothing to do, and their status is quite embarrassing.They joined this trouble because of Ning Feng's murder.

If he didn't join the side of the Sea Shark Palace in the end but joined the side of the Shangsimen, what would be the difference from being independent from them?

How could the upper four doors give them cakes?

And what Feng Aiguo seemed to say was very reasonable. Their strength is really not important now. Their importance is in normal times, not at this most important juncture.

At this juncture, a pharmacist is not as important as a weapon refiner at all, because the spirit weapon of a weapon refiner can be used directly.

"No more." Feng Aiguo said directly to him.

This is considered to be driving people away directly, even if they soften up again, I will not agree.These people are very unreliable and don't need it.

The president glared at him, and then said: "Okay, since you are so heartless, then don't blame us for being rude."

"It's really not that we are unfeeling, it's that you are too shameless. Have you ever seen anyone who does such a thing? Do you think it's great to fool others as fools?"

Feng Aiguo said to him disdainfully.

"Okay, let's wait and see."

After speaking, he waved his sleeves and left.


After he left, Jia Shuo spat at him from the side and said: "What the hell, who do you really think you are? I don't even look at my own virtue. I am also worthy of cooperating with us in the fourth door."

"If it wasn't for Palace Master Ning's whereabouts being unknown, these villains wouldn't dare to do anything wrong. Hey, the status of Palace Master is really important."

"Of course it's important." Feng Aiguo said to him: "But these little things are destined to fail, so let him go."

"What are we going to do next?" Jia Sihuo looked at Feng Aiguo and asked.

"How about the upper four gates?"

"There is no movement." Jia Sihuo said, "It's as if they didn't intend to do this at all. Our people didn't pass any information on."

Feng Aiguo frowned. "It shouldn't be. It's only been a few days. Why is there no movement? It's not appropriate."

"Could it be that they thought we were already defending very tightly, and suddenly gave up. After all, such a large-scale attack has great hidden dangers."

Jia Sihuo said.

Feng Aiguo froze for a moment, then his head lit up.

"How is everyone's formation coordination now?"

"It's just a small area of ​​station coordination. Piaoxue Palace and Luoshui Island are not part of our system at all. They have power and cannot be used."

Jia Sihuo said helplessly, "Why don't you use it."

"No." Feng Aiguo directly refused, "The opponent has too many masters, and the traditional formation is simply unable to defend against it. Now we must let them join."

"Let's rehearse as a whole first, just stay in place and connect the first form. As for the change, don't worry about it yet."

Feng Aiguo looked at him and said, "Get someone to practice immediately."

"The first form? Isn't it difficult to maintain, the loopholes are easy to find, and any formation that has not changed is just a target."

Jia Sihuo said to him.

"I just let them get acquainted with the position. As for changing positions, I will naturally have other methods on my side."

Feng Aiguo said to Jia Sihuo: "Go down and make arrangements."

"Yeah, I see." Jia Sihuo looked at him and said.

"Wait..." Feng Aiguo suddenly stopped him and said, "I think you should hurry up and practice. Your strength is the easiest to break through to the Yuan Dynasty. I can handle the current situation alone."

Jia Sihuo smiled, and said to him: "Do you think I don't want to? I didn't do that to relieve your worries, it's all because I know my body, and now I can't make a breakthrough. The palace lord has recovered, but it is very fragile, and it still needs to be warmed up slowly to recover. Now is not the opportunity to break through."

Feng Aiguo looked at him and nodded, "When the palace lord comes back, I'll help you get some pills from him. I don't know if the palace lord can help you. If you can solve your problem, you have a chance to break through the Yuan Dynasty. Only then will it be bigger, and the main body of our Guhua Palace will be stable."

Although on the surface everyone is eliminating the barriers between them.

But everyone now knows that there is a condition, and it must be slowly eliminated when the Guhua Palace occupies the main body.If there is also a return to Yuan period in Lingcang Palace, some people's minds will probably have to be moved again.

But it would be much more convenient if there were two in Guhua Palace.

"Then you can get an eighth-rank pill, and the palace lord is only a seventh-rank pharmacist." He smiled and said: "There is no solution to this matter here. Let's wait until the palace lord comes back Think about it after you break through."

(End of this chapter)

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