Chapter 1335 Don't Be Angry
What should we do in this situation?Do we still have to fight?
Heigl looked at the current situation and was a little confused.

Didn't the Sea Shark Palace send him here to compromise?Is it to choke with yourself?What is the difference between going on like this and going to war directly?

It doesn't make any sense at all.

At this time, a person came out from behind, held Ajie and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, we are here to solve the problem, not to quarrel."

The man looked at the other side and said, "You two, we want to discuss a solution today. Is it right? I don't think it's getting too early today. Shall we continue talking tomorrow?"

When he said this, he directly gave a very good step.

The man from the Blue Blood family also nodded, and said to him, "Okay, let's rest first, we can talk about it tomorrow."

They arranged housing for these people.

In fact, this stronghold is not very big, with more than 30 people, it is still very crowded.Especially when these people are members of the mission.At least two people should share a room, right?It's too bad to live.

So the best house was vacated for them to live in.

In the room, the man from the Blue Blood family held back his anger, looked at Heigl and said, "These people are too deceitful."

"But so what?"

Heigl said: "I didn't expect them to send such a person. There is really no trick at all. They are all crooked tricks, and I don't even know what they think."

"No matter what they think, as long as they send an envoy, they must be ready to make up. They don't plan to continue fighting." The man from the Blue Blood family said to him.

"And the person who stopped him today must have been sent by Ning Feng to guard him, because he was afraid that the conversation would collapse. So the next thing must be the price we have to pay."

"You said they were bargaining today?" Heigl looked at him and said.

"Well." The man from the Blue Blood family said: "Don't look at the fact that Sea Shark Palace can't afford it now, neither can we. So it depends on who can't support it now, but I think we should make some concessions, at least Let's stand firm. Although this place is a small stronghold, it is very convenient to attack various places from this place. It is very close to the Sea Shark Palace, and when our people arrive, it will be easy to destroy the Sea Shark Palace."

They don't plan to stay here for a lifetime, and they will start after the follow-up power arrives.

"How long until they arrive?" he said to him.The news has been sent back before, and now they are mobilizing the surrounding forces to prepare to come.

Huaxia is a piece of cake that they have ordered for a long time, and they finally tore a hole.Now, of course, no matter what, I won't let it go easily.

"This time, the elites around are being transferred, and the speed should be very fast. It will arrive in two days at the latest. After the round, we don't need to be afraid of them at all. Now we just need to hold this guy, even if it is a delay." If you can't stop, you can pretend to agree to their conditions, and then you will get back the principal with interest."

The man said with a smile.

"The other party is not stupid, what if he finds a problem and flees back to report it?" He still said nervously.

Although they can still hide their power, there are people from Sea Shark Palace here.The people in the Sea Shark Palace are not so easy to deal with. If they are prepared in advance, it is really difficult for them to succeed.

"So now I plan to let people surround them, and then wait until the opportunity is ripe to kill them together."

He gritted his teeth.

"The opponent is not weak at all." Heigl frowned. "The strength needed to kill them is not weak. Even if you want to surround them, it will be very troublesome."

"Take off all the surrounding protection, and withdraw inside to monitor them." The man from the Blue Blood family gritted his teeth and said.

"Isn't it appropriate?" Heigl frowned and said, "If we do this, it will put us in various dangers."

"Even if the protection is removed, then she will really become an exposed little beauty, and she will definitely be spotted by many old hooligans around."

The man from the Blue Blood family shook his head, and said to him: "Don't worry, these small forces around will not be our opponents at all. And they will withdraw for two days at most. The only thing we need to worry about is the Sea Shark Palace, but they are now But you are negotiating with Zai, so do we have anything to worry about?
Now at this time, don't worry about those things anymore, you need to give it a go. "

"Well, I think it's okay." Heigl said to him: "As far as I know, the owner of the Sea Shark Palace seems to have suffered some injuries, and now he is looking for medicine everywhere, so he probably doesn't have time to take care of us. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." After he finished speaking, he withdrew.

After Heigl left, he said to the inside, "Come out."

A skinny man came out and said, "This man's mind is not right, so you can't trust him."

"Of course." He said to him: "After all, it is not a power, and he is still thinking about them, but this is really the only way to do this."

"I have some doubts." The skinny man said: "The Lord of the Sea Shark Palace was injured as soon as these missions came here, isn't it too unexpected?"

"It's not surprising." Heigl waved his hand and said, "He was injured when he played against Shangsimen that day, but there was no one in charge in the Sea Shark Palace at that time, and he had been dealing with the affairs. Because The injury broke out, so he had to retreat to practice. And I understand that they still have half a month to recover, this is our chance."

"Is the news reliable?"


He nodded and said: "Actually, the Sea Shark Palace has been severely damaged now. I am not worried at all. What I am worried about is the blue-blooded family. This time, they occupied this place without my consent. The timing is very good. , but without my consent. I think these people are hard to control."

"Especially when those people come, it's even worse. Most of the people who come this time are from the blue blood family, and our people still have to slow down."

"No way, there are a lot of controls here, and there are so many forces, it's not easy." The thin man said: "But we still have to cooperate with them now, we don't have any foundation in China. "

"I know." Heigl said, "It's always right to be wary of them."

(End of this chapter)

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