Chapter 1285 Besieged
That whirlwind directly involved Shangguan Jinfeng, and countless small tornadoes were tearing her apart, as if they were going to tear her apart at any moment.

However, Shangguan Jinfeng's body seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light, and there was no way to break through this golden light no matter what.

Those little tornadoes wanted to tear off her protection, but this golden light seemed stubborn, unable to move at all.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family was stunned. She didn't even need to use her talent to carry out a move with ease. It's really amazing.

It seems that her strength is higher than theirs.

But their Phoenix Palace already has the power of the Phoenix Vein, of course it is slightly stronger than theirs.

I saw her walking easily inside, then lightly raised a palm, and said nothing to Tang Gong.All the while, the fire phoenix flew out directly, and smashed towards Tang Palace without a word.


The entire tornado was directly broken, and Tang Gong was thrown out without a word.

Tang Gong Wuyu doesn't seem to be as powerful as he imagined. He thought this matter was very troublesome?Unexpectedly, Shangguan Jinfeng didn't seem to be very powerful.

After almost three moves, all three of the Sea Shark Palace were defeated.

Zhu Qidong rushed over directly with the power of his rules, and slapped Ye Jinxuan with a slap.Because Ye Jinxuan didn't react, she fell into his rules.

The whole person couldn't move immediately, a palm was slapped and flew out, and a mouthful of reverse blood was sprayed out.

"As long as it falls within the scope of my rules, no one can leave." After he said a word lightly, he drifted back.

The head of the Zhang family smiled, this guy really knows how to pretend.

He looked at the opponent in front of him, and it seemed that he had to deal with him quickly.

"The space is broken!"

He looked at Feng Aiguo and said.

After finishing speaking, the space around Feng Aiguo actually shattered.

"Space turbulence."

The surrounding space seemed to be like a box, and it was shattered into pieces.However, Feng Aiguo had nothing to do in the face of this shattered space, and nothing he could do could stop it.

After the space shattered, a huge turbulent flow unexpectedly occurred, and Feng Aiguo was sucked into it in an instant.

Moments later, the space returned to its integrity again.

The power in the turbulent flow is very huge. After entering it, it can basically be said to be the same as the confrontation with the rules of the entire space.There is absolutely no possibility of survival.


He stared at Tang Gong indifferently and said speechlessly: "There is such a gap in strength, no matter how many tricks you play, it will be useless. We will kill you."

Tang Gong clutched his chest speechlessly, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You turned out to be the strength of the late Guiyuan."

"Of course, if the person who becomes the head of the sect is only in the early Yuan Dynasty, how can we lead the people below?"

The head of the Zhang family said to him.

At this moment, the frozen stone of the Patriarch of the Mi family suddenly shattered.Then he also appeared next to the Patriarch of the Zhang family, and said, "I didn't expect this ice cube to be really troublesome."

He turned to the three of them and said, "I'm sorry, I encountered some troubles and delayed everyone."

"It's not considered a delay." Zhu Qidong said to him: "It's just a few little ones, but you are really ashamed, aren't you? You were trapped here by a few children."

The Patriarch of the Mi family said: "At that time, I was really flustered. Countless attacks came, and there was no time to think. Two-on-one, and lost the opportunity. They shot too fast, I just didn't keep up for a while."

"Okay, kill this person, break the domain, let's go in and occupy this sect. It seems that we really looked up to them before."

The Patriarch of the Mi family glanced at them and said, "Leave the cleaning of the battlefield to me."

"Forget it, one for each person, get over it quickly." After the Patriarch of the Zhang family finished speaking, he slammed his palm at Tang Palace speechlessly.

The people behind them also started to move, but their target was not Ye Jinxuan, but suddenly smashed towards the back of the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

He had already rushed forward, but suddenly felt a force.

Turn around quickly.

Seeing the Patriarch of the Mi family, Shangguan Jinfeng and Zhu Qidong rushing over, he was completely dumbfounded.

How could they attack themselves?It should be a gang.

He suddenly saw the eyes of these people, very empty, without the slightest feeling.These people are all illusions, no wonder I didn't feel a little bit of familiarity from them before?

But how do these visions have such power?Even able to master the power of rules.

Besides, they really wounded these three people, but they also killed one person?
How could this be, this might be another illusion.

After thinking of this, sweat started to break out on his forehead.

"Illusion within illusion?"

He suddenly discovered that it was still an illusion, and now he was in trouble.

But how did the strength of these people appear.

How can people in the illusion use the power of rules?How can it be so powerful?
They are not real bodies, how can they have such power.

But now is not the time for him to think about it, so many people around are going to kill him together?It is too late to destroy this illusion, as long as this illusion is not destroyed, then the injury he suffered is real.

You will definitely not be able to fight against them in the future, because you can't fight.


Before he could continue thinking, a figure appeared in front of him, it was the head of the Mi family.A blood crow in his hand pressed directly towards him.

This blood crow is not crimson, but completely black. This one is very black, completely different from the previous ones.

Obviously, this trick is very powerful.

"Space barrier."

Suddenly, a space in front of him shattered, and then solidified in front of him.

Obviously, it blocked the crow from advancing.

But just when he felt that he had blocked this move, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he found that his space barrier didn't seem to have a good protective effect, because his space barrier disappeared unexpectedly.

The black Blood Crow and Shangguan Jinfeng rushed towards him unexpectedly.

It slammed towards him.

How can it be?They actually broke their own space barrier, how is this possible?One's own space barrier is an awakened talent.

It was broken through.

When he saw the three figures galloping over, he understood the reason, one hit three really couldn't stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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