Chapter 1272 Tang Gong came out speechless

"Forget it, don't worry about it. I'll break through slowly. This life is a farewell to the pill."

Jia Sihuo said with a smile.

He really gave up doing this, after all, the elixir suddenly put all the spiritual power into the meridians, and this kind of power has really high requirements on the meridians.

But he was injured before, and although Ning Feng healed him, there was really no way to change the injury on his body.

Ning Feng just eliminated the toxin, but it is basically impossible to restore all the meridians.However, the current meridian can also be slowly cultivated and breakthrough.

"Why are you so demanding? Now I am very satisfied." Jia Sihuo said with a smile.

"If your meridians are intact, it's really easy for you to break through to the Guiyuan stage. Your talent is much stronger than mine. It's a pity that you took the wrong step at the beginning."

Feng Aiguo sighed.If his strength is intact, the Sanwen Wanling Pill will definitely break through to the Yuan Dynasty.

At that time, they will not be as nervous as they are now.


"Don't be sorry."

A woman's voice came, and then a bottle was thrown directly at Jia Shuo.

Jia Sihuo caught it all at once.

But he and Feng Aiguo were both shocked. When did this person appear?He came and went freely in front of the two Guiyuan period masters, and they didn't even hear a single sound.

"who are you?"

Immediately, Feng Aiguo's body was filled with spiritual power, obviously ready to attack at any time.

The woman rubbed her hair, then said to him: "Don't be nervous, Ning Feng asked me to come."

"Huh? Palace Master?" Jia Shuo stared at her and said.

She looked at him and said: "My name is Tang Gong Wuyu, and I said that the helper your palace lord invited this time, the thing in that bottle is the elixir your palace lord found for you. Sanwen Maimai Pill!"

"Ah?" Jia Shuo looked at her dumbfounded, and said to her, "Palace Master is still alive?"

"Of course I am alive, but it must be kept secret. No one can know except the two of you, understand?" Tang Gong looked at the two speechlessly and said: "The palace master is now in a critical moment, you must protect the back mountain , don’t let anyone intrude, understand?”


Feng Aiguo really admired this woman, and she appeared unexpectedly.Could it be that the strength is already so strong?

"But how do we believe that you are sent by our Palace Master?" Feng Aiguo said to her.

Tang Gong sat down speechlessly, and then handed them a sign, "This is the token of your palace master, it shouldn't be counterfeit, right? He is in danger now, so I can only let you know a few things .”

"What is it, tell me." Feng Aiguo looked at the sign twice, and then confirmed that it was indeed real, and respected her even more.

Because this master is really terrifying.

Although Tang Gong Wuyu has just broken through to the Guiyuan period, she is stronger than the general Guiyuan period masters because she has her own domain.

You must know that most people now have no domain.

With the domain, she can hurt the Patriarch of the Mi family.At that time, she was only at the golden core stage.

Now that he has the blessing of the domain, it is not certain that he will be evenly matched with the mainstay of the Mi family.

"The first thing, Jia Sihuo immediately took the medicine and made a breakthrough."

"Second, I'll help you take charge of the defense. Although there is no movement at the upper four gates, they are extremely cunning. Every night we two take turns to patrol, and ask Dan Tang and Master Qiu Kui to help with spiritual power. Prevent sneak attacks. "

"Thirdly, don't underestimate them. Everything may be an illusion. They may pour all their strength here in the end. Therefore, we must use all the strength that can be used."

"Fourth, resolutely do not form an alliance with the Alchemy Alliance."

"Just four things."

She finished speaking casually.

Feng Aiguo was extremely surprised, Ning Feng was simply amazing, why did he understand the recent situation so thoroughly?Everything in it is what he has been worried about recently.

But there is only one thing I didn't think of, that is, will these people send all their strength?
When he discussed with Qiu Kui, he felt that they would not do everything directly.

"I know you have doubts." Tang Gong said to him speechlessly: "This is the idea of ​​your palace master. I just passed on a message. He only had a short rest time, taking advantage of the opportunity of refining medicine, and me It was just a few words. He asked me to tell you, just do it like this."

"Palace Master, he can actually see this?" Jia Shuihuo asked her suspiciously.

Tang Gong shook his head speechlessly and said: "Your palace master knows a lot more than you, just do what he says. Also, be careful of Baiyemen, this sect will not stand idly by, and don't think they are the weakest. Actually Their strength is the strongest, how do you think Wuliang Mountain rises."

"How did you get up?"

They looked at Tang Gong in bewilderment and said silently.

Feng Aiguo really thought they were the weakest before, but he didn't expect there to be other conspiracy.

"Because Baiyemen has completely transferred its power to Wuliang Mountain. The scale of Wuliang Mountain is no less than the current Shangsi."

Tang Gong said speechlessly: "As the weakest of the five branches, we are able to wrestle with the Mi family. Think about how powerful the entire Wuliang Mountain is."

"Oh, you are that woman, the one who was saved by the palace lord?" After hearing her words, Jia Sicuo suddenly understood who she really was. , Ning Feng broke into the field.

"Exactly." She said to them: "Leave the relationship between you and the Palace Master to me in the future, if there is any uncertainty."


The two agreed.

Ning Feng finally appeared. Anyway, he felt that he had a backer.

Tang Gong was speechless but worried for Ning Feng. He originally planned to break through to the end in one go, but when he got some news suddenly, he stopped his breakthrough in a daze.

After helping her break through successfully, she refined this elixir.

Now I really don't know if he can succeed.

This kind of thing was done in one go, but he found that the situation outside seemed to be more serious than he thought, so he had to interrupt the breakthrough.

He really sacrificed too much, but I don't know if he can succeed in the future.

"Everyone return to their posts." Tang Gong said speechlessly, "Let's resist as much as we can, and don't disturb him."

"Understood." Feng Aiguo said with some shame.

(End of this chapter)

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