Chapter 1284 Talent
Suddenly Zhu Qidong stood still, his body full of spiritual energy.A burst of spiritual power erupted from him, especially the right arm.

"Which trick is this?"

The head of the Zhang family didn't understand Zhu Qidong's tricks at all, because he had never seen them before, and they were completely different from what he knew.

He took a strange look at Tang Gong Wuyu who was fighting with Shangguan Jinfeng, and grinned at the corner of his mouth at a strange angle: "Isn't it?"

"Now do you have any more thoughts?"

Feng Aiguo suddenly appeared in front of him and slammed his palm towards him.With this move, a palm shadow became bigger and bigger, covering him directly.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family could only hide his doubts, because if this trick was done, it would kill him.

"It's enough to deal with you."

He punched it out, this punch was really unpretentious, there was no big movement at all.But after using it, his arm was covered with a layer of earth-colored armor, which didn't seem to have much power.

But after this punch and that palm were combined together, that palm was instantly reduced to nothing.


A small person, against a huge palm, looks like a mantis arm, but the final result is surprising.

It was broken immediately.

"Your strength is still too weak. You must know that the gap between realms is still terrifying."

The head of the Zhang family looked at Feng Aiguo proudly and said.

But just after he finished speaking, he found that his surroundings had turned into circles of black.Six black holes formed, instantly surrounding him.

And there was no place for him to escape at all.

"Patriarch Zhang, it's better not to be too careless. If you are sucked into it, there will be no end. You will fall into endless darkness and know death."

Feng Aiguo's voice came over.

Now the six forces are balanced together, resulting in no danger in the middle position.But as long as he takes a step, it will cause an imbalance of power, and then he will be sucked into one of them.

The consequences at that time can be dangerous.

Patriarch Zhang sighed, and said to him: "You are indeed very good. When I was so old, I didn't have your current strength, but the gap between realms is the gap, you don't understand."

After he finished speaking, it was as if the space had split open.

The six black holes seemed to be drawn on paper, and he just moved the paper away.This is directly removing the space, which is too scary.

This is the terrifying strength above the middle stage of Guiyuan. Everyone knows that the three of them are above the middle stage of Guiyuan, but it is not clear how far his strength has reached.

Because the strength gap is too large, there is no way to judge.

But the strength shown at this moment is definitely in the late Yuan Dynasty.It is even possible to break through this realm, which is definitely not easy.

It's really amazing that this guy can achieve his current status.

After he came out, he glanced at Zhu Qidong and the two of them.

Zhu Qidong didn't have anything in his hands, but he could feel a different kind of power in his hands. He didn't know where this power came from, but it was indeed easily influenced by others.

There is a sense of making rules.Just within his circle, very powerful.

None of these people is a simple character, and they didn't take it seriously, perhaps because they didn't trust each other, so they didn't exert their greatest strength.

Now when they are all starting to show, let them understand each other.

With a wave of Ye Jinxuan's hand, the icy rain fell directly. The icy rain was not white, but blue, with a deeply corrosive power. As long as it fell on the body, everything would be corroded.

A icy rain fell on the ground, and in an instant, a hole that was one meter deep but only as wide as a grain of rice appeared on the ground.Its corrosion is directed downwards.

This kind of power is very terrifying. If it falls on a person, it will corrode directly downward, and it can directly corrode a person.

This move is definitely considered a powerful move, and anyone in the Guiyuan period has to dodge obediently after seeing it.

But Zhu Qidong didn't move at all, just stretched his hands in the air, and didn't even say anything.

A blank area was formed around him, and no raindrops could fall into it.

The power of rules.

Around him is something like a field.A domain is to form a ruled area of ​​its own within a certain area, within which strength can be added.

But the rules are indeed its enhanced version.

In this area, any power is controlled by himself, even if it is struck by lightning.

Within this rule, he can do whatever he wants. This is the power of rules.With this kind of comprehension, it can be said to be an invincible existence.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family was also taken aback for a moment, he did not expect Zhu Qidong to reach this level.

You must know that this is a talent that is only available in the late Guiyuan period.

The chance of awakening this talent is lower than the probability of awakening in the golden core period.A few of them did not awaken the domain, but they actually awakened their talents during the Guiyuan period.

This is very powerful.

And their awakened powers are quite terrifying.

"That's right." The Patriarch of the Zhang Family was stunned for a moment, and didn't intend to look at the result, but turned to look at Shangguan Jinfeng.

Tang Gong was speechless and flew out the fan, and a fan split into thousands of fans.These fans unfolded abruptly, and then fanned in all directions.

Every time it is fanned, a small hurricane will be generated, and it will hit Shangguan Jinfeng.

Countless small hurricanes around were trying to hit her.

This move should not be considered a big move, and its strength is not very strong.

But Tang Gong Wuyu didn't stop, and the big fan in his hand started to fan after him.In an instant, a huge tornado appeared, which contained countless small tornadoes' strange moves that enveloped Shangguan Jinfeng.

The current tornado, together with the small tornado inside, is simply a meat grinder.

The power inside is intricate, and the direction is completely opposite. If it goes on like this, the effect will be very obvious.Nobody can stand it.

After sweeping the ground, everything turned into powder, and nothing existed.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family believed that even throwing a high-level spiritual weapon into it would instantly turn it into powder.Because this kind of power is huge, but Shangguan Jinfeng should be able to face this kind of move, right?

I don't know what her talents are.

But the result seemed to disappoint the Patriarch of the Zhang family, Shangguan Jinfeng didn't even move a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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