Chapter 1324 Obedient

She wrinkled her nose and looked at Ning Feng resentfully.

"Who do you say you hate?"

Ning Feng was about to turn over and press up, as if he was going to continue fighting.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door directly outside, "Palace Master, people from the Blue Blood family want to see you."

The voice came so abruptly that he didn't react at all.He almost didn't hurt himself internally, but fortunately he was looking for him now, if he looked for him halfway, the consequences would be even worse.

"Your sister."

Ning Feng gritted his teeth and said.Delay my big event!
Su Miaohan gave him a blank look, pushed him aside, and said, "Hurry up and get down to business. The business is important, so hurry up, I'll wait for you here." When she spoke, there was still some smile in her eyes.

There is a hint of temptation in these smiles.

Her beauty is considered to be the first in Haicheng, and this look is charming, and it is full of countless temptations, which made him unable to help but feel flustered.

"Then you wait for me, let's continue at night."

After speaking, he kissed her lightly on the lips, and then quickly put on his clothes.

Then help her put on the clothes slowly.

Now she seems to be doing it on purpose, lying there and not getting up at all, she is completely waiting for Ning Feng to put it on for her, she seems to enjoy this feeling very much.

Ning Feng enjoyed this feeling even more.

After all, the feeling of dressing a beautiful woman is even more crooked. She is so relaxed today.

If it wasn't for the urging from outsiders again, he definitely wouldn't be able to leave.

"Wait for me."

Ning Feng kissed her, and shouted to the outside: "Isn't it just a blue-blooded family, why don't you urge him to go to the side hall." It's just a blue-blooded family, and even the Sea Shark Palace looked down on him back then. Not to mention the current Sea Shark Palace.

The current Sea Shark Palace is someone who can stand up to the upper four sects, and a blue-blooded family can't even look down on them.

Dare to slaughter them before, let alone now.

"Ah—the other party is from a blue-blooded family, so it's not appropriate to go to the side hall?"

This guy knows something, so I'm still a little nervous about him.After all, the power of the blue blood family is still very famous, and with that fame, he has a little respect for the blue blood family.

But after hearing Ning Feng's words now, he was a little surprised.But more proud, proud.

"Bullshit is inappropriate. Some foreigners are not qualified to enter the main hall. Some self-righteous people dare to be so arrogant, let them wait."

These guys interrupted their own good deeds, and even planned to sneak attack on themselves, which really gave them face.Still want to enter the main hall?There are no doors.Besides, you were a deadly enemy before, and you want to be polite to yourself?There are no doors.

Besides, he and Su Miaohan had been messing around in the main hall for so long just now, it's not appropriate to let them in, it's better to go to the side hall.

Pushing open the door and going out, he said to the man, "Go and call the man."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in walking towards the side hall.

Ning Feng sat in the side hall indifferently, this blue-blooded family had nothing to fear at all.As long as they don't lose both sides, they are just a group of small ants and nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, the blue blood family mainly focuses on mental attacks.

But now their pharmacists and weapon refiners have not lost at all, and they absolutely crush them in terms of mental power.

He knew that the blue blood family would definitely be dissatisfied, because they now feel that they are very good.In fact, they themselves also feel that it is inappropriate to directly occupy the Sea Shark Palace now.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to find someone to come to peace talks now.

But his current strength doesn't matter anymore, he is just a person who has taken care of himself.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth twitched. Although the blue-blooded family doesn't care, the Heigl family can find out.The reason why they have such a strong tone must be because of this Heigl family.

Suddenly, there were some loud noises outside.

"I don't agree, why let us be in the side hall, this is not in accordance with the rules."

A person shouted outside.This person's voice is very loud, is it obvious that he is listening to him on purpose?Express your dissatisfaction.

Clearly they felt slighted and were very reluctant.They are members of the noble blue blood family, and they have the backing of the Heigl family, how could they be so neglected?It's so impolite.

"I want to have a good theory with your sect masters. I'm going to the main hall and let your palace master come to see me in person. I'm not satisfied. You are so unreasonable now. I'm going to the main hall."

They were obviously extremely arrogant. After all, the Blue Blood family believed that they must have suffered heavy losses after a major battle, so they came here with considerable arrogance.

But after he came in, not only did they not greet him, but they directly arranged him to the side hall.This is an insult to them.

The blue blood family is a noble family, how could it be possible to be insulted like this.

"Grandma, give him face back." Ning Feng could hear the other party's voice in the side hall, and rushed outside with a burst of mental strength.


The guy who was still making a fuss flew straight out and bled from his orifices, looking at Piandian in panic.

A voice came from the side hall.

"Whatever is arranged for you is what you want. If you dare to make any more noise, I will kill you. Is a small family like the Blue Blood family worthy of my reception in the main hall? See you if you want to see me, and get out if you don't want to see me. If you delay my business, I will return it Your face is off."

The voice was very full of energy, without saying a word, it made the man's heart tremble.

What kind of spiritual power is this?It's really too threatening.And that mental power is even more terrifying.

In the face of these spiritual powers, he didn't have the slightest strength to resist, and those powers were even more terrifying than the power of their patriarch.

That's the eighth level of spiritual power, and the strength naturally doesn't need to be talked about by others, this is the most powerful power.

Not to mention him, even on the entire earth, all the people who showed it don't have this kind of strength.

At least Ning Feng hadn't been afraid of anyone except those hidden old guys.

Not to mention a messenger, even if everyone from the Blue Blood family came in, I wouldn't be afraid.

Now the envoy of a small blue blood family still wants to negotiate with him?Are they that qualified?

How dare you threaten yourself, really think that your strength is the best in the world?If you think you have the backing of the Heigl family, you think you are also the Heigl family?
(End of this chapter)

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