Chapter 1323
General Tian Kui, that is the top figure in the Sea Shark Palace.

Below the palace lord are all the great generals, how could he dare to expect these things, and now such an order suddenly appeared, which almost scared him to death.

How could he give himself such a position? How dare he take it?
"I absolutely dare not." Fan Dong looked at him and said, "What can I do? Firstly, I have no strength, and secondly, I have no influence. If I become a general of the sky, I will be envied by everyone."

Ning Feng patted him on the shoulder, and then said to him: "Don't worry, you have the ability. Your ability can afford it."


He still resolutely declined: "Not capable enough."

"Enough." Ning Feng looked at him and said, "You can now be regarded as the sole leader of a force. From now on, you will be regarded as the leader of the intelligence agency. Your ability can afford this position."

For some capable heroes, we must dare to give power and status.

That way they can use it for themselves.

"I will find someone to arrange a token for you later."

Ning Feng said to him: "You just need to work hard and manage your power well."

"Thank you, Palace Master."

Fan Dong was really grateful.That's Tiankui general, the real power faction.

No matter what, my hard work has finally been seen by everyone, and everyone still recognizes my ability.Joining this sect and becoming a Tiankui general is almost everyone's goal.

In fact, a large part of the reason why Ning Feng did this was because he wanted to buy a bone with a lot of money.

After all, it is necessary to give all the lower-level disciples a visible upward channel. If there is no upward channel, then there is no idea of ​​continuing to struggle.

Now it happens to use Fan Dong as a demonstration, as long as he contributes to the sect, he will definitely be upgraded.

On the other hand, it is because Fan Dong has done quite well in this area, and intelligence is an important department, so naturally he has to be assigned the position of Tiankui General.

This will also make it easier to control the Sea Shark Palace and the overall situation.

"Okay, then you should hurry up and form your group."

Ning Feng said to him that he had just become a general of Tian Kui, so naturally he must have someone like a general of Tian Kui under his command, and all these things had to be arranged.

"Then I'm going back."


Ning Feng lay on the chair, the matter was finally over.

He was so busy that his head was getting bigger, and there were really too many things recently.

"Bang bang..."

"Come in."

After knocking on the door, Ning Feng said.

"Are you very busy?" A gentle female voice suddenly appeared.This voice is like a clear spring in the mountains, clear and comfortable, and also has a familiar feeling.

When he saw the person in front of him, his heart was about to jump out.

The person in front of me is wearing a long white dress, her hair is tied into a princess head, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright, her eyes are almond-shaped and her nose is beautiful. The charm between her frowns and smiles really makes people can't help but take a second look.

This person is Su Miaohan.

"How did you come?"

He jumped directly over the table, hugged her in his arms, looked at her and said.

His arms were really tightly hugged, and he couldn't bear to let go.

He hadn't seen Su Miaohan for a long time, he had been busy dealing with sect affairs for such a long time, and almost had no time to pay attention to her affairs.

It's been a long time since I spoke properly.

It is said that Xiaobie is better than newlyweds, the more beautiful she looks, the more beautiful she is, and she has obviously dressed up deliberately, no matter how she looks, she is more beautiful and charming than she imagined.

"You are so beautiful."

Ning Feng touched her cheek and said.

"Are you busy recently?" She asked with concern, "I've seen you lose a lot of weight recently."

"It's okay, I was resurrected with full blood after seeing you."

Ning Feng said excitedly that Su Miaohan was his real girlfriend, and every time he saw her, his heart beat faster.

This feeling is really amazing, as if seeing first love every time.

"Disgusting, glib."

Su Miaohan patted his chest.

"Haha...then let you taste my glib tongue."

After he finished speaking, he picked her up and walked towards the back.

"What do you want to do in broad daylight?"

She looked like a frightened deer, and when she spoke, there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Ning Feng put her on his lap with a smile and said: "I don't plan to do anything, do you want me to do something?" As he spoke, his hands began to be dishonest.

"What do you want?"

Her eyes were filled with mist, and she didn't stop her, she just asked with a hint of a smile.

Everyone has predicted so clearly, if I don't understand it, I will be a man in vain.

Then a lot of inappropriate things happened.

After a big battle, she also lay beside him and didn't want to move at all.

Touching her smooth skin, he said, "Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"Isn't this just to see what's wrong with you?" Su Miaohan looked at him and said, "And I heard some news that something happened on your side, so I rushed here. But it seems that there is still something wrong?"

After she heard the news, it must be too late.

If the news here gets out, she knows that it must be over, and it will be over long ago.

"It's all small things, and they will be dealt with in a while."

He hugged her, staring at her and said seriously.


She patted Ning Feng's hand, rolled his eyes at him and said, "Okay."

"Hey." Ning Feng smiled, he couldn't help his hands, the key point was that her skin was really smooth and tender, and she couldn't help making people want to touch it more.

"But I heard it's dangerous here."

She looked at Ning Feng and said.

"That's their rumor. In fact, everything is under my control."

Ning Feng said with a smile: "How could these things escape my control? Aren't those people all gone away now?"


Su Miaohan said with a smile: "You don't have to say that. Although you can control it, I believe it must be very dangerous. You have to promise me that you will never take any risks in the future."

After finishing speaking, the smile disappeared and became quite serious, and then the whole body was attached to him.

Feeling the warmth brought by the body temperature of the beautiful woman in front of him, he immediately hugged her tightly and said: "I know, I will definitely not take risks in the future, and I am also reluctant to die."

(End of this chapter)

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